Climate experts call for 'dangerous' Michael Moore film to be taken down

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well. the hunter is now the hunted.


Climate experts call for 'dangerous' Michael Moore film to be taken down

Oliver Milman
The Guardian April 28, 2020, 7:54 AM CDT

Climate experts call for 'dangerous' Michael Moore film to be taken down

A new Michael Moore-produced documentary that takes aim at the supposed hypocrisy of the green movement is “dangerous, misleading and destructive” and should be removed from public viewing, according to an assortment of climate scientists and environmental campaigners.

The film, Planet of the Humans, was released on the eve of Earth Day last week by its producer, Michael Moore, the baseball cap-wearing documentarian known for Fahrenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine. Describing itself as a “full-frontal assault on our sacred cows”, the film argues that electric cars and solar energy are unreliable and rely upon fossil fuels to function. It also attacks figures including Al Gore for bolstering corporations that push flawed technologies over real solutions to the climate crisis.

Planet of the Humans has provoked a furious reaction from scientists and campaigners, however, who have called for it be taken down. One distributor, Films for Action, temporarily took down the film after describing it as “full of misinformation”, though they later reinstated it, saying they did not want accusations of censorship to give the film “more power and mystique than it deserves.” A free version on YouTube has been viewed more than 3m times.

A letter written by Josh Fox, who made the documentary Gasland, and signed by various scientists and activists, has urged the removal of “shockingly misleading and absurd” film for making false claims about renewable energy. Planet of the Humans “trades in debunked fossil fuel industry talking points” that question the affordability and reliability of solar and wind energy, the letter states, pointing out that these alternatives are now cheaper to run than fossil fuels such as coal.

Michael Mann, a climate scientist and signatory to Fox’s letter, said the film includes “various distortions, half-truths and lies” and that the filmmakers “have done a grave disservice to us and the planet by promoting climate change inactivist tropes and talking points.” The film’s makers did not respond to questions over whether it will be pulled down.

Planet of the Humans has been shown at Moore’s Traverse City film festival, where the producer said it was “perhaps the most urgent film we’ve shown in the 15-year history of our film festival”. Jeff Gibbs, who wrote and directed the film, has suggested that unrestrained economic and population growth should be the target of environmentalists’ efforts rather than technological fixes.

Related: Michael Moore: 'We have the power to crush Trump'

Climate activist Bill McKibben, one of the targets for the film for allegedly being influenced by corporate money and for supporting the burning of biomass such as wood chips for energy, said the characterisations are untrue. McKibben has previously changed his views on biomass energy, which he now sees as being detrimental to climate action, and claims he has “never taken a penny in pay” from any environmental group.

“I am used to ceaseless harassment and attack from the fossil fuel industry, and I’ve done my best to ignore a lifetime of death threats from rightwing extremists,” McKibben said. “It does hurt more to be attacked by others who think of themselves as environmentalists.”

Renewable energy has long been portrayed as expensive and unreliably intermittent by oil and gas companies and their lobby groups, which have spent several decades questioning the veracity of climate science and undermining efforts to radically reduce planet-heating emissions.

In fact, the technology used for wind and solar energy has improved markedly in recent years, while the costs have plummeted. While electric cars often require fossil fuel-generated energy to produce them and provide the electricity to fuel them, research has shown they still emit less greenhouse gas and air pollutants over their lifetime than a standard petrol or diesel car.

Generating all power from renewables will take significant upgrades of grid infrastructure and storage but several researchers have declared the goal feasible, most likely with carbon-capture technology for remaining fossil fuel plants. Scientists say the world must reach net zero emissions by 2050 to head off disastrous global heating, which would likely spur worsening storms, heatwaves, sea level rise and societal unrest.
I've said for decades global warming is about Zero Population Growth. Glad to see some willing to acknowledge it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I've said for decades global warming is about Zero Population Growth. Glad to see some willing to acknowledge it. Originally Posted by gnadfly

guess who happens to advocate for depopulation? Bill Gates. and now he's going to "save humanity" with his vaccine? Okay ...
HedonistForever's Avatar
So, my first thought was "do I want to spend 1 hour and 40 minutes watching a film by Michael Moore"? Then I thought, if I want to be true to the idea that I want to continue to learn and learning can come from sources that I wouldn't normally seek out, I thought O.K., I'll give it 10 minutes and see if it can peak my interest.

Did it ever. I couldn't stop watching and although I already knew the basics, the details were mind blowing.

So what is the gist of the film? That the majority of climate activist, the high school kids, the college kids, politicians like AOC are in a word, a word used in the film which like I said I already knew, was "delusional".

And the major players, the Al Gores of the world are corrupt profiteers, which I also already knew.

This film should be mandatory curriculum in every high school in American school. It's that good and that important.

And what is the conclusion to be drawn from the film besides we are being lied to by an awful lot of people about what "renewable energy" is and will it save the world or merely contribute to it's demise, is that over population is the problem, which again, I already knew and that until we solve that problem which I don't see happening, we will continue on the path we are on which is supplying energy to an over populated world until......................... .
guess who happens to advocate for depopulation? Bill Gates. and now he's going to "save humanity" with his vaccine? Okay ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Maybe he is secretly sterilizing them?

I hope he sterilizes all the liberals - we could do with less of them to ruin the future of the species.
Maybe he is secretly sterilizing them?

I hope he sterilizes all the liberals - we could do with less of them to ruin the future of the species. Originally Posted by friendly fred
liberals tend to either have same gender attraction or to be disinterested in general


if inspired, to have fewer offspring as the thought is offspring interferes with desired lifestyle and "personal growth" and can spoil the view
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
is this the same fat Michael Moore who made this film and is calling the watermelon gang corrupt and deceitful????

liberals tend to either have same gender attraction or to be disinterested in general


if inspired, to have fewer offspring as the thought is offspring interferes with desired lifestyle and "personal growth" and can spoil the view Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Works out the same then....good!
is this the same fat Michael Moore who made this film and is calling the watermelon gang corrupt and deceitful????

bahahahahahaha..... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It is the fat fuck himself!

Good for him this time around!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
waco.. did you watch it?

if so, you should have given everyone a heads up on a gruesome scene late in the movie about horses squeezed into fat... ugh....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the movie is apparently in one respect about the green movie's deceit and about humans.

michael moore still doesn't like capitalism... he is what he is.

the real question here is this.. are we over-populated as the film suggests?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
waco.. did you watch it?

if so, you should have given everyone a heads up on a gruesome scene late in the movie about horses into fat... ugh.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

that was the highlight. bahhaa
HedonistForever's Avatar
waco.. did you watch it?

if so, you should have given everyone a heads up on a gruesome scene late in the movie about horses squeezed into fat... ugh.... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I was more upset by the Orangutan at the end, very hard to watch.

But it's this increasing call to censor what the Left does not want presented that is even more disturbing. I just posted a clip on Tucker Carlson about two doctors in California who posted a long clip on Youtube questioning the lockdown which of course is getting a lot of play on Fox as did this interview.

The clip has been removed from YouTube because it was decided by the CEO, that it was "misinformation". Funny how the misinformation we have been getting all along about the possibility of millions dying without any science to back it up, was OK.

And what was this misinformation? My guess is. it was the low, very low death rate in California something they would otherwise be proud of UNLESS it is followed by the question "was this lockdown worth it with such a low death rate"?

Seems like the Left which is YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, do not want to hear the question "was the lockdown and the economy disaster it caused, worth it"?

The heads of all 3 of these platforms are now on record saying they will not tolerate misinformation which is apparently anything the World Health Organization deems "unhelpful".
  • Tiny
  • 04-28-2020, 09:16 PM
Michael Moore is a dipshit
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I was more upset by the Orangutan at the end, very hard to watch.

But it's this increasing call to censor what the Left does not want presented that is even more disturbing. I just posted a clip on Tucker Carlson about two doctors in California who posted a long clip on Youtube questioning the lockdown which of course is getting a lot of play on Fox as did this interview.

The clip has been removed from YouTube because it was decided by the CEO, that it was "misinformation". Funny how the misinformation we have been getting all along about the possibility of millions dying without any science to back it up, was OK.

this copy is still up .. for now ..

And what was this misinformation? My guess is. it was the low, very low death rate in California something they would otherwise be proud of UNLESS it is followed by the question "was this lockdown worth it with such a low death rate"?

Seems like the Left which is YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, do not want to hear the question "was the lockdown and the economy disaster it caused, worth it"?

No. they do NOT

The heads of all 3 of these platforms are now on record saying they will not tolerate misinformation which is apparently anything the World Health Organization deems "unhelpful". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Michael Moore is a dipshit Originally Posted by Tiny

and now his beloved Leftists are after ... him! i bet he didn't see that coming.