Cell Phone Privacy

stretchtexas's Avatar
So a few days ago someone asked if they shoulkd be mad that a provider randomly sent him a text announcing a special. Crusing the blackberry app store I found an app that reminded me of his thread and also provided a solution.

Mblware Blackbook
Google it or search blackbook in the app store.

I've bought it and it does exactly what it says it will and the SMS "trick" worked on my phone.

Only drawbacks that I've found so far are that you lose some of the shortcuts and functionality when you are in the app (skip to message, delete prior, etc.).
The SMS work around may cause some messages from numbers not in your regular contact list to be firewalled.
Email/SMS are so well filtered you won't know you have a message until you open the app and check that log.

I don't have any interest in whether or not you buy this and I'm certainly not advertising for the company. This is simply a solution to a problem, its cheap, effective and I wanted to pass on my experience in case someone else might be interested in the app.
Thanks for the info, sounds pretty cool!