Shout out to CD/JJ

alphonse1948's Avatar
Chanukah Sameach.

Carlos Danger's Avatar
Israelites mingling here with the gentiles in coed. Feeling sad the AMPS can’t join the discussion, limited to their own unique racial forum. It’s all fish dumplings Whew !

Plastic Man's Avatar
may the blessins a ...the ...season be upon yas!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I had an Orthodox Jewish fellow drop by my office the other day and prior to getting down to business he told me about how he was composing an article, presumably for publication, wherein he was declaring that he and his community at large were "Jews" but not "Zionists". This is clearly a reaction to recent street-level attacks by racist neighborhood malcontents against people believed to be Jews.

Another example of attempting to defuse a situation via groveling. Why?
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Botched circumcision, or stale bagels. Whew
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Probably drank too much kosherized grape juice that was past it's expiration date.