Offensive or Funny?

Posted on the MLK holiday.

The classy folks in the Kansas City area, really got a kick out of this one.
Funny! Not real funny, mind you, but funny!
People do not need to be so uptight....relax and laugh a little.
Take me....I make fun of myself, laugh at myself and the things that I do all the time...I never take offense!
Its not fair to say the classy folks of KC, more like.....some of the people.

Myself, I did find it offensive, but wasn't about to start a "fight" or a debating war over it. More people found it offensive, just choose not to say anything. Sometimes not saying a word speaks volumes.
Budman's Avatar
Yea, it's funny.
I have a black step son (well, half black really) and there have been times when he comes over with a list of black jokes to share with us. And you know what? We laugh our asses off....even more so because he is is funny stuff!
Offensive? Maybe to you....but I don't think so.
I laugh at redneck jokes too. Call me tasteless, but I just enjoy cutting up and having a good harm is ment, and as long as everyone understands that no harm is ment, then the more fun you can have!

Just my 2 cents!
Dr. King's dream will never become a reality until his more rabid followers start reading or listening to his words rather than trying to turn the man into a symbol. The quickest way to lose a message is to deify its speaker, and there will never be peace and brotherhood among human beings until people stop clinging to their Holy Right to be Offended.
Naomi4u's Avatar
no comment.
Omahan's Avatar
You couldn't get a lynch mob started in the KC forums so you decided to drag it onto this forum. Yeah, real classy.

I like this one so much it's the background on my laptop.
Damn! That made me a little horny.

Dr. King's dream will never become a reality until his more rabid followers start reading or listening to his words rather than trying to turn the man into a symbol. The quickest way to lose a message is to deify its speaker, and there will never be peace and brotherhood among human beings until people stop clinging to their Holy Right to be Offended. Originally Posted by AngelOK
Cpalmson's Avatar
First off, it is not offensive-- then again I'm the "King" of non-political correctness.

Second, I don't see how it is funny either. Maybe I just don't get the joke.
Cpalmson's Avatar

I like this one so much it's the background on my laptop. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
Now, that is down right funny! I love it!!!!
LOL i get the Dreamcast thing. If you know what a Dreamcast is, the joke is very funny. saw that pic a few years ago. I do not see how it is offensive. Its play on words.
Gryphon's Avatar
Dr. King's dream will never become a reality until his more rabid followers start reading or listening to his words rather than trying to turn the man into a symbol. The quickest way to lose a message is to deify its speaker, and there will never be peace and brotherhood among human beings until people stop clinging to their Holy Right to be Offended. Originally Posted by AngelOK


But isn't it fun to irritate the chronically offended?
You couldn't get a lynch mob started in the KC forums so you decided to drag it onto this forum. Yeah, real classy. Originally Posted by Omahan
I see that the president of the Good Ole' Boys club, The Gentleman from the Great State of Nebraska, has shown up trying to save regional face, and yes i went to another forum because i've tired of talking to Neanderthals, "White Knights" - no pun intended, Toms, and Lackeys. An adage about "arguing with fools" comes to mind. And where I go, you will follow; i'm not a provider - i don't need a sponsor, so i'd appreciate it if you'd stop sniffing around my ass and go back to your castle - the lady awaits - oh wait - maybe it was her that you followed here. When i need a Disgruntled, Ineffective, Power-tripping "OooHH, I can give points!", Liability of an Ex-Moderator around, i'll give you a ring.

This is an international board, one that includes all of the southern states and other places with less than stellar human and civil rights records. On MLK day, a national holiday reserved to honor a man and message, KC's board was the ONLY board to ridicule it, and after stating how, "fully aware of how terrible this is BUT" the poster (Sillygirl) proceeded to post it anyway, so I inferred that it was meant to offend. So, Yes, I said classy, is jest, but backwards, classless, insensitive, and out of touch with the rest of the world is closer to the truth. Regardless to how funny the image/joke was, the timing and disclaimer made it even that more offensive. It's like telling a really funny "Jesus" joke to a Priest, in Church, on a Sunday - no -the only Sunday of the year.

And it did just as i said that it would: one classless joke leads to another classless joke, which leads to another classless joke, and all of the jokes pointed towards one particular race. It's a slippery slope - how far is too far - this is reason that companies and people who are subject to liability have zero tolerance policies. How long before the N-word jokes start flying about?

People are at ease with ill-humor especially if the object of the humor is a familiar one to them; it fine as long as it's making fun of the same kind of people that they make fun of.

The offender saying to the offendee, "don't be offended" means what...?