Truth - Will Set Ya Free

.... G'day You-inzers,

... Doctor Salty is here to try to cure what ails some o' ya.

... One o' the saddest things that I see here
in the site forums is what's commonly known as - "TDS"
- "Trump Derangement Syndrome"...

... Now I surely DO understand the actual reason for it.
... But the queston is - DO YOU?

A good bit o' the liberal lads here do suffer due to
their-own "TDS" - and like with other addictions
- the first step to a cure is - Admitting yer problem.

And to do that - let us LOOK as to the
REASON for the TDS"...

... Because TRUMP has been CORRECT about most things.

In-fact - so Correct - that by being this way, TRUMP
has then EXPOSED a number of liberal beliefs and
values as A LIE.

... Here's a few examples:

TRUMP told us that His election campaign was
being spyed on.... President OBama and the FBI
surely denied it - and what do we know?

TRUMP also told us that those claims of "Collusion"
with Russia AND the "dossier" were all bullshit.
And yet - the Trump/Russia hoax STILL goes on today.

TRUMP was not-onley CORRECT here - Hillary Clinton had
people create the FAKE Dossier and peddle it as legit.

... Are you fellows counting along yet?

So a number of people - liberal leaders that
YOU know and trust - have surely OUTRIGHT LIED.
Prez OBama DID spy on Trump... The FBI/DOJ have
LIED about "collusion"... And Hillary LIED and
pushed her phony dossier.

... So the sorry lot o' these Democrat liberal heroes
then turn out to be LIARS.

And for that - You blame TRUMP... ...

Your "TDS" is because TRUMP surely burst your bubble.
And EXPOSED the TRUTH about the people you support.

... Lemme stop here and get some reactions.
Then I'll move on to Joe Biden - and the future.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
I suspect you are wasting your time Salty. The ill informed leftists will bury their heads in the sand yet again. They just can't handle the truth
.... That very-well may be there, mate.

But I DO enjoy trying to help those blinded - to see the light.

... So NOW there's Joe Biden - President.

Who surely wouldn't be President - had the FBI/DOJ TOLD the TRUTH
about the Hunter laptop - which explained the "pay-for-play"
deals that VP Biden and his family had with other nations.

This is ALL being revealed NOW - and that candidate Biden
and Blinken and others with US Intelligence crafted a letter
so they could OUTRIGHT LIE to the American voters.
And blame "Russia" once again and thus sway the election.

Is THAT the honesty and integrity that you liberal lads
expect to see from your Government Officials?

Are their LIES and DECEPTION okay with you??

Or do you just continue to blame Trump??

... The TRUTH Will Set You Free!

##### Salty
... And of course, look where we are.

Biden Family "pay for play" corruption on display
- and the news media surely runs in the opposite direction.

They barrack for Biden at every turn - as the economy
collapses like a tin shithouse roof and there's NO MONEY!

Biden has tanked in just about every poll - and the
trust in the news media and the government is at
ALL-TIME Low Numbers.

The TRUTH shall set you free...
Didja actually believe "Crooked Joe would be
such a DISASTER?! ... ... I surely DID.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar

Sooner or later Gods gonna cut you down.
Quite a lot of irony in the title of a thread which is about a fake syndrome made up in order to try and discredit those who are rightfully critical of the major piece of shit who lies to the public at a tremendous rate.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not so sure I buy salty’s explanation, they hated Trump long before he did any of the stuff mentioned. IMO it’s straight up brainwashing. If 2% of what they about Trump was true I’d hate the guy too. Unfortunately, if the media says something about him, one can be fairly certain it’s the opposite of reality. The MSMs record of accurately reporting on Trump is worse than the weatherman’s.
Quite a lot of irony in the title of a thread which is about a fake syndrome made up in order to try and discredit those who are rightfully critical of the major piece of shit who lies to the public at a tremendous rate. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
... Hmmmm.... How much irony is there with the TRUTH
that your liberal Democrat heroes LIE to you?

Your FBI and DOJ lie to you - suppress the truth.

Your AG lies to you with "the borders are closed"
and claims that "the economy is fine" and
"no heavy crime problems in the big citys"...

Your US Intelligence Officials lie to you with
"it's safe to exit Afghanistan" and " the Hunter
laptop is fake and most likely Russian dis-info"...
(Brennan just admitted under oath it was a political sham)

And your President Biden lies - "Hunter did nothing wrong"
and "I knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings"...

... WHY do you still support this shit?
Really... I'd like to know.
Because the TRUTH will set ya FREE.

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Not so sure I buy salty’s explanation, they hated Trump long before he did any of the stuff mentioned. IMO it’s straight up brainwashing. If 2% of what they about Trump was true I’d hate the guy too. Unfortunately, if the media says something about him, one can be fairly certain it’s the opposite of reality. The MSMs record of accurately reporting on Trump is worse than the weatherman’s. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
They’re 100% brainwashed, by design

They’ve been lying to us for 70yrs. It was subtle, but effective during the 60’s when I grew up. Walter Cronkite was revered. A sober moderate. But he was controlled. But today, it’s full blown propaganda and lies. They don’t try to mask it because most people are zombies now. But, if you possess a small degree of critical thinking ability and common sense, you can see right thru it. It only takes minutes to spread lies and propaganda worldwide today. It takes much longer for the truth to come to light. How many “conspiracy theories” have been proven true? JFK assassination? 72% now think the 2020 election was rigged. 52% are democrats. A majority now believe CovId mas produced in a lab. J6 is falling apart. So there is hope The Great Awakening is Happening.

