Ken Burns, another winner "The Dust Bowl"

cptjohnstone's Avatar
a must see

I learned a lot. I had always thought it was entire state of Oklahoma and surrounding areas, it was basically 200 miles surrounding the Oklahoma panhandle

Then again, I had never heard of "black lung disease" and how many died from it, caused by the dust

and how Roosevelt's desk was covered with dust from the Oklahoma panhandle,7488388.story

On his Civil War series, I have been a Civil War buff since I was 10 years old and never knew that CSA Bradford was send to attack the rear of of Little Round Top, with about 3000 horse troops but was stopped but a little known general by the name of Custer who had only about 200

of how the world could have changed
Bush caused the Dust Bowl. Just ask them fuckers...anyway I will check that sad shit out...thanks
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a fucking idiot IFFY. Im surprised your family line survived those times. Or maybe it didn't. Fucker!
Good documentary . I caught one of the installments the other day on PBS.

Iffy... They talk about the dust bowl being a man made phenomenon.
May lend credence to the global warming debate. Funny how the hand of man negatively impacted an environment. .
That said .... You would have to switch off faux and
Watch our Libtard channel.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Burns hasn't had a good documentary since Baseball. His history is becoming tainted. FYI, I have spoken with the featured Donald Worster and a couple of his acolytes at KU.
Just ask them fuckers... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
classless, YES...
Randy4Candy's Avatar
A little more on "gumment interference." According to the series, it took the farmers at the center of the Dust Bowl a few of years before they fully implemented the successful terracing and contour plowing demonstations H.H. Finnell did on the scene. This only shows the resistence to change ALL people have. It is instructive with regards to the climate change debate as well as the use of irrigation from the aquifers under the location of the center of the Dust Bowl which was briefly mentioned at the very end.

The saddest part of this thread is that JDB, and I'm sure a few others, actually ignore the story by dismissing it as Burns merely going off the deep end politically since JDB doesn't agree with what happened. There are many who spout the "rugged individualism" cant who are the same as those who just wanted everyone moved out of the Dust Bowl and it to be left alone. The irony of this is that all of those effected by "gumment interference" were very conservative, small government believers. In fact, it took until 1938 for them to organize and petition FDR's administration for help though they had been receiving some in the years before. It's amazing to watch idelogical purity in action.

No, Bush didn't cause the Dust Bowl, the farmers did. Hoover and the misadventures of Wall Street didn't cause it either. But, Wall Street did cause the Great Depression and that is not even open to debate. In fact, Hoover was open to trying programs and even looked into a few at the beginning of the Great Depression. Hoover was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I saw a good part of it.

As far as man made; I am sure that man caused the drought.
Nature them must have caused the farming practices that left the fields open to erosion.

Whole grains are not always healthy.

Woody Guthrie was an opportunist and not a communist..
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Anyone ever watch The Grapes of Wrath?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well Randy, thanks for telling people what I think about things. The dust bowl was caused by both drought and poor farming practices. Since we can't change the weather (unless its global warming) then how did those practices get started? Were these the practices of thousands of years of farming? Not really. There was a demand for food and the farmers made money providing that food. Like a housing or tech bubble there was a farming bubble. In the early 20th century there were several studies to find the "scientific" way to do things including farming. That science had to do with making more and not sustaining in the face of a natural disastor. The science in those days, like today, thought they had nature understood and under control. The was also the mechanization of farming. For the first time a farmer could cultiviate thousands of acres instead of hundreds.
We see an echo today. The changing jetstream has altered the climate in the farm belt. The growing season starts earlier and lasts longer but is much dryer in the middle. As was described in USA Today back in 1991, the Oklahoma climate will now be further north into Missouri and Kansas. I told my brother the farmer that he would start seeing armadillos and much dryer weather. He didn't believe me in 1991 but he did in 1995.

KU actually teaches a class where government is given all the credit for stopping the Dust Bowl rather than nature. That class was written by Donald Worster. If you read more of what he has written then he is revealed as another big government idealist.

Yes, we've have all watched the Grapes of Wrath. Have you read the book or some of the footnotes behind the movie?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
No I can't say I have...but my mother who grew up in the 30s in Oklahoma told me lots of stories about it and how she said goodbye to all her little friends as their families packed up and moved to California.

Talk about dirt poor.
Ducbutter's Avatar

. But, Wall Street did cause the Great Depression and that is not even open to debate. .[/QUOTE]

Actually, that is open to debate.
I B Hankering's Avatar
But, Wall Street did cause the Great Depression and that is not even open to debate. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
But there are those who dispute your asssertion Randy4Andy, and one of those who have a dispute with you is Odumbo's chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben S. Bernanke, in his Principles of Macroeconomics (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007. p. 98.

"Economic historians usually attribute the start of the Great Depression to the sudden devastating collapse of US stock market prices on October 29, 1929, known as Black Tuesday; some dispute this conclusion, and see the stock crash as a symptom, rather than a cause, of the Great Depression" (wiki).

"The century's greatest economic minds have examined the subject without producing anything like a consensus. Still, enough is known to refute the folk-memory version—namely, that the Depression started with the Wall Street crash of October 1929."
TheDaliLama's Avatar
FDR made it The GREAT depression.

Just like BO has made it the GREAT recession.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL! I'm glad you dumbasses took the bait, especially JDB. Thanks for elucidating what you "think" are an even squirrelier level than I gave you credit for. The mind the revisionist horsesh*t.