Bipartisan "Clusterfuckocracy" in America

How do we end up with all these incredibly byzantine, convoluted, fucked-up laws and government programs?

The recent health care law is just the latest in a long line of examples. Whatever you may believe about the extent to which it benefits our less fortunate citizens, one thing isn't arguable: It heaps a huge new helping of complexity and costs onto an already grossly inefficient and non-transparent health care delivery system.

Another example is our horrifically complex and fucked-up tax code. There's broad agreement on both the left and right that it's a national embarrassment. Yet sensible efforts to reform it never go anywhere. (That might limit the prospects of passing out political favors, a practice enjoyed by so many corrupt hacks.)

The financial "reform" legislation of 2010 (Dodd-Frank) is yet another abject failure. Although it contains some worthwhile provisions, it does nothing meaningful about TBTF, the biggest risk of all to the financial system. The law does far more harm to community banks -- which historically have provided much of the lifeblood to small businesses -- than to the half-dozen largest banks in the nation, which are now in the aggregate more than 50% larger than they were in 2008.

And, of course, there are many more.

I think the author makes a number of pretty good points in this article:

(The writer uses the term "kludgeocracy." Perhaps "clusterfuckocracy" would not be the best choice for a family-friendly publication, although I think it's quite apropos.)

And there's plenty to displease both conservatives and liberals.
the problem is an entrenched washington class, politicians and bureaucrats

they want "programs" and complexity, as does big business for its a barrier to entry (both for business and the politicians) and protectionism

therein lies money and most important of all-- power
The only solution is to downsize the federal bureaucracy; return the power to the individual Statehouses !
The correction will be very painful...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-06-2013, 11:09 AM
Term Limits.

The End.
The author's "solution" to reduce "kludgeocracy" is laughable. He proposes:

1. Get rid of the filibuster.
2. Reduce multiple referrals to congressional committees.

His solution is to "increase the power of the congressional majority." He actually wants to shift the power to the agencies and bureaucracies of Washington. He isn't talking about reducing their influence, but streamlining the process and organizational arrangement so federal bureaucrats can regulate more effectively. The German Solution so to speak?

The author wants more power in Washington; and he wants it to be easier to wield. What would he result be if Mr. Teles got his way ? More laws, more regulations, more control in Washington over the citizens. Less liberty. Less freedom.
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  • CJ7
  • 11-06-2013, 11:41 AM
The author wants more power in Washington; and he wants it to be easier to wield. What would he result be if Mr. Teles got his way ? More laws, more regulations, more control in Washington over the citizens. Less liberty. Less freedom.

like creating MORE immigration laws and controlling women's rights ?
Please, CJ7.

Try to refrain from posting anything that might confuse the forum's C students.

They have a tendency to focus on one or two things with which they disagree, to the evident exclusion of pretty much everything else. (And often without bothering to learn or understand much about the topic under discussion.) Their rants are often simplistic, dogmatic, and naïve. Much of what they post is of a rigidly ideological and partisan nature, and they generally seem lost in a fantasy world.

Oh yeah, one more thing. The buffoon who's arguably the forum's most annoying C student habitually extends his middle finger at other participants by starting countless redundant threads with the titles screamed in ALL-CAPS!
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  • CJ7
  • 11-06-2013, 02:13 PM
Please, CJ7.

Try to refrain from posting anything that might confuse the forum's C students.

They have a tendency to focus on one or two things with which they disagree, to the evident exclusion of pretty much everything else. (And often without bothering to learn or understand much about the topic under discussion.) Their rants are often simplistic, dogmatic, and naïve. Much of what they post is of a rigidly ideological and partisan nature, and they generally seem lost in a fantasy world.

Oh yeah, one more thing. The buffoon who's arguably the forum's most annoying C student habitually extends his middle finger at other participants by starting countless redundant threads with the titles screamed in ALL-CAPS! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
C students?

that's generous of you, sir
You didn't bother to read the article did you CJ ?
C students?

that's generous of you, sir Originally Posted by CJ7
I suppose so.

It's important to remember that millions of Americans who failed to maintain above-average GPAs work hard and contribute to the economy and to society in many meaningful ways. They perform myriad services and functions that make our lives easier on a day-to-day basis.

The categorization in my previous post was a gratuitous insult to C students across the nation, and for that I apologize.
I suppose so.

It's important to remember that millions of Americans who failed to maintain above-average GPAs work hard and contribute to the economy and to society in many meaningful ways. They perform myriad services and functions that make our lives easier on a day-to-day basis.

The categorization in my previous post was a gratuitous insult to C students across the nation, and for that I apologize. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
What is your agenda CM?
What is your agenda CM? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
My agenda?

Pretty simple, really.

1. To succeed to the best of my ability in the business and professional endeavors I have undertaken.

2. To enjoy lots of travel to unique and interesting places.

3. To spend as much time as possible reading and learning about topics of interest to me. I believe we should all consider ourselves to be lifelong students. (A few of this forum's frequent posters obviously disagree.)

4. And, uh...oh, yeah! To always have as much fantasy sex with hot 20-something SBs as my aging body will allow!
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Law professor Jonathan Turley notes a couple of typical examples of gross incompetence and waste:

"It takes a lot to lose a government job."

True that!

Check this:

The article lists just a few more items to pack onto the huge, rolling snowball of Clusterfuckocracy.