DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

Come on, let's finally get this stuff out in the open. BBFS (bareback full service or fucking without a condom) is it the kiss of death or the ultimate GFE?

Before we go any further, no names nor hints will be dropped. Don't like it, put me on ignore and move on to another thread. I don't want any PM's asking for more information, even from those who assume we are tight. It won't happen and any person who does this is wasting their time.

I'll never forget my first ever BBFS (BB for the rest of this post) session. I was with a lady in a hotel and we had done a lot of foreplay. I was on top and felt her slide her legs open, things just happened and it just slid in. My first thoughts were oh my God, what did I just do? I heard the song City of Brotherly Love from the end of the movie Philadelphia sang by Neil Young go off in my head. I mean I had just banged a super titted milf BB and at the time it was way beyond cool. I came deep in her twice. Of course when I got home I started doing computer searches (this was in 1999 so no google or any really good search engines) on how HIV was contacted. Looking at the government sites, I guess I was just given my death sentence, however there was a site called 'thebody.com' and it didn't give such bad news. I guess this is like a hurricane headed to our part of the world. One weatherman says Lake Charles and the other states Galveston. I choose to watch the weatherman who says Lake Charles.

One thing I got from thebody.com is that the chances of getting HIV from a HIV+ lady through vaginal intercourse with me being the insertive partner was 5/10,000 or 1/2,000. Of course lady luck could give me the finger and that 1/2,000 could happen on the very first.

I saw this lady several times and never once used a condom.

Let's see, at last count it was 23 different ladies from 3 countries and most were done on multiple occasions. Some were done many times.

How did it happen that I saw so many ladies BB? Hell, I don't know, to be completely honest, I really don't know. I can say this with complete truthfulness. I never asked, nor paid extra for BB. Most of the time, I was on my back, lady on top either kissing or giving me a BBBJ, then I kind of held them by their hands, as a manner that I was ready, then they just slipped me in. Some told me to let them know when I was getting close, while some others never said anything, but just rode hard.

One thing I did that worked was to turn off all the lights. After the room was dark we started in deep french kissing, then things just happened like a normal sexual intercourse between man/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend. Nothing like taking a girl into a big fancy hotel with a huge jacuzzi to get her to smiling and acting a bit playful. Condoms and a jacuzzi don't really work well together, but I've had covered sessions in a jacuzzi.

I guess that when I was seeing a lady for the first time it was a game within myself, will she or won't she. Awaiting for this answer was sometimes a high point in the session, till the bell rang.

On aspd and on costaricaticas there have been polls about BB sessions with intent. On all three (2 on aspd) the ratio was around 40-45% yes, 60-55% never had BB session.

OK, we've mentioned HIV, but there is other nasty bugs out there. Hepatitis C is one of them. In my frame of mind, once I made a two week period (clap or some other minor bug) without a dripping dick or hammering the wall as I piss. I was pretty secure things were OK.

Then again, there was the idea that I would get a call about some lady being LATE. I didn't really concern myself with that. Let's face it, any provider who gets pregnant and files a lawsuit against someone, well that provider would probably never work in said town again. Word would get out. Of course, the stud that I am, she was only BBing me. I don't think so. Yea, I heard it. Dear John was the only man that she went BB with. Hey, it sounds great and the ego loves it, but I only look dumb.

Who was doing all of this? Well, let's just say that they could be found. Some had reviews, some didn't have any reviews. Some were a paid session, others were sneaking off at a social. I won't go any further than that.

That was then, this is now. Somehow or another, I just feel the time is right to post this. I've not been in the hobby for over two years. One thing to note, I will compare blood tests with anybody, anywhere. I've had 3 full blood tests which included STD workups in the past 3 years, and it's been over 2 years since my last session. I can fly in and out of Costa Rica without being held at the airport (in other words, no kids).

I was in different state of mind at that time. Now, I put it at 99% I wouldn't go BB. It's like playing blackjack. Quality covered sessions were like getting a 20 against a dealers 19, while BB sessions were like getting an 11, doing a double down and getting a face card while the dealer gets a 19. Most of my hands have been winners, and I don't want to hit that one bad hand. Losing that final hand could be a critical loss.

