New here,ready for friends

Avagrant's Avatar
Hi everyone I live in SD and new to this site a lot to read and trying to figure how to post a thread . Love to say hi..send me a hello AVA GRANT XOXO
James1588's Avatar
Hello, Ava Grant! Based on the evidence, you've figured out how to start a thread. And, yes, there's a huge amount to read, but no need to hurry. Most of it's pretty worthless anyway.

You know, I used to set out every day to read the whole internet. Bad idea. I figured out after a while that the Internet Corporation changes the damn thing faster than anybody can read it anyway. So now, I've relaxed, and I just try to keep up with one or two little tiny corners of it.

Have a great week!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Hello and welcome to the group Ava. xoxoxo
Avagrant's Avatar
So is this where I post I am avalible ? How many can you do a day ? Ty for saying hello..
Avagrant's Avatar
Thanks all for the kind intro…hope to chat soon..
James1588's Avatar
So is this where I post I am avalible ? How many can you do a day ? Ty for saying hello.. Originally Posted by Avagrant
A pleasure "talking" with you, for sure.

No, this forum is for introducing yourself, as you did. Advertising is done in your local-area forum, where there will be subforums called "Provider Ads" and "The Weekend Lineup." I'm not familiar with the rules governing advertising (for the obvious reason). Normally, you'd PM the moderator for your local forum with such questions.

Good luck, and have fun!
bamatide's Avatar