Rep. Rashida Tlaib: Islamophobia 'is still very present on both sides of the aisle' in Congress

  • oeb11
  • 03-17-2019, 11:33 AM
Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said Sunday that she believes Islamophobia "is still very present on both sides of the aisle" in Congress.

The remark from Tlaib, who represents Michigan, came as she was discussing criticism aimed at Rep. Ilhan Omar, who, along with Tlaib, serves as one of two Muslim women in Congress. Omar faced scrutiny in February and March for controversial comments she made about Israel. In the wake of her comments, the Minnesota Democrat also became the subject of death threats.
"I pause and think to myself 'is it because she's a black American and she's Muslim?' And so that's where I pause and say to myself, 'Is there an issue here?' And I guess our mere presence there. The fact that now there's not only one but now three Muslim Americans serving in Congress," Tlaib said to CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
Rep. Andre Carson, an Indiana Democrat who has served in Congress since 2008, also identifies as Muslim.
"That our mere presence is going to able to possibly break down any of these kinds of racialized, you know, opinions, this kind of Islamophobia that I do feel like is still very present on both sides of the aisle. And I think my colleagues are not seeing that as an attack. It's just saying that we just have a lot of work to do," she said.
"And I can tell you I've been there long enough to see that there are some issues there -- again, on the other side of the aisle -- that continue to be held -- they're being held unaccountable," Tlaib added.
Tlaib, who is also the first Palestinian-American congresswoman, said that she and Omar "want to be heard, and we want to be seen beyond whatever these kinds of labels that people like to put on us."
"And I think we just become an easier target for folks. And that's what worries me," she said.

Tlaib and CNN try to make a case that any criticism of her Anti-Semitic , Israel Hate stance is "islamophobia".
Pure DPST distorted BS. Tlaib is a racist Hater trying to spread anti-Semitism and a New holocaust on Israel. SomeOne (curent poster) is right in line with hate message.

She and Omar and AOC are on the same page - Love Maduro and hate our Constitution - they are taking advantage of freedom of religion to spread Hate.
what keeps these people relatively innocuous?

the fact there's not more of them

do you want people with their political desires being in the majority?

if you don't , and you vote dim, then you should rethink things
She and Omar and AOC are on the same page - Love Maduro and hate our Constitution - they are taking advantage of freedom of religion to spread Hate. Originally Posted by oeb11
Just as our stupid immigration / political sanctuary, etc laws are being used against US on the southern borders. Place blame where it belongs: our elected leaders continue to observe and do nothing.

rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ Yupper 100 % enough said -And if dear lord you don't agree with what they say your a -- phobia , fill in the blank
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There are about 1.7 billion Muslims in the World.

About 10% hold to the dogma that American and other Western Civilizations are infidels and must be dastroyed.

You do the math. That's a lot.

If Islam, and every "Religion" dissapeared, think how much more civilized the World would be.

By the way, "Religion" has nothing to do with spirituality, an individuals own relationship with God.
There are about 1.7 billion Muslims in the World.

About 10% hold to the dogma that American and other Western Civilizations are infidels and must be dastroyed.

You do the math. That's a lot.

If Islam, and every "Religion" dissapeared, think how much more civilized the World would be.

By the way, "Religion" has nothing to do with spirituality, an individuals own relationship with God. Originally Posted by Jackie S
True dat. I've said before (as others worldwide have debated up one side and down the other) Islam is not a's an ideology.

And that ideology makes it "their religion" incredibly flawed one. Their prophet was a false one (a failed merchant-turned-mass murderer who was a self-professed pedophile who sewed words of hatred, racism, and deceit). If he was alive today attempting to spread "his message" he'd be incarcerated and in all likelihood either be executed or on death row.

But if he was living in California, he'd be hailed as a hero of the people, by the current governor.
Funny, when the USA was having those terrorist attacks by Muslims, I didn't hear the Dims or MSM using the terms "Christianphobia" or "Americaphobia."
themystic's Avatar
There are about 1.7 billion Muslims in the World.

About 10% hold to the dogma that American and other Western Civilizations are infidels and must be dastroyed.

You do the math. That's a lot.

If Islam, and every "Religion" dissapeared, think how much more civilized the World would be.

By the way, "Religion" has nothing to do with spirituality, an individuals own relationship with God. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You're right Jackie. If the 90% of Muslims who didn't believe all that radical bullshit would stand up and denounce the 10% that did, most Americans would change their views on Muslims.

The Muslims remind me of Fundamentalist Christians and Jews in the respect that they take their religious texts to try to dictate how people should live their life.

