Washington Examiner 'Race to wokeness': Democrats pass new House rules over GOP outcry

  • oeb11
  • 01-05-2021, 11:55 AM

'Race to wokeness': Democrats pass new House rules over GOP outcry

Democrats passed a new rules package governing the 117th Congress after a bitter debate with Republicans, who accused the majority of imposing “Soviet-style” changes that will marginalize the minority.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Among the key changes to the rules of the House is one that wipes out the GOP’s only chance to amend legislation on the floor through a century-old procedure known as the motion to recommit.

A second change eliminates the use of pronouns and familial identities, such as mother and father, in House-written rules and replaces them with gender-neutral terms sensitive to all members, “including those who are nonbinary.”
Democrats, who control a slim majority, passed the package after hours of debate with Republicans, who warned that the changes stifle the freedom of speech and undermine millions of voters represented by the GOP, which makes up nearly half of the elected members.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, accused Democrats of engaging in a “race to wokeness” that ignores an electorate who flipped more than a dozen Democratic seats to the GOP in the November election.
“The political and moral stakes are high, and American people know it,” McCarthy said. “If censorship replaces open debate on this floor, serious deliberation of the most important issues confronting our country will become impossible.”
The vote on the rules package kicked off the new Congress one day after Democrats ensured the reelection of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to a fourth, nonconsecutive term with the gavel.
The rules changes include many new provisions aimed at empowering the majority and reshaping House procedures to match its agenda.
The package includes language that would allow key Democratic priorities, such as legislation to combat climate change, to pass the House even if it adds to the deficit.
The package would also make it a violation of the rules of the House to spread on government social media accounts knowingly manipulated images such as “deep fakes,” and it prevents retaliation against and the disclosure of whistleblowers.
Democrats also used the rules package to extend a special climate committee and create a new panel dedicated to “economic disparity and fairness in growth.”
They argued it was necessary to change the motion to recommit because Republicans had been using it to undermine Democratic legislation that they would then vote against.
The rules change will change the motion to recommit so that legislation is sent back to the committee level, essentially killing it.
The GOP successfully amended eight bills in the last Congress using the motion to recommit, frustrating Democratic leaders.
“Since this legislative tool has not been used in good faith, it needs to be reformed," said Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon, a Pennsylvania Democrat.
But House Minority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana said the changes represent a “Soviet-style” rules package that will stifle debate and disenfranchise the 48% of the electorate who voted for GOP lawmakers to serve in the House.
“We don’t always agree or see eye to eye, but the beauty is we get to have that debate here,” Scalise said. “The rules package is attempting to yank away rights from millions of Americans.”
House Democrats added language that will make permanent a newly created Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which aims to diversify the Capitol workforce.
On Sunday, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Missouri Democrat, kicked off the opening day of Congress with a prayer that he ended with "amen and awoman,” drawing backlash from Republicans.
Republicans said Monday the Democrats have gone too far in an effort to please the liberal base by eliminating the use of mother, father, and other familial and gender-identifying terms.
“In their quest to not offend anyone, they are offending almost all of America,” said Rep. Debbie Lesko, an Arizona Republican.
Democrats said that nothing in the rules prohibits members from identifying themselves as mothers, fathers, or their own gender.
"This is not reality," said House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern, a Massachusetts Democrat.

the 'Woke" DPST 's pelosi led House is up to the same old tricks - to stifle the republicans and enact rules just as they handled the Impeachment House committee meetings under herself, , schiff, and nadler. Remember - the house 'majority" is currently at 4 seats - and things change.

Can the DPST's enact enough rules to ensure themselves a marxist majority in perpetuity - they are certainly acting so.

America's representative Democracy is in danger - and the DPSTR's accuse republicans of precisely what they do themselves - Lie, cheat, voter fraud, freeze out the opposition party - and institute total control and Rule over America.

representative Democracy - and Service to the People who elect them - is anathema to the DPST's - whose marxist Hypocrisy racial identity politics are dividing the nation.

one sure thing is clear - what ever the DPST leadership complains about - is what they do themselves - and use denial and deflection of their real agenda.

Beta beto will come for our weapons as 'Gun Czar' - as a russian/chinese totalitarian ruler - and typifies the ambitions of teh DPST's.

To weaken America by political division, and strip law-abiding Americans of their lawful weapons for self-defense - and institute a DPST marxist totalitarian orwellian nightmare - Maduro socialist style - On America.

Wake up Americans - if DPST's take Georgia -They will stack the SC, and enjoy total control - and there will never again be a free election in America. i
america and americans are in a real pickle

( I wonder, can you still say "in a pickle"?)
winn dixie's Avatar
With everything thing that needs to be looked at and done, the house socialists push this crap! Fucking useless reprobates!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

( I wonder, can you still say "in a pickle"?) Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Depends on how old the pickle is, I suppose.

