Preserving virginity through anal sex...

julesmilano's Avatar
In Biblical days, it is believed that young women would have anal sex to allow her to preserve her virginity (i.e., maintain an intact hymen) until marriage. There is no greater gift that a bride can give than to offer her pure, unsullied maidenhead to her husband on their wedding night.

Best way to enjoy preserving virginity:

Clear the tunnel: Get it all out of your system, via natural means or enema.

Lube: Lot's of it on whatever you are using; toys, fingers, cock. A good suggestion: a syringe full of Anal Lube be inserted first.

Manicure: If you are worried about whether your finger is going to annoy her with tiny cuts that get painfully infected while healing for days afterward, try after a manicure using the finger on yourself to see if it is comfortable to you. If it isn't to you, it will be unwelcomed by her. Best course of action: Put a condom on the finger. Rim job to get her warmed up and slowly insert with lube. Watch her want more...

Toys: Awesome for both men and women to enjoy with lots of lube and condoms (preventing cross-infection).

The almighty cock: Condom, lube and patience entering slowly. The best lovers listen the most. Most women agree that deep slow movements, provide the best degree of pleasure.

Condoms and cleaning: Anus' tear easily and is the easiest way to transmit HIV from female to male and cancer causing HPV.

Change condoms and clean up after anal sex. She will appreciate you for not transferring her fecal matter into her vagina and causing a horrible infection that can last for over a month while she gets antibiotics and yeast cream to battle the aftermath.

Cuming inside of the anus can cause a chain reaction of diarrhea. Condoms will take care of that.

When done right, she'll want it all night...Attachment 1821

Here's to preserving virginity!
thank you for that informing post. Good info!!!
The first thing that came to my mind after seeing the thread title: [ame=""]YouTube- Technical Virgin - Future[/ame]

Does anyone else remember It was a hilarious parody of one of those uber Christian websites for teens. Ah, the good old days of the internet...
Anal Eze is the best!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Like a virgin... Hey!
Fucked for the very first time
Like a virgin...

And... as IF I need an excuse to have some good Greek! Cuz ya' see...

I like it like that. *I like it like that*
I like it like that!

Sooo incredibly intense, she may not want it the "normal" way.
So when when will u b back in Houston?? And can I have the password for the videos?? :-))
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-04-2010, 02:30 PM
You don't need anal sex to preserve virginity. All it takes is playing the bassoon.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Carl, were you in the band?
If you go to the site it's apparently defunct now, and the girl used to be on some pbs kids show and was fired for making the vids.
Yeah, it's been down for a couple of years now. It was hysterical, though, I still laugh when I think about some of the testimonials. Satire at it's best, gotta love it!
squiretuck's Avatar
The first thing that came to my mind after seeing the thread title: _"]YouTube- Technical Virgin - Future

Does anyone else remember It was a hilarious parody of one of those uber Christian websites for teens. Ah, the good old days of the internet... Originally Posted by Austin Liv
Liv! I had no clue you have a great sense of humor, too!
Guest092815's Avatar
Too bad for me I didn't find out about backdoor fun before I lost my virginity. (blush) I might have my cherry to this day!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Yeah, well... I popped my own cherry acting out a scene from a dirty book I found. I DID go for the back door - and the front door - in the same scene. There was no hope for me, Crystal.

Guess rekcasxt's definition was fulfilled with this example. I was sooooo SPANKWORTHY!
Damn and all this time I though I was saving my anal virginity for "Mr. Right" and turns out its the other way around!!! Guess I'm screwed hahaaa
I pitty the fool who doesn't have a sense of humor!
This thread is great.