Obamacare has over 540,000 signups in the first week

flghtr65's Avatar
Despite the experience that J.D. Barleycorn had with the ACA, people are signing up. The enrollment numbers are higher than the previous year. It is better to be insured than uninsured.

LexusLover's Avatar
Despite the experience that J.D. Barleycorn had with the ACA, people are signing up. The enrollment numbers are higher than the previous year. It is better to be insured than uninsured.

http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare...-in-first-week Originally Posted by flghtr65
The Obaminable Administration does a great job of creating empty headlines:

"Thirty-four percent of the enrollees were new customers, and 66 percent were renewing their coverage, HHS said."

Roughly 170,000 were "NEW CUSTOMERS" ....


"By the end of the open enrollment period on Jan. 31, the administration projects that between 11 million and 14.1 million people will have selected a plan. But as some don’t pay their premiums or shift to other types of coverage, that number is expected to drop closer to 10 million by the end of the year."

So of "millions" signing up, ......

....up to 4.1 million
are going to end up not being "covered"!

______________________________ ______________________________

I'm going to go "sign up" for 4 pieces of ass today off the Eccie WebSite from the Eccie Providers advertising today!

Are you impressed? That I've increased my fucking to four times a day?

"Carry On"!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bitch and moan all you want. This is the face of American health insurance in 2015. We need a single payer system.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bitch and moan all you want. This is the face of American health insurance in 2015. We need a single payer system. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Are you going to be the "single payer" for the "system"!

You can't even pay your own.

I don't "bitch and moan" .... I don't need the government to tell me how to insure myself. You apparently do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, you are. I'd like to know how much you've taken from America since before I was born, Mayor!

There are liars and fucking assholes. You're both.
  • DSK
  • 11-13-2015, 08:11 AM
Single payer is a code phrase for government health care. If a person wants the whole system to be run by the government, they should be man enough to admit it.

The only reason they want that is that they control the government.

However, we have a decent hybrid system now. No one is denied critical car for lack of ability to pay. In fact, we spend more on healthcare on the poor than anyone.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So JL is on the Obamacare bandwagon now.
LexusLover's Avatar
No, you are. I'd like to know how much you've taken from America since before I was born. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm still working and paying in. How about you?

Now do I have to go back and dig up all your posts on "signing up" for "Obamacare"?

Do you think everyone is senile like you?

It appears as though you are feeling guilty about sucking up tax dollars and being partially responsible for the deficit from the entitlements you guzzle, so you attempt to project onto others ...

.. kind of like WTF being a racist, but claiming everyone else is also to justify his shortcomings.

Now we have an OLD MAN calling others an OLD MAN, when he knows nothing about them (like you know nothing about them), but just shooting off his mouth on the internet .... threatening people .... and fluffing up like a butterfly to justify his "ability" to carry out his threats. Sounds like he spends a lot of the time puffing up!

How about you? Fluff or puff a lot?

Forgive me if I don't give you the attention you deserve, but I've got some gainful work to do so that I can keep contributing to you and your family's welfare receipts......and health care costs.....like I've been doing for longer than you have been alive (apparently)!!!! I think you're too lazy to "take"! I think you just wait for the mail ...or the electronic deposit!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2015, 10:08 AM

.. kind of like WTF being a racist, but claiming everyone else is also to justify his shortcomings.

!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
WTF cited a study showing we are all racist , ageist , sexist.

It talked about never improving on a problem if you will not acknowledge it. You are the prime example of one never acknowledging your racism.

You're one of those nuts that want the government out of your Medicare too! Old angry white man are you.
LexusLover's Avatar
WTF cited a study ..... Originally Posted by WTF
Recanting. Ok.

How's the "audio recording" working out for you?

It's working out well for Hillarious. By January 2016 she'll be complaining about Obamacare!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2015, 11:20 AM
Recanting. Ok.

How's the "audio recording" working out for you?

