Karine Diversity Hire Warned for Violating the Hatch Act

berryberry's Avatar
Another Senile Biden Admin Criminal !!!!!!!!!!! Of course, like all the scumbag leftists, she is not prosecuted because the corrupt leftists have made a mockery of the system of justice in our country

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Warned for Breaking Hatch Act

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel has warned White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre that her attacks on “MAGA Republicans” violate the Hatch Act, which bars federal employees from engaging in partisan politics.

The warning was revealed in a letter published by the Washington Post on Tuesday from the Office of Special Counsel to Protect the Public’s Trust, an organization of former federal employees focused on ethics rules.

Although we have concluded that Ms. Jean‐Pierre violated the Hatch Act, we have decided to close this matter without further action.
matchingmole's Avatar
Major news story....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
berryberry's Avatar
The dumb bitch was busted yet again

NEW: Karine Jean-Pierre and her deputy Andrew Bates willfully violated a longstanding federal ethics law yesterday.

White House Officials Defy Federal Ethics Law

Two top White House officials willfully violated a longstanding federal ethics law on Wednesday, setting up a legal showdown between the Biden administration and the Office of Special Counsel.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and her deputy, Andrew Bates, issued statements Wednesday containing several references to "MAGA," just one week after authorities at the Office of Special Counsel said it was illegal for federal employees to use the slogan in their official capacity. The prosecutorial agency said the use of former President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan constitutes partisan political activity and is a violation of the Hatch Act, a 1939 law that prohibits federal officials from using taxpayer funds to influence elections.

The White House’s willingness to violate the Hatch Act underscores the Biden administration’s dedication to smearing Republicans as "MAGA." Administration officials have frequently deployed the phrase since the president first uttered "Ultra-MAGA" in the leadup to the 2022 elections. The White House initially claimed Biden came up with the phrase himself, but the Washington Post later revealed the messaging was the focus-group-tested result of a six-month research project from the Center for American Progress Action Fund under the leadership of Biden aide Anita Dunn.

Government investigators notified Jean-Pierre in a June 7 letter that she violated the Hatch Act by uttering "MAGA Republicans" during a November press conference. The Office of Special Counsel warned Jean-Pierre that if she continued to use the phrase, they "would consider it a knowing and willful violation of the law that could result in OSC pursuing disciplinary action."

Instead of heeding their legal guidance, Jean-Pierre used the phrase twice in a statement Wednesday evening attacking a "hardcore MAGA budget" released by the Republican Study Committee that would slash spending by $16.3 trillion over the next 10 years. Bates also attacked the legislation in a memo Wednesday that contained three instances of the prohibited phrase.

Calling their statements a "deliberate thumb in the eye" of federal authorities, the watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust filed a complaint with the Office of Special Counsel on Thursday morning, demanding a formal investigation into the White House’s "deliberate decision" to flout the agency’s legal guidance.

"Is this the behavior the American public should expect from the self-proclaimed most ethical administration in history?" Protect the Public’s Trust director Michael Chamberlain told the Washington Free Beacon. "We were promised a return to normalcy, respect for the rule of law, and decency. Yet what we are getting is open mockery of rules and standards in pursuit of political advantage."

"Anyone wondering why trust in government continues its downward spiral need look no further than this episode," Chamberlain added.
berryberry's Avatar
You may remember, during the Trump years, that violating the Hatch Act was a serious offense to the media.

This week, it was announced that WH Press Sec Karine Jean-Pierre violated the act.

The outrage from the press is…not what it once was.

ABC when Trump was in charge. Crickets from ABC now

The Washington Post then and now