All AMP's are evil and engage in human trafficking and modern day slavery.

Treetop78759's Avatar
The AMP'S are highly organized and typically run by business-savvy dudes from China. Every single one in the Austin area is part of a vast network of human trafficking across the country. It probably looks like a power grid.

Massage parlor owners recruit women from China by offering them jobs that DON'T involve prostitution. But that is bullshit. Once they arrive in the states and committed to repaying $25,000 and start work they are forced to provide sexual acts. I don't have any evidence so this is only speculation. I really think that all AMP gals were forced to do FS for a long period of time before they promoted to just an L1 provider.

We are familiar with how they rotate gals and we think it's for obvious reasons. To supply AMP'S across the country with fresh new faces. Perhaps to send a superstar to a struggling location. That is also a bunch of bullshit.

The main reason they are constantly sent from one location to another is so they never get the chance to get to know another gal. They never get a chance to build trust with anyone. Why? To keep them powerless.To keep them walking on eggshells 24/7. That's fucking evil to do that to anyone. Especially someone 8,000 miles from their friends and famiy. Kind of reminds me of the battered women who can't escape. And before someone says they can all escape that too is BS. Some can't.

Massage gals live on site. They get cell phones but are not allowed to personally own one. Again, to control them. Even the ones we refer to as Tier I (top 3 to 5). Even the #1 place in Austin. Trust me. I know more about that business then I should.

The gals also have to pay around $1,000 a month for rent. I bet the owners of DT are getting $6,000 in just rent. That place might be $1,200 per month. Angela (not her real name) is not the owner and they are not a stand alone AMP. They are just a circuit in a vast network. D&T is a big time trafficker.

On a side note, we often joke about how they like to eat but it stinks really bad. They cook their because they have to but it is also one way for them to feel somewhat normal. Just something as basic as that. It makes me want to puke knowing I helped these places profit at the gals expense.

Even I used to whine about how we artificially inflated the tips but guess what? Do you really think that the gal gets the $60 to $100 you tip? They don't. They might keep 50% if they are lucky after tipping out the house mom, security, the regional bosses etc. Still sound like a bunch of money? Then subtract their rent and brokerage fees and their isn't much left.

I asked myself why can't these places be taken down on a national basis under RICO or some other statue. It's very simple. They are smart, very well organized, the owners are all lawyered up and the gals don't talk.

Just FYI. The gals are not licensed. Not even our Tier I ladies. Most speak no or very little English and can't pass a state test. I don't think many of the establishments have anyone licensed on staff because that's usually what they get busted for.

I know of a way that might work. In fact, something similar happened a couple of months ago. Someone could call their landlord. I really think that is the easiest way. I think they would evict them on just having people live there. Many are very close to schools. Even Sakura and Lakecreek. They would still pop back up but it would work in the short run.

I will continue to post to this thread as I learn more but make no doubt about it. If you go to an AMP you are supporting human trafficking and basically slavery. I will never go to another one again.

I'm sure they already know who I am but I don't really give a crap. Bring it on! lol. I'm not scared of them because that's a non violent industry. They only hurt females.

They will never get the "Life is a sugar cookie" line. They don't qualify.

P.S. - Sorry grammer police. I typed this on my cell phone and didn't proof. Life is a sugar cookie so blow me.
russellevans's Avatar
RIP treetop

I'm sure a guy who pays for handys can take down their operation with your astute problem solving. I doubt their vast network has dealt with someone who's coined the phrase "life is a sugar cookie" taking aim at them.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I said it MIGHT work. I never said that I was going to do it.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
RIP treetop

I'm sure a guy who pays for handys can take down their operation with your astute problem solving. I doubt their vast network has dealt with someone who's coined the phrase "life is a sugar cookie" taking aim at them. Originally Posted by russellevans
I know you don't like me but this is the funniest shit I've read in co-ed in a long time. I'm fukkin scream laughing.
Why do you pretend to have insider knowledge? Lmao its so innacurate as well you really have NO IDEA what is going on. I have actually DATED more than ONE of these "victims" you speak of from the "#1 place" as in seen them outside, dinner, sight seeing around town, even visited in Cali. Would a "slave" be permitted to do that? Shit one of them even paid for a meal while I was in the bathroom just to be sweet. You are actually the most hypocritical person ever considering you have financed these "evil organizations"

Also inb4 you call me a shill or something lololo ignorant fear mongering loser pretending to be "in the know" but actually clueless. Newsflash bro, this is 2017. Korea and China are developed countries. Not a single girl that works here in Austin is a "slave" and that is just a FACT. If they wanted to quit they could do so at any time and many do, but just like the rest of us for is the motive ^_- so plz pipe down
FirePhoenix's Avatar
To yolo to say that all amp women are NOT part of a sex trafficking to completely is untrue. In fact there is a rise in the sex tracking and human slave trafficking due Austin's rising population. If you what to look for this fact is obvious. Again not All amp's are part of the trafficking,but then again neither are all nail solans involved with the issue. In every trade there is the good,the bad, and there greedy.
Did I say they werent "sex trafficking"? You yourself are also "sex trafficking" technically. I said they arent enslaved. Read more type less plz.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-22-2017, 07:06 AM
To yolo to say that all amp women are NOT part of a sex trafficking to completely is untrue. In fact there is a rise in the sex tracking and human slave trafficking due Austin's rising population. If you what to look for this fact is obvious. Again not All amp's are part of the trafficking,but then again neither are all nail solans involved with the issue. In every trade there is the good,the bad, and there greedy. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
Absolutely true. And not just for Arizona. To assume all ladies at AMPs are trafficed is foolish and wrong. But to assume none of them are is foolish, wrong, and dangerous.

Yolo, I am glad you found a good, untrafficed one. But she is not representative of all of them. There used to be a very vocal poster on TER (a mod for a while) who pitched the same message as you are telling. Much more vocally and more often. Until several raids on AMPs uncovered guns, drugs, and women kept in cells.

As is almost always the case, reality is not found at either 0% nor 100%.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Yolo, I am NOT sex trafficked. Oh boy,everyone's perceptions on any single topic can be so mind boggling or just give me a headache. Just depends on the day.
I hope the moderators look at this carefully. Treetop and Firefox are dangerous
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-22-2017, 07:27 AM
Did I say they werent "sex trafficking"? You yourself are also "sex trafficking" technically. I said they arent enslaved. Read more type less plz. Originally Posted by Yoloswagginz
Check the definition of sex traffick. It is NOT the same as sex worker.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-22-2017, 07:31 AM
I hope the moderators look at this carefully. Treetop and Firefox are dangerous Originally Posted by Looking for you
Elaborate, please. TT might be a clown, but what is dangerouse about their posts? Unless you have financial interest in AMPs.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Looking for you, why would you say something like that? Btw, my name if Firephoenix.
Treetop has apparently found religion, or has been rejected by his favorite amp girls to be their boyfriend and have sex with him, he now committed to fabricating stories that he has no proof of. I know several amp girls outside the spa. Absolutely bullshit.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-22-2017, 01:08 PM
I am glad the AMP ladies you have met have been good ones, working there voluntarily.

But just as TT has no proof that 100% are trafficked, YOU have no proof that 0% are trafficked. Sadly, many ladies are.

I did notice that almost all your posts deal with AMPs. Not sure that makes you completely unbiased on tbis topic.