All potential reasons for leaving permanently?

Pangolier's Avatar
I wanted to post this to get some feedback. As to underlying reason I'm curious, if I shared that publicly, I'm not sure most people would believe me, but if you'd like to private message me, you may.

So I thought to myself, in what kinds of scenarios would a woman ever say "No matter what my financial situation is, I will never see a customer again, period". What I came up was is below, and I was wondering if you all had anything else to contribute.

1. You met your financial goal. You opened that business, paid off that student loan, invested that one million into a portfolio, or found that 6 figure career at a conventional job.

2. You had a bad experience of significant magnitude. You got arrested, caught an STD, or experienced violence, etc...

3. You grew loyal to a partner. You got married, or otherwise found someone that gives you an aversion to having sex with others.

4. You hit retirement age. You are post menopausal or your body is signaling to you that this line of work is no longer ideal.

That's all I could really think of. And, if you were one of those girls who said you were getting out for good, then later went and saw someone, even if it was just one time, what was your reason for doing so?
You really want to open that can of whoop-ass?
Why do you care? Why they start and step away in no ones business but theirs. Seems a little creepy to me
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-06-2023, 09:43 PM
About #4, What is retirement age for a old hooker?
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I bet "5. Sick of the bullshit" would get some action on this...

So I thought to myself, in what kinds of scenarios would a woman ever say "No matter what my financial situation is, I will never see a customer again, period".

1. You met your financial goal. You opened that business, paid off that student loan, invested that one million into a portfolio, or found that 6 figure career at a conventional job.
Originally Posted by Pangolier

Contradiction in terms, right there.
  • pipe
  • 03-07-2023, 09:10 AM
You left out the most important one, DEATH. LOL!
Precious_b's Avatar
"a" customer or "another" customer?

Don't know if you mean specific one or all.
Menopause can have different effects on different women. Some lose their sex drive, but others actually have increased sex drive. There are some really hot 60+ women out there; Gracy is one example.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-07-2023, 06:45 PM
You left out the most important one, DEATH. LOL! Originally Posted by pipe
I had a good hookers die, she was a oldie but goodie
Menopause can have different effects on different women. Some lose their sex drive, but others actually have increased sex drive. There are some really hot 60+ women out there; Gracy is one example. Originally Posted by CatServant
Amen brother Gracy rocks the casbah
Do the terms, "third time offender" and "mandatory minimum sentencing" mean anything to you?

A certain provider on the Board that Shall Not Be Named bragged that she's spent more free time on the State of Texas than she has as a working girl. She's come back after multiple long absences and call it "hanging with the other ho's".
