Interesting way to find out about Eccie

terrier16973479's Avatar
I found my here in a roundabout way. I finished up a 3 week vacation with a week in NYC...the last night there, I visited a woman in the hobby, as you say, and had such a great time.
When I got back, reminiscing that last night, I decided to look around online for a woman offering something similar. As I like to joke, I may or may not have done something like that before... Anyway, I stumbled upon an ad from one who happened to be out of town, but told me to look up someone she knew on this site.
So here I am, learning the ropes, and trying to find providers in my area who willing to verify a newbie so we can have some fun, and so on...
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
You may want to post in the area in which you reside as well sweetie ;-) Welcome aboard and have fun!
Glad you found out about ECCIE. I believe you have more satisfying meeting with the special ladies in the future. Welcome!