NE and SE?

TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I've been seeing this acronym for some time now on reviews and it always cracks me up. I mean seriously, saying "second base" or "third base" is the same thing, right? So, doesn't NE and SE just seem to be part of it all especially if followed with "russian" and "DATY?" Just saying............
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, no, not exactly. That's not what the acronyms mean in the hobby.

And no, NE and SE is NOT the same as first base and second base.

In dating, first base means kissing.

Second base means touching above the waist.

NE means North Exploration, meaning she permits you to fondle her breasts.

SE means South Exploration, meaning she will allow you to feel her butt and maybe even her snatch.

There was a thread posted sometime back with a listing of hobby acronyms and definitions that you might want to search for.
SmokinChef's Avatar
and typically NE and SE info is for massage appointments, we should all assume NE and SE are both allowed in a GFE experience
missi hart's Avatar
all this makes me wonder why we discriminate against western exposure and eastern exposure
nuglet's Avatar
"all this makes me wonder why we discriminate against western exposure and eastern exposure"

Hi Missi;
Well, hopefully you're not that wide m'dear...
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
all this makes me wonder why we discriminate against western exposure and eastern exposure Originally Posted by missi hart
Oh, for criminy's sakes. Don't you see the difference? It's northern exposure and southern exposure if you're vertical, western and eastern if you're horizontal. Guess which way I prefer you, Missi ...

nuglet's Avatar
Oh yeah! I forgot the "horizontal bop"....
missi hart's Avatar
good en"compass"ing discussion. i now have a "handle" on what ee and we would be and am thankful it would be a very short trip on me.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
all this makes me wonder why we discriminate against western exposure and eastern exposure Originally Posted by missi hart
Well, maybe because East is East and West is West . .

. . . and never the twain shall meet!
nuglet's Avatar
"the twains shell never meet" unless they are running on the same twack.
all this makes me wonder why we discriminate against western exposure and eastern exposure Originally Posted by missi hart
I agree!
"the twains shell never meet" unless they are running on the same twack. Originally Posted by nuglet
Or if they are in the same tunnel!!!!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
It is sad Mark Twain never met his TWAIN brother...