Color me naive ...but I just dont know.

Hottassamelia's Avatar
I need to know the truth about Squirting.
Color me naive ...but I just dont know.
Is it real?
Does it really happen?
and (most importantly)..CAN I DO IT?

I feel I am lost in my quest for the truth about squirting.
I have googled...asked friends..consulted a magic 8 ball..and I keep coming up with different answers.
Then I thought to my self,I thought, "Amelia,you are asking the wrong people".
...what is it anyway?
cum? a fancy golden shower?
I need to know.
and I do my kegels..shouldn't I be able to if its possible?
oh my...I need a "Squirting for Dummies"...
There's a provider in Dallas named "Honey Davis" who was in Austin for a while. Apparently, she's REALLY adept at this. I don't know from firsthand experience, but I distinctly remember her advertising this. PM her.

I mean, I squirt, if that counts. And I'm pretty sure it's cum.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
It's definitely real & VERY intense. Quite difficult to make me do so, but "every once in a blue moon"... It takes the steam out of ya' - even us "Energizer Bunny" types. lol

Amelia, there are plenty of resources on the net these days if you do a search. Some of it is conflicting, but that's to be expected. One thing, though, if you decide to let someone help you experiment, be sure he/she really has a handle on it. It can be quite uncomfortable. It was frustrating for me as my G-spot is further back or deeper than expected, so guys would be jabbing around in there quite unsuccessfully. This has gone on for years w/ only a handful of "winners" to the challenge. I was quite shocked on each occasion & don't think I could do what it takes via masturbation. It takes a lot of force & leaves me sore for days and it's so intense... I just have to STOP! I chicken out! LOL

I'm sure it will be interesting to hear others' experiences. I've known many squirters and can attest to the fact that "you can't fake it!" It's very REAL.
txtraveler07's Avatar
From what I've read, I get the impression that "squirting" is just golden showers under a different name. One, it tends to be a fairly large volume of liquid. Where was that hiding? I only took one women's health class (it counted for my cultural diversity credit and it was online), but if I recall, there's only one part of the female body capable of holding large amounts of fluid. Two, almost everyone who says they can do it says they need to consume a large volume of liquid beforehand. Again, where do we think that liquid is being stored? Three, if it does come from the bladder, it's piss. To my knowledge (and again, I'm no doctor, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) the bladder only serves one function. Four, wouldn't there be some kind of medically/scientifically documented evidence for this if it weren't just women relieving themselves? I mean, you'd think if women were geysering from an unknown source the presence of a heretofore unknown organ in the female body would be a pretty big deal. I'd like to have part of a woman's body named after me, I'm pretty sure people who dedicate their lives to researching that shit would, too.

I used to think squirting would be really hot because it meant I was a stallion in the sack, but my desire to not be peed on outweighs my desire for outward confirmation of my virility.
One it is not urine, you can tell by the smell it's not... and I think every one can do it... while some can do it during traditional sex... in my own personal experience it takes digits and it's a combination of spots to hit... if a man knows those spots or has a girl that is comfortable with instruction it can be accomplished... Kat hit it, it's kinda "rough" play to get the job done and yes you are sore from the experience... but while in the act itself it feels indescribably freaking AWESOME!!!
txtraveler07's Avatar
One it is not urine, you can tell by the smell it's not... Originally Posted by Dee Licious
If you drink plenty of water, generally speaking, your urine doesn't smell like urine. Unless squirting fluid smells like strawberries or something, the fact that it doesn't smell like urine doesn't mean that it is not, in fact, urine.
well come over some time and I'll prove ya wrong.. it is not urine...
Oh boy. This debate again?

Of course there is a way to release fluid other than taking a piss...we gals do it anytime we get aroused...

I am a squirter. More like a gusher than a squirter, but I am decent at turning it on (not so great at turning it off). I figured it all out during a solo session with penetration and alternate pushing and pulling (of my muscles...not of the object). A good enough push and hitting the right spot will do it almost every time. Hydration is also key. A good gushing session will soak through the covers, the sheets, and down to the damn mattress. It can be a pain in the ass, pretty much. After a wet, sloppy session, I am tired and dehydrated and have to shower right away or everything starts to sting. (Whatever it's acidic.)

