Dallas - Cuddle Sites

Hi there,

Long time lurker, and have been having a hard time pulling the trigger and going for it. I will be visiting Dallas for work for the first time in a couple of weeks. I recently discovered Cuddle Sites, like cuddlecomfort, cuddlecompanions, and cuddleup. I thought this might a be a great way to ease myself into it. Has anyone had any luck with these sorts of sites in the Detroit area? I would like to try it out, but I also don't want to waste money if there isn't anything on the table.

They are heavily monitored for non-platonic activity and chat, and they also heavily monitor these types of forums. I would be happy to chat in DM though to keep any of the ladies from getting banned from public-facing conversation.
CG2014's Avatar
IMO is a waste of money.

Some of those charge more money than 1 hour with a provider and you are 99.9% guaranteed to get nothing.

Also some of the rates makes no sense, for example this one's minimum 2 hours rate is $180


but read the description of the 2 hour session

The standard price for a 2 hour cuddle. This includes texting and phone calls. Standard 1 hour allowance for scheduling appointments.

So wait? You only get 1 hour of cuddling and the other 1 hour is spend on texting and phone calls required for the scheduling process? That is how I interpret it!

Also this is for Texas, all ugly.


I wouldn't pay them to talk to me much less cuddle.

LadyAnastasia's Avatar
I wont question it, ill just shut up and take my payday lol