Another big event, Bernie Sanders will thrust himself into the jaws of the media machine hated by all Democrats, Fox News. And ironically he's doing it on tax day, April 15. As Sanders readily admitted during his 2016 campaign for president, if you vote for him and he's elected, your taxes are going to go way up, no matter if you're rich or poor.
You have to give him credit for honesty.
When it comes to common sense, not so much.
There was an article in the Wall Street Journal last week, All Bernie's Socialists, about his senior advisers. You have to subscribe to read but here are some highlights,
His speechwriter David Sirota wrote an op-ed for Salon in 2013 titled "Hugo Chavez's Economic Miracle" that praised Chavez's "full-on nationalization" of businesses. And Chavez's "grand experiment with more aggressive redistribution" that we in the USA should learn much from. [Translation: if we make everybody destitute so they're scrambling for food to survive, they'll be more equal.]
Mr. Sanders’ political director, Analilia Mejia, spent part of her childhood in Venezuela and told the Atlantic in 2016 that “it was better to live on poverty-level wages in a shantytown in Venezuela than on a garment-worker’s salary in Elizabeth, New Jersey.”
His senior policy adviser Heather Gautney also was a big fan of Chavez's nationalization of private industry. She also believes that our "neoliberal capitalist system has become utterly incompatible with the requisites of democratic freedom.” She's a big fan of the U.S. Occupy movement, which "should be understood as an act of repossession in which persons or groups take back what was once common.” [Editorial Comment: She apparently believes a Marxist/Leninist dictatorship is superior to what we have now.]
Claire Sandberg,national organization director for his campaign, heaps praise on Jeremy Corbyn for proposing to nationalize UK railways.
"Mr. Sanders isn’t a gadfly on the fringes of the Democratic Party. He’s a leading candidate for its presidential nomination, and these are the people who would staff his White House. Voters need to understand that they don’t merely admire Venezuela. By their own words, they want America to emulate it."
People risking their money on currently put Sanders as the front runner for the Democratic nomination, with a 21% probability of becoming the nominee.