It's working out well for Hillarious. By January 2016 she'll be complaining about Obamacare! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nope not recanting....i believe you are just as racist as ever. Audio recordings are legal in Texas...i thought i taught you that a couple of days ago. You still having trouble differentiating audio and video recordings?
LexusLover's Avatar
The Obaminable Administration does a great job of creating empty headlines:

"Thirty-four percent of the enrollees were new customers, and 66 percent were renewing their coverage, HHS said."

Roughly 170,000 were "NEW CUSTOMERS" ....


"By the end of the open enrollment period on Jan. 31, the administration projects that between 11 million and 14.1 million people will have selected a plan. But as some don’t pay their premiums or shift to other types of coverage, that number is expected to drop closer to 10 million by the end of the year."

So of "millions" signing up, ......

....up to 4.1 million
are going to end up not being "covered"!

______________________________ ______________________________

I'm going to go "sign up" for 4 pieces of ass today off the Eccie WebSite from the Eccie Providers advertising today!

Are you impressed? That I've increased my fucking to four times a day?

"Carry On"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
As is typical with "cutting and pasting" with a headline ....

... the "devil" is in the details. The "snake oil" still has a market, I see.
LexusLover's Avatar
...i thought i taught you that a couple of days ago. Originally Posted by WTF
The only thing you have "taught" me (and I actually already knew it .. hate to burst your delusional bubble) is how NOT to get accepted as a guest of a provider.

Your behavior (and the consequences) reminds me of a former GF of mine ... almost 50 years ago ... who was trying to cock block me after I broke up with her by telling HER GFs that all I wanted with her was to fuck her. Until she ran her mouth THEY didn't know I even kissed anyone, much less fucked! My phone starting ringing .... then she called me months later and yelled at me for "ruining her reputation" .... by spreading shit about her "fucking." I had suggested that she "keep quiet" .... but she chose not to do so.

Ring any mental bells? Enjoy your delusional state. It's got to improve your self-image, if not your real one.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-13-2015, 01:34 PM
The only thing you have "taught" me (and I actually already knew it .. hate to burst your delusional bubble) is how NOT to get accepted as a guest of a provider.

Your behavior (and the consequences) reminds me of a former GF of mine ... almost 50 years ago ... who was trying to cock block me after I broke up with her by telling HER GFs that all I wanted with her was to fuck her. Until she ran her mouth THEY didn't know I even kissed anyone, much less fucked! My phone starting ringing .... then she called me months later and yelled at me for "ruining her reputation" .... by spreading shit about her "fucking." I had suggested that she "keep quiet" .... but she chose not to do so.

Ring any mental bells? Enjoy your delusional state. It's got to improve your self-image, if not your real one. Originally Posted by LexusLover
That has nothing to do with you confusing audio recordings with video.
LOLing 0zombies...

ObamaCare Still Can't Catch Fraudulent Enrollees

10/22/2015 05:29 PM ET

Government auditors were able sign up 17 out of 18 fake ObamaCare enrollees for coverage through federal and state exchanges, a report released on Thursday reveals. That's despite the fact that some applications included obvious signs of fraud.

The Government Accountability Office sent 10 auditors with fictitious enrollment information to the federal healthcare.gov site as well as two state-run ObamaCare exchanges, to sign up for subsidized insurance.

While eight didn't make it through the initial identity-checking process, all 10 eventually obtained coverage, even though four obviously had made up Social Security numbers that started with "000." They all were able to keep their coverage despite filing fake follow-up documentation.

In addition, the GAO tried to sign eight more up for Medicaid coverage. Three made it through the process, and four ended up getting subsidized private coverage instead. The only one that failed was in California, which refused to sign the person up without a Social Security number

This is the second time the GAO has been able to bypass ObamaCare's supposed verification procedures and obtain coverage using false information. Last year, it was able to sign up several for ObamaCare plans at Healthcare.gov, and get them renewed for 2015, even though they repeatedly failed to provide required information.

When confronted with the GAO's findings, the two state-run exchanges — in California and Kentucky — said they only inspect documents that obviously have been altered, and they aren't required to verify information about employer coverage. The federal marketplace told the GAO that its "eligibility and enrollment system is generally performing as designed."

Given the amount of taxpayer money at risk from ObamaCare fraud, these sorts of responses are hardly comforting.

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