P411 "okay" criteria?

I couldn't really find a lot of info on this. Up until recently I've relied on eccie provider reviews to serve as references. Then I got a P411 account and asked for some "okays" from providers that I've seen. One of them I had given an honest review of, and I gave her a "Maybe" as far as seeing her again. I paid the rate and there wasn't anything unusual or "bad" behavior-wise on the part of either of us. I had texted her just to confirm that should could okay me, and she confirmed my userID here one eccie and I never got the okay. Is there some sort of criteria that a provider should follow in order to provide the okay? I feel sort of jaded that I did my part and didn't do anything bad during our appointment. I feel like I'm not getting the okay because I gave the review a "Maybe". Thoughts?
I had the same thing happen to me, and was told that no provider is obligated to give an ok nor so they need a reason to deny one.
@ Awww Skydiver I am sorry this happened to you honey. I mean if you really did nothing bad, and only gave a maybe on the review she may have just taken it in an offensive way, who know's, however I do agree if you earned an okay it should have been given to you. Hopefully, you will not run into anymore problems like this, and ^5 on getting a P411 account congrats!!!
KenMonk's Avatar
It supposed to mean if the gentlemen is safe, paid, and didn't hurt or abuse the lady. However, it would also extend to if he was pushy, an asshole, unclean, shorted her, etc... Fact is this is a largly reference based business, which ladies do fail to realize at times, and each lady has the right to not provide an okay for whatever reason.
Then I got a P411 account and asked for some "okays" from providers that I've seen. Originally Posted by skydiver
How did you ask the provider for the OK?
Through Email? PM's? or from P411?

On every providers P411 Profile, about in the middle of the page, there is a link that say's: CLICK HERE TO REQUEST A PROVIDERS OK

If you did click on the link and the provider say's NO,
Send a link of review to GINA, along with your reason why you think you deserve one.

hope this helps you,
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 07-07-2012, 05:19 PM
I haven't seen a gal who has explicitly said no to a request for an OK. But there are way too many gals who just sit on it and sit on it and then sit on it some more. I think they get some sort of credits for giving OK and they probably have a quota. Gotta be something like that for gals to consistently exhibit the same behavior. Hope some of the gals can weigh in on this.

It supposed to mean if the gentlemen is safe, paid, and didn't hurt or abuse the lady. However, it would also extend to if he was pushy, an asshole, unclean, shorted her, etc.. Originally Posted by KenMonk
I'm always on my very best behavior during my visits.
KenMonk's Avatar
I am the same way. I am respectful and nice even if they are mean and bitchy to me, which has happened a few times. It is what it is but I wouldnt take any of it personal.
pyramider's Avatar
You usually have to pay extra for the mean and bitchy sessions.
How did you ask the provider for the OK?
Through Email? PM's? or from P411? Originally Posted by Copierguy0
I sent the Request for OK through the link on P411. I also texted her and asked for an okay. There were a few texts and her last text said, "skydiver from eccie?" and that was it. During the course of the previous texts I hadn't said my eccie handle, so she must have figured it out somehow. I wouldn't even doubt that she somehow got to read the review (even though technically she's not supposed to be able to). Like someone else said, this is a highly referenced based business. If some providers want to see Basic + whatever number, then I think it's only fair to get an okay when it should be deserved. It was a decent session, but in the totality of things, I'm not sure I'd go back. I paid the agreed fee, had a decent time, and was nothing but a gentleman during the session. I just don't think it's fair that a provider doesn't have to give an okay just because she doesn't feel like it. Otherwise, what's the point of having a P411 account in the first place?
Texasquest's Avatar
Im not accussing you of ANYTHING..But their are a lot of reasons why a provider may not want to give you an OK..They have as much right not to OK you ,as you do giving a NO review.And jusat as many reasons for doing so.Just because you paid your money and left her unharmed may not be enough reason to give an OK..this was talked about earlier in this thread..http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=486170

Just as a review is your perception of how things happened..an OK is the providers perception..and unfortunantly they arent always the same..
Dittychaser's Avatar
Would love to see Gina weigh in on this. My understanding is a provider can not refuse to give an OK for just any reason. I believe not giving an OK for a valid reason acceptable to Gina is grounds for suspending her account.
Would love to see Gina weigh in on this. My understanding is a provider can not refuse to give an OK for just any reason. I believe not giving an OK for a valid reason acceptable to Gina is grounds for suspending her account. Originally Posted by Dittychaser
I hope this is not the case. I much prefer the standard that Kaylee mentioned in an earlier thread, which is, and I paraphrase, "if I would see him again, then he's 'ok'". Just like hobbyists research and visit similar types of girls, why would this provider give one an "okay" if she, and you even said yourself, wouldn't want to see the other again, so other providers would see that you and she were "okay" together, and you end up having other "maybe" sessions. Makes no sense to me for either the hobbyists or providers for providers to be forced, under fear of suspension, to have to "okay" anybody they would rather not to for any reason.
Would love to see Gina weigh in on this. My understanding is a provider can not refuse to give an OK for just any reason. I believe not giving an OK for a valid reason acceptable to Gina is grounds for suspending her account. Originally Posted by Dittychaser

A Provider Okay is an Okay that is given to you after you have had an appointment with that Provider. In many cases when you are screened by a Provider she may ask if you have any Provider Okays. Once an Okay is given it will show up in this section.


Click on the Provider Name or Photo of the Provider you want to request an okay from. This will open her Preferred 411 web page.

Locate the link "Click Here to Request a Provider Okay" in the middle of the page. Click that link to bring up the Request Okay form. Please note that some providers do not accept email correspondence and this form may not be available. If the provider does accept emails then fill out the form and submit the request to the Provider. This will send her an email requesting that she log into the site to give you the okay.

Please Note: Only request a Provider Okay after your appointment with that provider.


Yes. Feel free to let other providers know that you have other Provider Okays in this system.

If you need further assistance with this section please contact us at: support@preferred411.com

This is the LINK to inquire about NO ok's & GINA will look into it.
GINA don't want/need any problem clients/providers.
A NO OK raises a Red Flag about one or the other.

No one ever need give an Okay they are not totally comfortable giving (and Okays can be retracted upon request). All we ask is that you shoot us a short note about your reason behind it, so we can keep an eye on things.

The only caveat is that providers who put requirements on their Okays, such as "must see me at least twice before I give the Okay" or "must post a review before I give the Okay", will get an eyeful from me about it. Okays are to be given to ALL P411 client who are "okay", if you didn't consider him to be okay, just shoot us a quick note about it! However, game-playing will not be tolerated.

In regards to allowing a short note in addition to the Okay, I would do this BUT only if the client could see what was said about him, and have the opportunity to post a short answer to the accusation. I would also allow providers to view the other comments that provider has written. Since this is an unpopular suggestion, I've not moved forward with the comments... but I still might, one day.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Till the provider responds we dont know, but I am sure Gina can get to the bottom of this if you like.
While you feel like you deserve an okay, I'm willing to bet she felt like she deserved a yes recommendation. She probably saw your review as something that could hurt her business and then you contact her about an okay. Not hard to see why she didn't give it.

If you're going to give a provider a no or maybe recommendation, it is probably best to not try to use them as refences, and if you do, get the okay BEFORE posting the review. Your behavior may have been okay during the session but she may have found it lacking afterwards. Since you just called her out and likely hurt her business again (it took less than 3 seconds to discover who you were talking about) I wouldnt hold my breath waiting for that okay.

I'm not saying you are wrong, I am just saying you need to understand human nature better.