The Obama Inner Circle (just to be fair about it)

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Barack Obama--BA, Columbia College, JD, Harvard
Michelle Obama--BA, Princeton, JD, Harvard
Valerie Jarrett--BA, Stanford, JD, University of Michigan
David Axelrod--BA, University of Chicago
David Plouffe--Unversity of Delaware
Joe Biden--BA/BA, University of Delaware, JD, Syracuse
Van Jones--BA, University of Tennessee, JD, Yale
Jack Lew--Harvard, Georgetown
Kathleen Sibelius--BA, Trinity University, MBA, KU
Jay Carney--BA, Yale
Timothy Geithner--Dartmouth, MA, John Hopkins
Eric Holder--BA, Columbia, JD, Columbia
Hillary Clinton--BA, Wellesley, JD, Yale
Hilda Solis--BA, California State Polytechnic University, MA, USC
Leon Panetta--BA, Santa Clara University, JD, Santa Clara University
Arne Duncan--BA, Harvard
Lisa Jackson--BS, Tulane, MS, Princeton

Some but not all of the usual suspects
flghtr65's Avatar
Barack Obama--BA, Columbia College, JD, Harvard
Michelle Obama--BA, Princeton, JD, Harvard
Valerie Jarrett--BA, Stanford, JD, University of Michigan
David Axelrod--BA, University of Chicago
David Plouffe--Unversity of Delaware
Joe Biden--BA/BA, University of Delaware, JD, Syracuse
Van Jones--BA, University of Tennessee, JD, Yale
Jack Lew--Harvard, Georgetown
Kathleen Sibelius--BA, Trinity University, MBA, KU
Jay Carney--BA, Yale
Timothy Geithner--Dartmouth, MA, John Hopkins
Eric Holder--BA, Columbia, JD, Columbia
Hillary Clinton--BA, Wellesley, JD, Yale
Hilda Solis--BA, California State Polytechnic University, MA, USC
Leon Panetta--BA, Santa Clara University, JD, Santa Clara University
Arne Duncan--BA, Harvard
Lisa Jackson--BS, Tulane, MS, Princeton

Some but not all of the usual suspects Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What college did Air-Head Sarah Palin graduate from? She went to seven different ones.
What college did Air-Head Sarah Palin graduate from? She went to seven different ones. Originally Posted by flghtr65
At least she was born here...
JCM800's Avatar
hey, this guy went to Yale....

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2013, 05:49 PM
Barack Obama--BA, Columbia College, JD, Harvard
Michelle Obama--BA, Princeton, JD, Harvard
Valerie Jarrett--BA, Stanford, JD, University of Michigan
David Axelrod--BA, University of Chicago
David Plouffe--Unversity of Delaware
Joe Biden--BA/BA, University of Delaware, JD, Syracuse
Van Jones--BA, University of Tennessee, JD, Yale
Jack Lew--Harvard, Georgetown
Kathleen Sibelius--BA, Trinity University, MBA, KU
Jay Carney--BA, Yale
Timothy Geithner--Dartmouth, MA, John Hopkins
Eric Holder--BA, Columbia, JD, Columbia
Hillary Clinton--BA, Wellesley, JD, Yale
Hilda Solis--BA, California State Polytechnic University, MA, USC
Leon Panetta--BA, Santa Clara University, JD, Santa Clara University
Arne Duncan--BA, Harvard
Lisa Jackson--BS, Tulane, MS, Princeton

Some but not all of the usual suspects Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I know, i know, you'd prefer dumb people. We get it.
Was there a point to your post, JD?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The point is that I looked up the schools each GOP possible candidate graduated from. Someone said that going to school doesn't make you smart (one of your friends Doove). So I returned the favor and ran down the same information on some of Obama's inner circle. Impressive for some, not so much for others. Of course as a leftie said, just graduating from college doesn't make you smart. I did take note that a couple of Obama's people were born outside the US. His chief advisor was born in Iran. What is wrong with going to more than one college in pursuit of a degree? No, really, answer that question. What is the benefit of going to just one school?
There is a name for all of these scholars. They are commonly known as "Educated Idiots" What they are elected to do is help us. Not to fuck us up, yet it seems, that is what they are best at.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
A college education does not make you a smart person.
I think you should check out the histories of some of the most intelligent people and see how much education they had.

From a biography by Mary Bellis
Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio; the seventh and last child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. When Edison was seven his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan. Edison lived here until he struck out on his own at the age of sixteen. Edison had very little formal education as a child, attending school only for a few months. He was taught reading, writing, and arithmetic by his mother, but was always a very curious child and taught himself much by reading on his own. This belief in self-improvement remained throughout his life.

Dude was home schooled.
The point is that I looked up the schools each GOP possible candidate graduated from. Someone said that going to school doesn't make you smart (one of your friends Doove). So I returned the favor and ran down the same information on some of Obama's inner circle. Impressive for some, not so much for others. Of course as a leftie said, just graduating from college doesn't make you smart. I did take note that a couple of Obama's people were born outside the US. His chief advisor was born in Iran. What is wrong with going to more than one college in pursuit of a degree? No, really, answer that question. What is the benefit of going to just one school? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Two things.

First, you are comparing the educations of presidential candidates with political appointees. Obama's inner circle are not running for office. A lot of political appointees have no desire to run and would never win if they did.

So a more apt comparison is Democratic candidates vs. GP candidates.

Second, LOTS of people switch school ONCE or maybe TWICE. But there is something seriously wrong if you switch 4 or 5 times on the way to a communications degree.

She has the equivalent of a community college degree.

And her ignorance was glaringly obvious in the vetting process. That is why McCain's team did their best to hide her. She was an embarrassment.

But, YOU think she has the smarts to run the country. God help us.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-11-2013, 01:18 PM
Was there a point to your post, JD? Originally Posted by ExNYer

he would have to take off his cap, and show you the point on his head.