Review: Maggie Mae is Crazy, and Not in a good way

odinra's Avatar
Date: 10/2013
Provider: Maggie Mae
Phone: 682-561-8216
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Arlington
State: Texas
Address: South Arlington
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Nothing, she showed up to my house and when I attempted to discuss details, she flipped out, starting screaming, and then ran out of my house yelling
Session Length: was supposed to be an hour
Fee: $40
Hair Length and Color: Brown
Age: 40's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Her ad said she was a smaller BBW, that is wrong, she is just a BBW. Her pics are her, but very dated, and she is about 5'4"...
Recommendation: No
Shouldn't this be labeled as outcall? Why would you invite a provider over to your place at all, esp considering she had previous bad reviews?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Shouldn't this be labeled as outcall? Why would you invite a provider over to your place at all, esp considering she had previous bad reviews? Originally Posted by skydiver
should be "outcall", the OP didn't know about the bad reviews untill after the appointment was made.

General Feuerbacher's Avatar
interesting encounter. i would pass on her. Yo chung how often have u showed up at a client house and they started putting conditions on your service on the other hand i have met with providers and gave them the money. out comes a list of NOs. so they do put conditions on their service
odinra's Avatar

Honestly who talks details over the phone.... I never do, and how many times does not setting the ground rules at the top of a session, lead to issues during the session... lets not get things confused here folks, this is a business transaction between two parties (most of the time anyway) and the best way for all parties to leave a negotiation is to get everything on the table and come to terms... if you expect for some things to be on menu and they aren't and you've already paid then you are stuck in a session that you may not really want... on the other hand had you just cleared the air at the top of the session, then you know if you need to have more funds, or if what you want is an option... either way if a provider has good reviews and is known for being fair I never had a problem with making the donation first and her taking the donation... now if you have a couple of bad reviews or have a review that says the provider took the donation and then ran out on the client... well that is something that needs to get discussed in order to protect all parties involved. If the session goes well, then there is no problem, she collects from the pre appointed place and moves on with her life with a good review which helps her down the line, if the session doesn't go well she still collects, but either way the session happens, and I don't get ripped off. So for those of you saying what I should have done, thanks for you input but honestly I wasn't asking for it... I was simply giving you a heads up that this provider has a few screw loose... Honestly her running through my neighborhood screaming, doesn't help her... if she didn't like the terms she was free to walk away, and I would have given her gas money, as that is only fair...
odinra's Avatar
Shouldn't this be labeled as outcall? Why would you invite a provider over to your place at all, esp considering she had previous bad reviews? Originally Posted by skydiver

It should be... sorry about that
Chung Tran's Avatar
NearHauteRed's Avatar
sorry about your experience. If you do your due diligence on a provider that you really want to see for a session, but you have legit questions of some negative feedback, you are right not to discuss details over the phone, but you can tell her that you have some concerns and when you meet in person, both parties get comfortable that neither is LE, then you will discuss with her and if you still are not complacent enough to do a session, then you will give her gas money and a little more for her time and send her on her way. There is not a provider that I know of who would not agree to that, and if she does not, move on to the next one. I have done exactly that, sadly enough more than once, and have left with no hard feelings.
Chung Tran's Avatar
NHR, yes, that would have been exactly the thing to do...IF he had done the proper homework first... unfortunately, he discovered potential issues after she was on her way, after the session was set... and turned the risk on her.. at that point, he should have taken the chance, and hoped for the best
NearHauteRed's Avatar
NHR, yes, that would have been exactly the thing to do...IF he had done the proper homework first... unfortunately, he discovered potential issues after she was on her way, after the session was set... and turned the risk on her.. at that point, he should have taken the chance, and hoped for the best Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yes I read that. As hindsight is always 20/20, he did not do his research before he saw the provider and thus opening himself up to the situation he had and doing a bad review on who might be a decent provider, even if she is on BP!
odinra's Avatar
A good provider, would have wanted to get a good review especially when they didn't have many to begin with... you can say do "do your homework" all you want, at the end of the day, if a provider has run out on a client, then I have every right to set terms and conditions... and as I said before, I never talk details over the phone ever... its a part of the risk management that goes with the hobby. As far as the providers protection is concerned, if I don't pay her then she knows where I live... so as long as the session is performed she is covered... on my end... keeping the money in neutral spot, makes sure that she doesn't just run out on me.

If she had a problem with that, she was always more than free to leave, she was not however, free to yell and curse at me in my own home, and she was out of line to running through my community yelling out what happened behind closed doors... when I had not cursed at her or treated her badly.

Stuff happens, I get that, a part of the risk I assume when I have a session in my home is that a provider can do exactly what she did, but that to me is less of a risk than going to some hotel that could be vice sting, or to some shit hole apartment where there could be someone there waiting to rob me or other wise.

For those of you that are so set in seeing things her way more power to you... I don't have to see things from her position, I am the customer... As I stated before this is a business transaction, not a friendship. I have a right to protect my own interests, just as I expect her to protect hers.... No matter how you cut it, running through someone's community yelling out and blowing any level of discretion is bad business... I am done commenting on this, I have given you all the warning, so take it for what its worth... if she gave a damn about her reviews or business... then she would have just gotten in her car and left... not caused a scene.
lily blake's Avatar
what's the difference between pre BBW and BBW lol jk you don't have to answer that thought it was funny
BBW Katrina's Avatar
"5 bank accounts, 3 ounces and 2 vehicles", I thought THAT was funny!!
Billie Jene's Avatar
Wow first of all with the name maggie may - that song of rod stewart make this name of a woman to sound like she is the finest thing in the world. if you cant live up to the name then dont take it on. but sux im sorry you went thur that