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Senile Biden says he has cancer "You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer."

For a second I thought Biden had cancer, then I remembered he's senile and likes telling make-believe stories about the life he had before he was elected to the U.S. Senate FIFTY YEARS ago this November.

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Live look at the White House communications team.

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He’s a cancer on our great nation
berryberry's Avatar
America’s "president" is so addled by dementia that he’s claiming he has cancer (!) because oil got on his windshield.

Meanwhile, the country’s corrupt press corp is claiming that what Biden really said is that he had skin cancer growths removed years ago even though everyone can watch the video of the dementia addled idiot talking.
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WH official says Senile Biden mistakenly stated (present tense) that he has cancer.

Yes - you know things have gotten ridiculous when the President of the United States says out loud that he has cancer and everyone responds by saying "oh, that's probably just his dementia talking."

Oh and he has the nuclear codes.
Wait till he claims its ovarian cancer
berryberry's Avatar
Wait till he claims its ovarian cancer Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
Better yet, can’t wait until Senile Biden talks about Alzheimer’s and dementia. That will certainly be a fun day.

We've heard this story before...

BIDEN IN APRIL: "I have asthma and 80% of the people who, in fact, we grew up with have asthma."

BIDEN TODAY: "That's why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer."

4 Lane highways? Did those even EXIST when he was a young kid??
berryberry's Avatar
4 Lane highways? Did those even EXIST when he was a young kid?? Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
I am sure it is made up like most of the stories he tells. Whether Senile Biden is a habitual liar, or it's his dementia talking, or both - you can't believe a word he says