It doesn't bother me if I heard a lady did BB sessions. I'm not going to post an alert about her doing BB. I do laugh when I think about someone I know had BB sessions, then one day he posted an alert about a backpage girl who may have been going BB. Fucking pot, kettle at it's worst.

One time I was reading many reviews of some new girl, all within about 2 months, and I knew she was doing the BB thing. One call to a close buddy of mine who had saw her verified what I thought. What I can't stand is this immature ewwwwwwwwwww, bareback is gross. Well, not to me. To me, as long as it's a choice between partners, it is one of the most natural things as adults can do. If you don't want to take a chance of getting some ewwwwwwwwww cum in you, then flip burgers at Mickey D's. Shit happens, condoms break, condoms slip off. What shouldn't be tolerated is some guy doing the doggy with a girl, then taking the condom off, then slipping back in. IMHO, that is either rape or almost rape.

My last BB session was a lady testing me out. I failed, but later she told me I really didn't stand a chance. No shit. This was about 3 years ago.

Yes, I have turned down BB sessions. I've had a few bar ladies ask me if I wanted protection, all were answered with an absolute yes.

My feeling right now is this. To both the men and ladies. Handle every session is the you know the person is with is BBing someone. Then it's on each other what happens.

I'm in the very twilight of this hobby stuff. I'm pretty much done having sessions as I've moved to other things I enjoy doing. I just felt this was the proper time to post something of such an intimate nature.

I also realize I'm putting myself out on the line, probably no help will be coming in this thread. Most will probably take some cheap shots, call me stupid, or whatever. Like I care what some anonymous person that doesn't know the real me thinks. The ones who agree or feel that they understand what I'm posting will be the ones who won't reply.

Just know this, Dear John isn't the real me.

Yes, as I stated, the time is right for this post.

Big Joe's Avatar
blowpop's Avatar
Bravo, DJ. It was about time that this was said. And you said it all, with perfect timing, as always.
While I support the right of consenting adults to swap diseases or do whatever else gets their rocks off I think that your post comes off like a persuasive essay for the alleged joys of barebacking providers.

I know you wrote that you don't agree with guys that slip the condom off but then you also state "well they slip sometimes and if you don't like it then go flip burgers"... My concern is that you are going to convince more guys to try and SNEAK or FORCE BBFS. It may not have been your intent but your post reads like a primer for sneaking the condom off.

I love your honesty and I wish that everyone in the hobby(male and female) would be as open about their BBFS views as you have been. The providers who offer it should just come out and say it so that men who enjoy BBFS with providers can get exactly what they want and not try to sneak the condom off with girls like me who aren't interested in BBFS with hobbyists(and who coincidentally they seem to try and sneak it off with more since they think girls that aren't into BBFS are more likely to be disease free).

Overall I think your post was irresponsible and I know you said you don't care what strangers think but just F.Y.I that "go flip burgers if you don't like it" comment came off as condescending douchebaggery.
DaChef's Avatar
Good job Dear John.
couldn't of said it better.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-01-2011, 01:52 AM

Good post man....
What a poignant essay.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 04-01-2011, 02:19 AM
..wait ..what? people have sex without condoms??

I thought that was just third worlders and catholics

so when do you address why you love BBFS?? i mean.. does it feel good? I'm under thirty and have never felt one before

Yes, as I stated, the time is right for this post.
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Shouldn't this of been posted after midnight to count?
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 04-01-2011, 02:46 AM
Shouldn't this of been posted after midnight to count? Originally Posted by EroticGuideCentral
actually, it was posted 33 minutes after midnight
My fault, says 11:33 on mine. I think there is some competition this year though. There is another going that started a little prematurely. Just sayin
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 04-01-2011, 04:46 AM
Happy April fools day to you also DJ. This one sure is a doozy this year. Cant wait to read next years.LMSAO.
DaChef's Avatar
You got me.
This was better than the HeShe essay
notanewbie's Avatar

yeah, I would hit that.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 04-01-2011, 07:03 AM
I have only one question: Did you hit Teri Weigel bare?