A common misconception about squirting (at least in my case) is that squirt = orgasm. The two are not related in my experience. The gush feels nice and all, but it certainly doesn't mean that I'm getting off.

TMI Alert:
I have an exboyfriend who was into GS. Although he begged and I tried as hard as I could, I never ever ever was able to urinate during sex, or while aroused or anytime at all unless I took a solid 15-20 seconds to concentrate and relax (without any sort of penetration) and the resulting factor was very very very different and didn't feel like the squirting sensation. So yeah, I know what normal urine smells/feels like and I know what squirting smells/feels/tastes like, and it's not the same.

Something I have heard dozens of time: HOLY SHIT..YOU'RE SQUIRTING!
Something I have never heard (out of context): HOLY SHIT...YOU'RE PISSING ON ME!
ty Jen
  • Booth
  • 02-01-2010, 12:30 AM
Oh boy. This debate again?


I am a squirter. More like a gusher than a squirter, but I am decent at turning it on (not so great at turning it off). I figured it all out during a solo session with penetration and alternate pushing and pulling (of my muscles...not of the object). A good enough push and hitting the right spot will do it almost every time. Hydration is also key. A good gushing session will soak through the covers, the sheets, and down to the damn mattress. It can be a pain in the ass, pretty much. After a wet, sloppy session, I am tired and dehydrated and have to shower right away or everything starts to sting. (Whatever it's acidic.)

A common misconception about squirting (at least in my case) is that squirt = orgasm. The two are not related in my experience. The gush feels nice and all, but it certainly doesn't mean that I'm getting off. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
I think of you every time I see this topic.
I've only seen it happen one time before and it smelled like piss to me.The thing that I don't understand is that for decades I never ever heard of the concept of squirting until the last few years. Why did the ladies in the 60's,70's and 80's not squirt or that I hadn't heard of it until recently? I think it's sexy and hot as hell to watch......messy as hell too.....I guess it's like seeing Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster....those that have swear by it.....the others keep looking,hoping to get a glimpse. If it is the sweet nectar that many claim,please fire a shot in a shot glass.I'll drop my load in a shot glass as well and we'll have a toast!!
screwey's Avatar
I don't buy it, there's still a lack of medical proof.

"Some believe that the Skene's glands are the source of female ejaculation."

If that's the sum of the medical data/proof, that's certainly not enough.
Source of fluid One very practical objection relates to the reported volumes ejaculated since this fluid must be stored somewhere in the pelvis, of which the urinary bladder is the largest source. The actual volume of the para-urethral tissue is quite small. By comparison, male ejaculate varies from 0.2–6.6 mL (0.04–1.3 tsp) (95% confidence interval), with a maximum of 13 mL (2.6 tsp).[75] Therefore claims of larger amounts of ejaculate are likely to contain at least some amount of urine. The eleven specimens analyzed by Goldberg in 1983,[73] ranged from 3–15 mL (0.6–3.0 tsp).[74] One source states that Skene's glands are capable of excreting 30–50 mL (6–10 tsp) in 30–50 seconds,[63] but it is unclear how this was measured and has not been confirmed. One approach is to use a chemical like methylene blue (or drugs like Urised which contain it) so that any urinary component can be detected.[74] Belzer showed that in one woman he studied, the dye was found in her urine, but not her orgasmic expulsion.[40] PAP and PSA have been identified in the para-urethral tissues, using biochemical and immunohistochemical methods, suggesting that the ejaculate likely arises from the ducts in these tissues, in a manner homologous to that in the male.[76][77][78][79][80] Another marker common to the prostate/para-urethral tissue in the both sexes is Human Protein 1.[81] PSA occurs in urine, and is elevated in post-orgasmic samples compared to pre-orgasmic. Simultaneous collection of ejaculate also showed PSA in both urine and ejaculate in all cases.

lol does this help? there is urine in yours (the male) too
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I can do it and to this day I have only come across ONE person who can get me to do it