Houston65- NCNS

ladies I spoke to this guy in chat, he said he liked a post I made in Another Realm on cuckolding. He asked if I could get a 'bull' for our session, I said yes and made arrangements for another gentleman to join us. I had other requests for yesterday which I declined because of what I thought was going to be an a[[t for the same time. We made an appt for yesterday for 1830, and after getting a room for the day, sending messages and still not getting a response, and on top of that having wasted my time, losing appts, and paid for a room, I felt like this alert was in order. I've seen other NCNS here so this is where it is.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
That sucks.
Mojojo's Avatar
This isnt alert worthy, im moving it too co-ed so he has a chance to respond.
Thanks for moving this. I received a message after our discussion and here was my response. Notice the date I sent it and time. There was no reason to post an alert today on me. I even WARNED her where I might have gotten the virus. The emails are below:

I did not get your PM last night. I have a virus on home computer and could not check email from work. I cannot do it today, did not get the virus issue resolved. I am a computer programmer and it is very rare that I did something I should not have. I think I got it at AdultSpaces website, so be careful.

Edited by staff: Do not post the contents of private communications such as email, text messages or pm. = Mojo
Notice she left no phone number in the email I got and since I couldn't get online at work, nor was I going to use a public computer, I did what I thought was best...reply to her email she left. I could not possibly respond by phone. I did send the message about 4 hours prior to our scheduled meeting, but if someone hadn't confirmed, why would she go through the session? The "alert" is totally uncalled for. I just got on tonight because I finally got rid of the windowsfixdisk virus. And its like this stuff happens all the time with providers double scheduling, leaving town, getting sick, tending to kids, etc, etc. Its part of the game. If you don't confirm....don't prepay anything.
john353's Avatar
...Its part of the game. If you don't confirm....don't prepay anything. Originally Posted by Houston65

Ladies, if you do not have a confirmation, you do not have an appointment.
since my thread was rudely taken down with NP explanation, this Guy ncns me after I cancelled other appts and got a hotel to meet. it was supposed to be a session w another Guy and his time was wasted too
I feel like other ladies have the right to know if someone is full of sh*t.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
Mojojo's Avatar

I've merged your threads.
cabletex7's Avatar
We made an appt for yesterday for 1830, Originally Posted by dollydirtymoney
If you told me 1830, God knows when I would have shown up.
in military time that's 630 lol. and dude I did leave you NY number. my goal here was not to garner opinions from others or debate this with you. but to warn other ladies what they might be getting. good day.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
women that speak in military time scare me
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I believe that's the first time I've seen a lady mention military time on here lol.
well my email to her cancelling was removed by staff, so just take this as a liar accusing me of things that didn't happen. #1. I never confirmed. #2. I had no idea what hotel or what place to go to. #3 I had no phone number to call...just an email that said 6:30. PM me and Ill show you the email. Here is what the email said:

"Hi I was just wondering if you got my pm last night. if you're no longer interested in going through with our session please let me know. no one appreciates ncns and I'm not the only one involved. the earlier I know so no time is wasted the better. thanx, D"

Thats it. Now how would anyone be able to do a call or a show with that message? I replied I could not make it and I gave my explanation above. BTW, DollyDirtyMoney is Luxury Daphne...so I wonder why she had to change names? I wouldn't see her or even attempt to because she pulled this "alert". You have been warned.
ImaMrCool's Avatar
So thats where Daphne went