photos - face or no face

  • Duke
  • 08-13-2011, 02:27 PM
Should a provider put her face in her online photos?

I realize this is a personal preference.

The reason I am asking the question is I am about to do a photo shoot for a lady who is relatively new to the board, has a full time job, and a child.

It seems to me face photos are more risky for outing. On the other hand some men may pass without a face.

I reasonable compromise seems to be to have face photos to email out.

Let the conversation of pluses and minuses begin.
As a potinual client, Of course I want to see everything including her face before hand. I also understand the reality of some women not wanting to show their face. As long as there is some way for me to see what she really looks like before a session, I am OK with that.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Once a face photo is shared, it is forever on the internet.

texesescorts has photos that many ladies wish they had never posted and they pretty much refuse to remove them.

One suggestion I remember reading is to NEVER have a nude photo with your face. Simply have a black and white head shot like you would for a model's portfolio and then make sure any nude shots do not include anything unique that would readily identify you to anyone like a former spouse.

of course as guys we want to see tits and ass and most of us prefer to see the stomach to see just how prevalent any mommie marks are. But no need to have your face in those shots.

Birthmarks, unique tit tats, or even tattoos in an exact location that someone could say is you are all bad.
either way is fine.I can get a good idea of her face from comments in reviews. I respect the ladies right to not show their face. I haven't been disappointed yet.
Iaintliein's Avatar
This, has to be her decision. It is more of a challenge (and a lot less fun) to get several interesting photos without the face showing, but she has to be 100% comfortable.
From a provider standpoint, it doesn't really make a difference. I've done both, and have actually done better (and I'm happier) semi-UTR. It all depends on the type of client she is trying to attract. There is a huge difference in the guys who prefer low-key ladies, as opposed to high-volume or maximum exposure type of ladies. That's really the only difference, from my experience.
Eklutna's Avatar
Guys are all about the body, so if there is not face photo then there should be really good body photos.
timothe's Avatar
Guys are all about the body, so if there is not face photo then there should be really good body photos. Originally Posted by Eklutna
I disagree....somewhat. I generally won't respond to ads that don't include a face photo. (unless their reviews confirm their face is worth seeing) My thought is..."what are you hiding?" I will also avoid seeing someone who doesn't provide a clear view of their body in their ads...and for the same reason.

I think this is one of the reasons I end up at AMPs so often. If see someone who is not attractive to me at an AMP, I can get a lineup. With an indie...I'm stuck with her unless I walk out...which is rare for me.
  • Duke
  • 08-13-2011, 09:56 PM

Thanks for your response. I would like to hear from other providers on this topic.


Showing her face will not make her any more or less successful, it will just make her more or less 'out there'. Dannie is correct in that it is about who she is trying to meet. There are men that are outspoken, feel free enough to post on boards such as this on a regular basis. Some maybe feel as if they do not have much to lose (or much at risk) outside their perceived dollar value and effort spent.

Then there is an abundant group of gentleman that you rarely, if ever, see post on boards such as this. They strongly feel as though they have a ton to lose. These men seek discretion out as equally as looks. Many live by the philosophy that if a lady is more private with her own persona that she is more likely to be more private with their information as well. They value this privacy as highly as they value the honesty in what we do share.

It takes all kinds which means she will do fine either way. She just needs to decide how 'out there' she is willing to be because the internet is forever.
There are men that are outspoken, feel free enough to post on boards such as this on a regular basis. Some maybe feel as if they do not have much to lose (or much at risk) outside their perceived dollar value and effort spent.

Then there is an abundant group of gentleman that you rarely, if ever, see post on boards such as this. They strongly feel as though they have a ton to lose. These men seek discretion out as equally as looks. Many live by the philosophy that if a lady is more private with her own persona that she is more likely to be more private with their information as well. They value this privacy as highly as they value the honesty in what we do share.

It takes all kinds which means she will do fine either way. She just needs to decide how 'out there' she is willing to be because the internet is forever. Originally Posted by Elysa Scott

I totally agree! I also feel I have plenty to lose; therefore, I dont show my face, ubber careful about screening, and I respect my clients right to privacy. If you won't tell, I surely won't!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't show my face because one day, I've really considered going back into the workforce (teaching) and that would be career suicide. But with the few photoshoots that I took with Meeshee last year, she shows enough of the side of my face to be a bit scary for me, but also ... it does give a hint of the way that I look.

I know that it has probably cost me business by not showing my face but I don't mind. I'm not photogenic anyway and a lot of what I offer is personality. I freely admit that I'm not eye candy but I do have a unique "something" that guys tend to like.

If I were a guy, and if I were I'd be banging every single women that I could get my hands on, I would be fine with the chase and guessing her looks. I would, personally, be fine with a woman wishing to be more discreet.

And I would respect boundaries. That may sound like a female thing to write and state, but I do have a little bit of a male's eye when it comes to sexuality.

This is a good question and one that has been bantered about a lot in the past. I know men are visual creatures. But they have NOTHING to lose by wanting to see, and demand seeing, a face.

We have EVERYTHING to lose. So I never recommend it if someone asks.

pmdelites's Avatar
we all like different things and have different viewpoints on this, all valid.

some guys, not all, want to see everything before hand.
some guys, not all, dont care what her face or body looks like.
some guys, not all, care about the face, less so the body.
some guys, not all, care about the body, less so the face.
some guys, not all, only care about the breasts.
and all variations and combinations in between and at the extremes.

i dont have to see everything, but i dont want to be surprised by face or body or breasts or rear end. and, because i take chances in this sub-culture, i have been with several providers in dallas and elsewhere whose apprearance surprised me and not in a pleasant way.
for examples,
* breasts that were so big and misshapened, that they turned me off.
* a rear end that was sooo big, it turned me off.
* a face that was just not attractive to me at all - her features were way different from what i liked. plus her session was lackluster.
* a stomach that undulated and had so many vertical and horizontal scars that it was not pleasant for me to look at it.

and when those encounters were over, i pulled up my boots, left the session and knew i wouldnt return to consult with her. i didnt whine about it, give her shit about, tell others that she was the ugliest woman i'd ever consulted with, etc. i just moved on. if anyone ever asked me about the woman in question, i told them a polite answer.

but i agree w/ lazurus, if she is going to show her face, do it fully clothed or just a head shot [one of the women i consulted w/ in NYC did head shots - and she was an off-off-off broadway actress!].

each of us, men and women, have to decide what we want and would like wrt photos.
AND accept that others might make different decisions about photos.

besides, how many guys would want their bodies and faces showing up on eccie or elsewhere?? like mine! :^)

that'll be me tomorrow morning hitching a ride to Washington National airport to head home to dallas.
i'll take the dallas heat and dallas women over unsure clients who had to have me here to work with them and then dilly dallied all week. at least they're paying me to do some work at the hotel :^)
TinMan's Avatar
Every time I am asked this question by a provider, I tell her "no". You don't know where life will take you and you don't want your stay here to bite you in the ass.

It wouldn't be nearly the issue it is for some guys if it weren't for reviews that give the wrong impression about a woman's looks. I happened to run across an old one this morning where the woman was compared to a movie star when in fact she is far from it. If guys would stop with the superlatives and stick to the facts, maybe there wouldn't be so much pressure for women to put their futures at risk.
berkleigh's Avatar
My face and photos sell.

Honesty, some family and friends know.

I have no one to answer to therefore it doesn't bother me.