Can you identify this strange old device?

I B Hankering's Avatar
Can you identify this strange old device? Do you know what it is used for?

See below, read and learn.

It's a Tobacco Smoke Enema Device, circa 1750s to 1810s.

The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, primarily for the resuscitation of drowning victims, but western medical practitioners also used the device to ward against cold and drowsiness.

A rectal tube was inserted into the anus and then was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke into the rectum.

The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration.

There were doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas; hence, the origin of the popular phrase, “to blow smoke up one’s ass.”

BTW, this device has been reintroduced in Washington D.C. by the Obama Administration. It will be part of the New Health Care Program.

Thought some of you might enjoy this educational moment in American history.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They replaced it with liberals who will try to blow smoke up your ass every chance they get.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Can you identify this strange old device? Do you know what it is used for?

See below, read and learn.

It's a Tobacco Smoke Enema Device, circa 1750s to 1810s.

The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, primarily for the resuscitation of drowning victims, but western medical practitioners also used the device to ward against cold and drowsiness.

A rectal tube was inserted into the anus and then was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke into the rectum.

The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration.

There were doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas; hence, the origin of the popular phrase, “to blow smoke up one’s ass.”

BTW, this device has been reintroduced in Washington D.C. by the Obama Administration. It will be part of the New Health Care Program.

Thought some of you might enjoy this educational moment in American history. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Thank you for proving my point and actually expanding on it.

You are an antique douche bag that wears young boys like a hat while injecting an addictive substance into their ass.

What a piece of shit. What's next in your repertoire? Stump breaking a flock of sheep?

Move to the realm
one party blows smoke up your ass the other pisses down your back and tells you it's raining.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Munchie had an interesting response. I guess seeing that contraption triggered some latent memories of his childhood. Interesting.

Munch, you really need to speak to a professional about this. There are ways to resolve those old memories that keep us from becoming whole. You can do it! Become who you are!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Munchie had an interesting response. I guess seeing that contraption triggered some latent memories of his childhood. Interesting.

Munch, you really need to speak to a professional about this. There are ways to resolve those old memories that keep us from becoming whole. You can do it! Become who you are! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Fuck off asshole.

Although you do spark a memory.

Bearshe' and the circle of death.

Bearshe' was a St. Bernard that lived up several houses from us. He was tied to a center stake that had a well worn circular path (the circle of death) defining his range. He was a huge dog that had huge amounts of saliva running down his jowls. You remind me of the kid we would push into the circle of death. Bearshe' would be waiting, in many ways like you because he didn't care if we gave him male or female, to have his way. And have his way he did. We pushed him back into the circle. Again and again and again.
We almost always tired of the game before he did.

We've tried to go easy on you, your lack of cognitive skills evident by your lack of understanding of the most simple concepts. We know you mistake us for the other inmates on your ward. Continue to pretend at some point in your life you were somebody, somebody more than a colostomy bagged invalid who had never recovered from a savage attack by a ram that caught you trying to stump break his flock.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
That contraption is probably how they had to finally install what law COsFb learned at his drive-in lawr skool.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Thank you for proving my point and actually expanding on it.

You are an antique douche bag that wears young boys like a hat while injecting an addictive substance into their ass.

What a piece of shit. What's next in your repertoire? Stump breaking a flock of sheep? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It's a shame Dr. Freud and Dr. Jung have passed on, they could have redefined their careers by analyzing all of your repressed desires.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
MasterManMuncher has some serious issues. How often do they let hm out of his cell to try to jon the rest of the inmantes i mean patients in group session?
If anyone could identify a devise for BLOWING SMOKE it would be I B the pompous
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
C'mon guys, Munchie is almost as much fun as FastGoon. He's an idiot, but he thinks he's smart. I don't care who you are, he's funny!
Too fucking funny; way to go 2Dogs !!!!!!!!!

They replaced it with liberals who will try to blow smoke up your ass every chance they get. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
It's kinda strange getting all these mid-week posts by Munchie....we usually hear from him on his weekend benders...........

C'mon guys, Munchie is almost as much fun as FastGoon. He's an idiot, but he thinks he's smart. I don't care who you are, he's funny! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, that is one hell of a graphic image you burned into my mind with that story!

I always wondered what horrible episode the old coot encountered in his youth that resulted in such trauma!

. . .But, more importantly, was the dog okay after that incident?

Fuck off asshole.

Although you do spark a memory.

Bearshe' and the circle of death.

Bearshe' was a St. Bernard that lived up several houses from us. He was tied to a center stake that had a well worn circular path (the circle of death) defining his range. He was a huge dog that had huge amounts of saliva running down his jowls. You remind me of the kid we would push into the circle of death. Bearshe' would be waiting, in many ways like you because he didn't care if we gave him male or female, to have his way. And have his way he did. We pushed him back into the circle. Again and again and again.
We almost always tired of the game before he did.

We've tried to go easy on you, your lack of cognitive skills evident by your lack of understanding of the most simple concepts. We know you mistake us for the other inmates on your ward. Continue to pretend at some point in your life you were somebody, somebody more than a colostomy bagged invalid who had never recovered from a savage attack by a ram that caught you trying to stump break his flock.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman