Activity in Nacogdoches??

Nak936's Avatar
There is alot of activity going on in Nacogodoches Im seen alot of abs for varies gurls but no reviews wonder if police working the area?? Anybody seen this providers or know of them let me know want to TOFTT but dont want to get busted HELP!!!
The first one is legit but was kinda meh but that was a year ago
Nak936's Avatar
Thanks for the intel i have message the first one but her donations were a bit high for the activities offer. I been messagin the second one it looks promising shes with one of my old regulars
2nd link didnt work have a different one?
Nak936's Avatar

Is the typical baitnswitch but if you just want IOP is a go she is tight
I'm always seeing busts in East Texas towns. I'd be hesitant on using these services unless you knew for a fact they weren't a cop or working with them.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Your best bet in Nac is to catch a SFA lady on seeking
Nak936's Avatar
Ok never used seeking ill take a look into it
What is seeking?