Vegas Clubs

Eye Candy's Avatar
The Vegas thread is not active. Do you have any recent intel on good clubs to visit in Vegas and any to avoid?
I was there a few months ago. Clubs were horrible. All of the girls have GPS.

If you want anything more than a dance, you’ll be disappointed.
Eye Candy's Avatar
Did you happen to go to Crazy Horse 3? Internet research shows it to be the best of the bunch.
You can have success if you have deep pockets at any of the clubs. By deep, prices start at 1k. Go with an amp. I am down there frequently and that has been the best value. You can also luck out at a studio as well.
Totally agree with the studio statement. Lot of good choices with prices in alignment with most other places. Haven’t really delved into the amp scene in Vegas. Interested in finding out though. Anyone with tips I’d appreciate a PM!
Eye Candy's Avatar
Reddit seems to you have the best intel and most recent.
Vegas Clubs seem to be mostly tourist money traps.
gutsandglory's Avatar
Agree 100% on Vegas Clubs - been to them all and everyone is a major money grab preying on tourists. Rhino and Sapphire do have top-shelf girls but any action comes with a huge price tag, plus the clubs all have an equity system that allows girls to camp on you (and c*ckbl*ck other girls) until you relent or they opt to move on. I used to love Vegas clubs because of the quality but last few trips (post Covid) left me feeling really ripped off. You're better served with other cities - like San Diego and walk over to Tijuana - or Toronto, which is a hidden gem for our hobby. F*ck Vegas for now.
Eye Candy's Avatar
Thanks gutsandglory. I was at the old Crazy Horse 2 back in the day and it was amazing. Sad to hear about today's clubs.