TM compared Muslims to Christians and Jews!!!! He doesnt care.....Blah Blah Blah
lustylad's Avatar
Funny, when the USA was having those terrorist attacks by Muslims, I didn't hear the Dims or MSM using the terms "Christianphobia" or "Americaphobia." Originally Posted by gnadfly
No, because each time a Muslim went on a rampage here, our clueless and feckless President Odumbo was obsessed with warning us not to react against the faith that spawned it!

No outrage at the terrorist attack - just concern over a potential "Islamophobic" backlash that never happened!

49 people were killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in June 2016 by an Afghan immigrant who pledged allegiance to ISIS.

Then a few weeks later the shooter's SOB father shows up smiling in the VIP section at a hildebeest campaign rally!

You can't make this shit up!!

No, because each time a Muslim went on a rampage here, our clueless and feckless President Odumbo was obsessed with warning us not to react against the faith that spawned it! No outrage at the terrorist attack - just concern over a potential "Islamophobic" backlash that never happened!

49 people were killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida in June 2016 by an Afghan immigrant who pledged allegiance to ISIS. A few weeks later the shooter's SOB father shows up smiling in the VIP section at a hildebeest campaign rally!

You just can't make this shit up! Originally Posted by lustylad
Don't forget his father was an FBI informant for 11 years.
If the 90% of Muslims who didn't believe all that radical bullshit would stand up and denounce the 10% that did, most Americans would change their views on Muslims. Originally Posted by themystic
I agree. But they're complicit. Takes too much effort....too much energy....

But if they believed their religion...their doctrines...were being highjacked by extremists, they missed their opportunity to take a stand and be counted. It should've happened on the heels of 9/11. But, it didn't....nothing but crickets....

Even after videos soon afterwards went viral of the numerous celebrations in the streets en masse....the US flags being burned in the street...the "Death to America" chants, etc (I guess by those who live in countries that are unfriendly to America). Just throwing salt in the wounds and yet....more crickets by the alleged Ninety-Percenters.

September the 11th is no longer just a date on the calendar for those who lost friends, family, etc.... for some, the word Muslim became associated with other words: "terrorists', "murderers", "enemy".....
bamscram's Avatar
Just as our stupid immigration / political sanctuary, etc laws are being used against US on the southern borders. Place blame where it belongs: our elected leaders continue to observe and do nothing.

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

You mean Trump hasn't started his fence, and beefing up security with the money congress gave him?
lustylad's Avatar
I agree. But they're complicit. Takes too much effort....too much energy....

But if they believed their religion...their doctrines...were being highjacked by extremists, they missed their opportunity to take a stand and be counted. It should've happened on the heels of 9/11. But, it didn't....nothing but crickets.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Try to imagine what would happen if a Catholic splinter group started wantonly killing Muslims in the name of the Catholic faith. The Pope would immediately ex-communicate them, and denounce them every day! He would fall all over himself apologizing to Muslims and making it clear to the world that the splinter group was an awful perversion of the Church's teachings and beliefs. Christians everywhere would rally and march and hold candlelight vigils for the Muslim victims.

Now compare that to the tiny, tiny, handful of Muslim leaders who have spoken out against al-Queda, ISIS and other terrorist groups. It's not just disappointing. It's jaw-dropping and unbelievable.

There are only two ways to interpret this vast and far-reaching silence - either most Muslims are afraid to speak out, or they secretly feel satisfaction watching their co-religionists inflict pain and suffering on the United States and other Western countries. Either way, they earn no respect from us.
themystic's Avatar
I agree. But they're complicit. Takes too much effort....too much energy....

But if they believed their religion...their doctrines...were being highjacked by extremists, they missed their opportunity to take a stand and be counted. It should've happened on the heels of 9/11. But, it didn't....nothing but crickets....

Even after videos soon afterwards went viral of the numerous celebrations in the streets en masse....the US flags being burned in the street...the "Death to America" chants, etc (I guess by those who live in countries that are unfriendly to America). Just throwing salt in the wounds and yet....more crickets by the alleged Ninety-Percenters.

September the 11th is no longer just a date on the calendar for those who lost friends, family, etc.... for some, the word Muslim became associated with other words: "terrorists', "murderers", "enemy"..... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I totally agree. Thats why I can respect the Muslims in America. The celebrations in the streets didn't happen America like Trump claimed. They did happen in other countries and I say fuck them Muslims. At least when some right wing loon blows up an abortion clinic 99 % of Christians denounce it. Until the Non Radical Muslims start doing that they dont have credibility