Greece Missing Gap In The State Budget More Money Than Known, Nearly 50%

SEE3772's Avatar
I'm surprised its not more. The Greek populace won't do what is required and want someone else to take it in the ass.
SEE3772's Avatar
I'm surprised its not more. The Greek populace won't do what is required and want someone else to take it in the ass. Originally Posted by gnadfly
What the ~~~~, up above?

Sir, please let me explain... The EU Maastricht Deficit Rules will fine EU countries that exceed a budget deficient of 3% of GDP. The total government debt must not exceed 60% of GDP. JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs used derivatives to help the Greek government hide the real Greek deficit. Creative Accounting Methods, Cross Currency Swaps and Fictional Exchange Rates... additional credit.
The deals were never listed as loans, so they are not listed as debt. Now Greece is in a Depression and the International Monetary Fund is liquidating assets, (the Greek Islands worth 3 to 4 times the debt) and the people are forced into Austerity, Servitude. Just thought I would explain how things went down. The same thing is happening in America, but on a much larger scale.
What are Americans doing about it? Not a dam thing! I would say 95% of the American population has no clue what the hell is going on.
Vote all you want!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Omg SEE I just came all over myself.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I'm surprised its not more. The Greek populace won't do what is required and want someone else to take it in the ass.

YOu mean they are Democrats?