Gun Loving Democrats


While I consider myself a hobbiest and sometimes hunter,
I do like my firearms. I like to target practice once a week.

While not my "line in the sand" issue, it is of relevance and of much importance to me
and my compatriots- most of whom are of a left leaning nature.

How many other 2nd ammendment Dems we have around these parts?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

While I consider myself a hobbiest and sometimes hunter,
I do like my firearms. I like to target practice once a week.

While not my "line in the sand" issue, it is of relevance and of much importance to me
and my compatriots- most of whom are of a left leaning nature.

How many other 2nd ammendment Dems we have around these parts? Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Not sure what you mean by "2nd Amendment Dems". I am a registered Republican but vote for the person I deem to be the best candidate. So let's assume I am a Dem for the moment. What would make me a "2nd Amendment Dem"? Supporting no gun control laws? Supporting some gun control laws? I doubt you'll find very many Dems (or Reps) who support the banning of guns.
  • DSK
  • 03-14-2016, 11:02 AM

While I consider myself a hobbiest and sometimes hunter,
I do like my firearms. I like to target practice once a week.

While not my "line in the sand" issue, it is of relevance and of much importance to me
and my compatriots- most of whom are of a left leaning nature.

How many other 2nd ammendment Dems we have around these parts? Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I'm the opposite - I'd be glad to get rid of guns and I'm a conservative Republican. However, I insist on an amendment to the constitution to get rid of them. In the meantime, I'm clinging to my guns and my religion.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm the opposite - I'd be glad to get rid of guns and I'm a conservative Republican. However, I insist on an amendment to the constitution to get rid of them. In the meantime, I'm clinging to my guns and my religion. Originally Posted by DSK

Which one?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There are some people that vote solely based on 2nd amendment grades by the NRA which is a single issue organization. They supported Harry Reid in his Senate race because he got a 60million dollar pork job for a gun range in Clark county. They will support a Dem if they have a good record on gun rights and the Republican is unknown or fails to answer their questionnaire.
  • DSK
  • 03-14-2016, 03:32 PM

Which one? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The true religion
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It is a bit of a misstatement of facts to say that gun owners (or NRA members) are against ALL gun laws. It was the NRA who supported the early gun laws and even wrote some of them. If you want to be honest then you should state that the NRA and most gun owners do not want any of the rights of legal, honest, law abiding citizens to be abridged by government. Want to ban assault STYLE weapons? Not what we want. What do ban high capacity magazines? Not what we want. What to ban all semi automatic weapons? Not what we want. Want to keep CRIMINALS for obtaining guns? Now we can talk if you define what a criminal is precisely. What to keep the mentally ill from having access to guns? We can talk about that if you define what you mean by mentally ill (too much of a sliding scale for me) and by not infringing on the rights of their friends and family.

While I consider myself a hobbiest and sometimes hunter,
I do like my firearms. I like to target practice once a week.

While not my "line in the sand" issue, it is of relevance and of much importance to me
and my compatriots- most of whom are of a left leaning nature.

How many other 2nd ammendment Dems we have around these parts? Originally Posted by UB9IB6
When I went to a CHL class a while back there was 63 class members. 12 were black women. 2 were black men (both ex military) and 6 were older Asians, probably Vietnamese or Chinese.

Not sure what you mean by "2nd Amendment Dems". I am a registered Republican ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Please post a link of yours to convince me..

It is a bit of a misstatement of facts to say that gun owners (or NRA members) are against ALL gun laws. It was the NRA who supported the early gun laws and even wrote some of them. If you want to be honest then you should state that the NRA and most gun owners do not want any of the rights of legal, honest, law abiding citizens to be abridged by government. Want to ban assault STYLE weapons? Not what we want. What do ban high capacity magazines? Not what we want. What to ban all semi automatic weapons? Not what we want. Want to keep CRIMINALS for obtaining guns? Now we can talk if you define what a criminal is precisely. What to keep the mentally ill from having access to guns? We can talk about that if you define what you mean by mentally ill (too much of a sliding scale for me) and by not infringing on the rights of their friends and family. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
As I posted a few years back, another move that showed BHO's political inexperience was putting everything on the table when he wanted to legislate gun control.
John Kasich likes to pride himself on being pro-Second Amendment to appeal to his voter base — but that doesn’t seem to be the case after seeing this.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Please post a link of yours to convince me..
Originally Posted by gnadfly
Post a link to what? That I am a registered Republican? In my lifetime I have voted for the following candidates for President: Nixon, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama. Had the Republicans offered a better option than McCain-Palin in 2008 my voting record for President might still be straight Republican.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, I'd have to say that the biggest issue facing the world right now is putting more guns in the hands of idiot hillbilliy retards like SLOBBRIN.

...who won't even vote, btw.
Yeah, I'd have to say that the biggest issue facing the world right now is putting more guns in the hands of idiot hillbilliy retards like SLOBBRIN.

...who won't even vote, btw. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Since you're referring to the world, some of those idiots are Terrorists and take a guess where they get their guns and ammo from.

PiperPosh's Avatar
I wish I could wave a magic gun and make all guns disappear.
We have drones now, we don't even need them. That Seal Team 6 could of just bashed Osama's skull in with a night stick instead of a gun.
That is just my two cents.
But some people love their guns. Maybe it's just a fascination with the engineering, or the weight of them in your hand. Some people love them.
And I admit, if we get overrun by deer or black bears, guns would be good.
And I'm a liberal, though not always a democrat. I just want things to be better.
I wish I could wave a magic gun and make all guns disappear.
We have drones now, we don't even need them. That Seal Team 6 could of just bashed Osama's skull in with a night stick instead of a gun.
That is just my two cents.
But some people love their guns. Maybe it's just a fascination with the engineering, or the weight of them in your hand. Some people love them.
And I admit, if we get overrun by deer or black bears, guns would be good.
And I'm a liberal, though not always a democrat. I just want things to be better. Originally Posted by PiperPosh
For your sake, I hope no one with criminal tendencies or a violent nature ever reads your post. because you would be their next victim.
