Ted Cruz is GOP Front-Runner

Just like all the whacko's said.....and some of us on this side too....


Man, 2016 is gonna be interesting.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
ted cruze has a chance but as much of a chance as a snow ball in dallas in july but fuck it is a chance right. but fuck i forgot ted was born in canada that makes him out of the running sorry ted you lost before you got started
Teddy Cruz is front runner. I can't express the joy I feel just like when Rick Santorum announced his run. LOL
cptjohnstone's Avatar
the article is almost a year old
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Just like all the whacko's said.....and some of us on this side too....


Man, 2016 is gonna be interesting. Originally Posted by timpage
Since we are going to lose anyway, might as well have someone run who is Hispanic and can verbally beat up President in Waiting, Her Royal Highness Hillary. Let me know if the "inclusive" Democrats (who don't have two Indian governors, do they? Cause the Republicans do...) ever let a Hispanic run for President and have him at the top of their poll.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
At least we have a choice on this side. Your side has already been told who you're going to vote for. Isn't democracy great! I only wish you could try it out sometime.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This just illustrates how out of touch Timmie is. This is a straw poll and not an election. Obviously you can't tell the two apart. Besides, we know that you're a registered socialist (assholus Americanus) and will not be legally participating in a GOP primary.

You know....if Cruz is the ultimate nominee then this gives the democrats the chance to further their racism by attacking the Hispanic candidate. I understand Hillary has gotten a Rosetta Stone in spanish.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
the article is almost a year old Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Don't ruin their fun.
the article is almost a year old Originally Posted by cptjohnstone

This one isn't....

This just illustrates how out of touch Timmie is. This is a straw poll and not an election. Obviously you can't tell the two apart. Besides, we know that you're a registered socialist (assholus Americanus) and will not be legally participating in a GOP primary. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Since we are going to lose anyway, might as well have someone run who is Hispanic and can verbally beat up President in Waiting, Her Royal Highness Hillary. Let me know if the "inclusive" Democrats (who don't have two Indian governors, do they? Cause the Republicans do...) ever let a Hispanic run for President and have him at the top of their poll. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Ted Cruz is about as Hispanic as you.....at least in terms of representing any interests that any Hispanic voter gives a shit about.

I predict we'll have a Hispanic on the ticket with Hillary in 2016. Joaquin Castro. And he'll be running for POTUS in 2020 or 2024.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ted Cruz is about as Hispanic as you.....at least in terms of representing any interests that any Hispanic voter gives a shit about.

I predict we'll have a Hispanic on the ticket with Hillary in 2016. Joaquin Castro. And he'll be running for POTUS in 2020 or 2024. Originally Posted by timpage

Just like Obama represents what the "black experience" is in America. That thing in your ass....it's called a petard.

I suppose for the sake of the idiot legion I have to explain that a "petard" is a small explosive and not a polearm but the humor can be found is saying someone is hoist on their own petard just like Timmie just did to himself.

Then again, if the petard is small enough and Timmie takes some muscle relaxants then maybe...
Just like Obama represents what the "black experience" is in America. That thing in your ass....it's called a petard.

I suppose for the sake of the idiot legion I have to explain that a "petard" is a small explosive and not a polearm but the humor can be found is saying someone is hoist on their own petard just like Timmie just did to himself.

Then again, if the petard is small enough and Timmie takes some muscle relaxants then maybe... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That thing in your ass, by the way....it's your head.

And, not to rain on your usual self-congratulatory parade celebrating how clever you think you are....but, I don't recall indicating anywhere that Obama represents the "black experience" in America. What I do know, and what is relevant to this discussion, is that black Americans turned out in the tens of millions to vote for Obama. Do you think Hispanics will do the same for Cruz?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Ted Cruz is about as Hispanic as you.....at least in terms of representing any interests that any Hispanic voter gives a shit about.

I predict we'll have a Hispanic on the ticket with Hillary in 2016. Joaquin Castro. And he'll be running for POTUS in 2020 or 2024. Originally Posted by timpage
They used to say the same thing about Henry Cisneros - until we found out he was obstructing justice and lying about his mistress. Someone could honey trap our pal Castro, too.
Who among us would turn down a pretty girl if we thought we could get away with it? (I'm not capable of it, perhaps that ruined my run for dog catcher...)
However, if you don't put a Hispanic on the ticket, maybe you should put Wendy Davis on the ticket. A certain portion of Hispanics (I think you liberals refer to them as "my yardman and his nice wife, the cleaning girl") will appreciate the GOP transformation and vote for him, fucking up all your arrogant certainty about the future, plus they hate her, anyway. (Check the voting results in the valley)
boardman's Avatar
More like a million African Americans each voted ten times...But who's counting, Right?