But don’t fret, over the next 40 days theres going to be an avalanche of truth coming. Sit back and enjoy the movie. The ending won’t be for everyone. 10% won’t believe it. And they’ll stick out like a sore thumb. You’ll see them here on Eccie. You can name them now.
... Hmmmm.... How much irony is there with the TRUTH
that your liberal Democrat heroes LIE to you?

Your FBI and DOJ lie to you - suppress the truth.

Your AG lies to you with "the borders are closed"
and claims that "the economy is fine" and
"no heavy crime problems in the big citys"...

Your US Intelligence Officials lie to you with
"it's safe to exit Afghanistan" and " the Hunter
laptop is fake and most likely Russian dis-info"...
(Brennan just admitted under oath it was a political sham)

And your President Biden lies - "Hunter did nothing wrong"
and "I knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings"...

... WHY do you still support this shit?
Really... I'd like to know.
Because the TRUTH will set ya FREE.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

SPECIFICALLY who are my "liberal democrat heroes?" Please be SPECIFIC and TRUTHFUL in your answer. A non answer will be an admission that I don't have any democratic heroes.

I've been around enough con men in my life to know one when I've seen one. I don't need any democrats to tell me how Trump is. He runs his mouth way more than enough for me to see exactly who he is. There are enough REPUBLICANS who now see it, that he will never be elected president again.

The TRUTH is that that Orange Con Man lies so frequently, he sometimes even contradicts himself within a minute or less.

The TRUTH is that TDS is a made up syndrome. There is no such thing.

The TRUTH is that people who still support Trump couldn't care less about the TRUTH.
berryberry's Avatar
... Hmmmm.... How much irony is there with the TRUTH
that your liberal Democrat heroes LIE to you?

Your FBI and DOJ lie to you - suppress the truth.

Your AG lies to you with "the borders are closed"
and claims that "the economy is fine" and
"no heavy crime problems in the big citys"...

Your US Intelligence Officials lie to you with
"it's safe to exit Afghanistan" and " the Hunter
laptop is fake and most likely Russian dis-info"...
(Brennan just admitted under oath it was a political sham)

And your President Biden lies - "Hunter did nothing wrong"
and "I knew nothing about Hunter's business dealings"...

... WHY do you still support this shit?
Really... I'd like to know.
Because the TRUTH will set ya FREE.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
We know why they support this shit Salty. Unfortunately there are ill informed leftists out there who are not smart enough to think on their own. So they take whatever the DNC media and the corrupt government agencies feed them as gospel. It really is sad to see
SPECIFICALLY who are my "liberal democrat heroes?" Please be SPECIFIC and TRUTHFUL in your answer. A non answer will be an admission that I don't have any democratic heroes.

I've been around enough con men in my life to know one when I've seen one. I don't need any democrats to tell me how Trump is. He runs his mouth way more than enough for me to see exactly who he is. There are enough REPUBLICANS who now see it, that he will never be elected president again.

The TRUTH is that that Orange Con Man lies so frequently, he sometimes even contradicts himself within a minute or less.

The TRUTH is that TDS is a made up syndrome. There is no such thing.

The TRUTH is that people who still support Trump couldn't care less about the TRUTH. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

... Specifically - I'm not certain just how many of
those liberal "heroes" you fancy there, mate.

But from the way you walk and talk 'round here,
you surely seem to support the Democrat system
of lies and deceit... and the liberals who expound it.

Am I correct?

#### Salty
... Specifically - I'm not certain just how many of
those liberal "heroes" you fancy there, mate.

But from the way you walk and talk 'round here,
you surely seem to support the Democrat system
of lies and deceit... and the liberals who expound it.

Am I correct?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The TRUTH is that you WERE NOT TRUTHFUL when you claimed that I have democrat heroes.

I don't have any heroes amongst the current politicians. I vote for the lesser of evils which in recent years have obviously been the democrats, but none of them are even close to being a hero to me.

As long as things are as they are, with prominent republicans making the average Mexican immigrant out to be a villain, telling a congresswoman to go back where she came from (Africa), referring to American cities as shitholes, villainizing trans people, trying to make abortion illegal, etc., I will be voting for the democrats. In short, the isms and phobias are what generally make the republicans the worse choice in my eyes. Drop the isms and phobias and they would have a chance with me, but it's a major part of their strategy. They can't drop it because they'd lose that part of their base. Just like the NFL, Nike, Bud Light, etc. have.
bambino's Avatar
The TRUTH is that you WERE NOT TRUTHFUL when you claimed that I have democrat heroes.

I don't have any heroes amongst the current politicians. I vote for the lesser of evils which in recent years have obviously been the democrats, but none of them are even close to being a hero to me.

As long as things are as they are, with prominent republicans making the average Mexican immigrant out to be a villain, telling a congresswoman to go back where she came from (Africa), referring to American cities as shitholes, villainizing trans people, trying to make abortion illegal, etc., I will be voting for the democrats. In short, the isms and phobias are what generally make the republicans the worse choice in my eyes. Drop the isms and phobias and they would have a chance with me, but it's a major part of their strategy. They can't drop it because they'd lose that part of their base. Just like the NFL, Nike, Bud Light, etc. have. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
“I vote for the lesser of two evils”. You voted for Joey Bribes. He’s pure evil.
“I vote for the lesser of two evils”. You voted for Joey Bribes. He’s pure evil. Originally Posted by bambino
Nah. He's just a mediocre politician. Not a hero of mine, but certainly not pure evil. Do you have a time frame on when they're gonna actually charge him with any of the things they've been investigating for years?