File under beat up on the black employee(s) but give a pass to the white chick.

Offending anchor Carol Costello apologized and continues her on air gig.

Contrasted to the network's much harsher treatment of its black staffers for doing much less.

  • In February of 2012, after Roland Martin tweeted perfectly innocent jokes that could only offend GLAAD, the black on-air contributor was suspended by CNN. Martin didn't even make his jokes on the air. A year later, CNN chose not to renew Martin's contract.

  • During the 2012 presidential campaign, Van Jones, also a black on-air contributor, called Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney a "douche." Later that same day, Jones sheepishly walked out under the studio lights to do something the Costello has not done: publicly apologize for his comments.

  • Just a few months ago, Costello herself went on the CNN air to criticize and call for the suspension of ESPN's Stephen A. Smith, for comments the black anchor made, ironically, about a domestic assault.

  • Costello declared Smith's on-air apology (something she hasn't done) insufficient. You can watch the CNN video here.
Carol needs to apologize for this Racist's comments while she at it...

Bristol Palin, on Thursday, responded to Carol Costello’s joking about her assault and subsequent apology. First up, the daughter of Sarah Palin, pointed out the obvious liberal media double-standard:

I’m not ever going to listen to the audio and relive those moments. But how can a reporter call this the best audio she’s ever come across? Literally imagine what they’d say about anyone but me. I can just picture if this had happened to a liberal woman – that guy would have been crucified in the media. - See more at:
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Oh the horror!

Those damned racists!!!
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HeeeeHawwww! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There you go again...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Circle jerkoffs!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Excellent explanation of issues.
I hope the left amps up the phony "racism" claims against those they oppose.

It will wear itself out. Like the Democrats "war on women", people now laugh at Democrats who use that attack....even the liberal Rocky Mountain News derides Democrat candidates for over use/phony claims of sexism. They now call Mark Udall - Candidate Udirus....

They are laughing in liberal New York....