Advertisements on ECCIE Banner

Everyday when I peruse Eccie, I become curious as to all the ads bannered.

Anyone ever utilize those ?

" Bang my Girlfriend, One Noght Stand, Single Mom$, College Girl$, Bored Wives, Fuckbook ".

I have linked to those for pure curiousity but won't join for any number of reasons. And I do understand they help finance our beloved board.

All pay for play I assume.

Experiences ?
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-10-2012, 11:35 AM
Never... unless I accidentally click one of the fucking extra million tabs at the top. I use adblock, so I don't see the banners anymore.
Never... unless I accidentally click one of the fucking extra million tabs at the top. I use adblock, so I don't see the banners anymore. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Ditto. Not only is Ze smart but she's also sexxay.
JohnJohn's Avatar
Yep, been using Adblock+ and haven't seen an ad in a long time.