hobby phone & other

realized i need to tighten up my game plan.

can anyone give me the 411 on a hobby phone? i got some info on a gmail phone number (and actually have one) but i can't figure out if i am supposed to be able to make outgoing calls with this or if i just give out the phone number and have it forwarded to my phone so i am answering incoming calls. also, texting is uber convenient and i can't tell if i should be texting from this g-phone number.

is it a whole hell of a lot easier to get some kind of pre-paid phone and use that?

clue me in please. also happy to hear other safety tips.

AsianLayla's Avatar
I think you need a pin to make phone calls out
Google voice is in and outgoing just check your settings to make sure you have the GV number displaying on caller ID . It's also voicemail and your text messaging . Only way for it to be truly hobby is to have your phone be a phone not in your name though . If your forwarding phone is in your name you would be vulnerable to LE . But not hobby crazies .
thanks very much guys.

i am reasonably savvy but what are the mechanics of this. i mean, i know i get onto the web page to set my settings but what are the mechanics of making an outgoing call or text message?

am i logging onto the google website and placing an outgoing phone call or sending an outgoing text message?

also, is there a fast and easy way to get a bona fide hobby phone not in my name if i was inclined?
Once you've created account , log on . Then once the phone keyboard comes up , bookmark it ( that way you can direct access it ) . Once your on the keyboard screen there's a tools icon / that is where your settings are / you have to choose the right way to display number . Otherwise you recieve calls on number you gave out , but when you call it gives a number that google uses to forward - instead of your GV # that you want to display . Once you've done this any time you enter the bookmarked spot it's the same as any other phone . Your voicemail and text is there also .
Walmart sells Straight Talk phones you can sign up not usinig your real name . There's other Brands also just find a smart phone that you don't have to use real name , address , or a credit card to sign up .
thanks gents, ladies.

much appreciate it.