Is Nothing Sacred?

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Is nothing sacred anymore in this crazy world?

Canada's Miss Universe hopeful, Jenna Talackova was disqualifed from the contest.

Yes, but why you ask?

Well, for just a little thing of (hurumph) being a boy!

. . . But can you tell which one she (hmm, he) is the one in the picture below?
Well, it's a fact that no self respecting TS will ever get caught in last years fashions.

It's the blonde on the right, I saw the news flash too. You ask if nothing is sacred, well, get used to it. It ain't.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I guessed the one on the left lol..

Int'l Transgender winners

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Personally, I find it kind of scary that any "girl" could actually turn out to be a guy,

. . . but finding out that a contestant in a Miss Universe Pageant is really a guy can give a man the shivers!

Oh wow this is breaking news. They have ts beauty pageants??
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, sort of, but not intentionally.

But some still manage to slip in under the radar.

. . .Let the buyer beware!

Still Looking's Avatar
I don't like surprises! LOL
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Sacred? I guess not. Sicko. I need a shower now.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Something like that does give a man pause.

She or he sure fooled a lot of people and even some judges with trained eyes!

. . . Whoa Nellie!

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Don't go to Thailand, I hear LadyBoys abound.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Actually, I went to Thailand a few times and I had a fabulous blast there!

I've heard of these lady boys you mentioned, but they are reserved for those who seek them out.

For guys looking only for straight-up sexy girls, they have them by the ton!

I've never seen a set-up like the one they have in Thailand.

You enter these places and the girls are all sitting behind a large see-through glass room and they are seated in a pyramid-like structure and each of them wears a large number on her breast which is how you identify the ones you want.

You walk around sizing up the talent until you find the one you like or two or three if you're feeling adventurous and then you haggle a little with the mamasan until you agree on terms for the night which are very reasonable. From there on, they are your happy sex slaves for the night and usually have a good attitude and treat you like a king.

. . . I was like a wide-eyed happy kid in a candy store with a pocket full of nickels!

Don't know about the Thai Girls, but when I was in 'Nam, I did get to see a few of the French-Vietnamese Ladies. Some of the most beautiful women God ever created.

When I say "see", that is not to mean as Hooker-Client. Most worked the nightclubs and restaurants as hostesses. Not for sale.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Actually, I went to Thailand a few times and I had a fabulous blast there!

I've heard of these lady boys you mentioned, but they are reserved for those who seek them out.

For guys looking only for straight-up sexy girls, they have them by the ton!

I've never seen a set-up like the one they have in Thailand.

You enter these places and the girls are all sitting behind a large see-through glass room and they are seated in a pyramid-like structure and each of them wears a large number on her breast which is how you identify the ones you want.

You walk around sizing up the talent until you find the one you like or two or three if you're feeling adventurous and then you haggle a little with the mamasan until you agree on terms for the night which are very reasonable. From there on, they are your happy sex slaves for the night and usually have a good attitude and treat you like a king.

. . . I was like a wide-eyed happy kid in a candy store with a pocket full of nickels!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
OK, I am booking my flight.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You just can't get more bang for your buck anywhere than you do in Thailand.

. . . I might go back myself on my next vacation!

tonytiger4u's Avatar
You just can't get more bang for your buck anywhere than you do in Thailand.

. . . I might go back myself on my next vacation!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Best bang for you buck sounds like a good new thread. I'd say Venezuela. Back before Chavez took over my oil agent took me to a place that had a huge supply of unbelievable hotties that worshiped and fought over any white guy from America. $100 for overnight and around 10am they would beg to stay again. Ah, the good ole days!