HedonistForever's Avatar
“If censorship replaces open debate on this floor, serious deliberation of the most important issues confronting our country will become impossible.”

And it has and honest debate will become impossible and we will flounder because the gap between the right and left has never been bigger and will continue to grow. Anybody that believes the Democrats will bring unity to us, is wearing blinders in my opinion. Democrats want half the country punished for what they believe and much of the right will never trust another thing Democrats say for years to come. It is not a pretty picture. Any reconciliation ( which Democrats do not want, just the opposite ) looks impossible from where I sit.
And it has and honest debate will become impossible and we will flounder because the gap between the right and left has never been bigger and will continue to grow. Anybody that believes the Democrats will bring unity to us, is wearing blinders in my opinion. Democrats want half the country punished for what they believe and much of the right will never trust another thing Democrats say for years to come. It is not a pretty picture. Any reconciliation ( which Democrats do not want, just the opposite ) looks impossible from where I sit. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Do republicans want reconciliation? What have republicans done to try to bridge the gap between the ideologies? What actions have republicans taken to try to achieve unity?

This is exactly what I was referring to in our previous conversation. Always the Dems are bad. It’s all on the Dems. But everything you’re alleging against the Dems I suspect is just as true of the Republicans but you don’t acknowledge or even mention their actions.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Banana Republic "we are" ,, the sad part is it is not good for anybody that's not a elite millionaire
HedonistForever's Avatar
Do republicans want reconciliation? What have republicans done to try to bridge the gap between the ideologies? About the same as what Democrats have done I would say. What actions have republicans taken to try to achieve unity?

They compromised on two bills that needed to be passed and we can now see that Pelosi held up those bills for one reason and one reason alone, she, at the expense of the American people, would not pass a 1.6 trillion spending bill that Trump and McConnell agreed to, actually he wanted 1.8, until Trump was out, Pelosi settled on less money in the process because her goal was not to quickly give some relief to Americans but to harm Trump at the expense of Americans.

This is exactly what I was referring to in our previous conversation. Always the Dems are bad. It’s all on the Dems. But everything you’re alleging against the Dems I suspect is just as true of the Republicans but you don’t acknowledge or even mention their actions. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

That's what we have you for!!!!! And actually, I just did, maybe you missed it or merely have blinders on.

SMH, I mistakenly I guess, thought we had come to an understanding on this matter but I guess not. Since your lengthy response to Tiny on a few subjects you have slight disagreements on with Democrats, when have you called out Democrats for anything? Nothing would be my guess because in your opinion, I'm guessing, you don't see anything wrong with what they are doing.

I just got finished agreeing with Tiny on a whole list of stupid things Trump has done. Are you asking me to be balanced in every post, including comments about Republicans and Democrats? Are you willing to do that, comment on what you don't like about Democrats in every post you make?

Yes, in my opinion, the Dem's are always bad and IMHO, Republicans are less bad but BOTH parties are bad but there are degrees between them and in my opinion, the Dem's are worse which is why I concentrate on them JUST LIKE YOU CONCENTRATE ON REPUBLICANS which Tiny clearly agreed with me on.

And what I had hoped we agreed on was to not do what you just did and merely give an opinion of what I have written and stop the nonsense of whether either of us equally splits our comments between Democrats and Republicans but I guess that was to much to ask. You really do not see in yourself what you are asking of me.

Just when I thought we had reached a compromise, you blew it up. Oh well!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Do republicans want reconciliation? What have republicans done to try to bridge the gap between the ideologies? What actions have republicans taken to try to achieve unity?

This is exactly what I was referring to in our previous conversation. Always the Dems are bad. It’s all on the Dems. But everything you’re alleging against the Dems I suspect is just as true of the Republicans but you don’t acknowledge or even mention their actions. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Just one more thought on reconciliation. What was in my mind when I wrote that, was the FACT that many Democrats have called for a list of People who supported and voted for Trump, so that they could be shunned and punished. Nothing similar has come from Republicans. Remember Maxine Waters call for Democrats to confront anybody "that you think" might have voted for Trump and tell them"you are not wanted here". Never heard anything similar to that from Republicans.

So to answer you question, by not doing what Democrats are doing, is more reconciliation than what Democrats are doing.
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck wokeness! Its reverse racism by the pc cancel culture!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have no right to complain about a country for which you openly advocated the violent overthrow.

Begone, sick troll!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Wouldn't that be a major reason one would have for complaining about a country?
winn dixie's Avatar
You have no right to complain about a country for which you openly advocated the violent overthrow.

Begone, sick troll! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where did I call for a violent overthrow? That is false! Youre just projecting your false claims about folks you dont like!
The troll drivel you posted; youre the one spamming this forum today with b/s threads!

Thought I was being ignored? lolling