Going forward, any soldier killed in Afghanistan is Biden's fault.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, made a deal with the Taliban to leave their shit hole country on the 1st of May which is today. Now along comes Joe who says he is going to change the deal to leave by September 11th. So Joe wants a symbolic victory of some sort. The Taliban has announced that since the USA can't keep a promise that they are now free to attack and kill any US soldier. Thanks a lot Joe, you jackass.


bambino's Avatar
Sure is. The Taliban expected the troops to be gone in May. They’ll cause trouble.
A relative of mine is stationed over there right now. He was supposed to be home. Now, no time table.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
You're a domestic terrorist if you talk badly about Joe Biden and the United States government.
LexusLover's Avatar
You're a domestic terrorist if you talk badly about Joe Biden and the United States government. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Who is talking "badly about Joe Biden"?

Recognizing his mental deficiencies and speech impediments is simply being respectful to those who are mentally and physically incapable of functioning the employment task in which they are assigned. People who claim he is mentally and physically qualified for the employment position he holds are being discriminatory (now called racist) by not recognizing he is a protected class of person who has mental and physical disabilities. They supported passing legislation requiring compliance with certain standards and now they want to be outlaws and violate their own laws.

Like yesterday they were of the male gender from birth, but all of a sudden they feel like little pussies so they decide to utilize the facilities that have designated for females for decades.
Stupid ass Biden.
Joe wants a symbolic victory of some sort. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Hard to have a symbolic victory for a war you just lost.
You're a domestic terrorist if you talk badly about Joe Biden and the United States government. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Cool. Come and get me, Alphabet bois!
rexdutchman's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
eye suspect biden is doing this on purpose. neo-cons in the pentagon want this deal with taliban scuttled.
  • Tiny
  • 05-03-2021, 10:18 PM
I'd like us out of Afghanistan as much as the rest of you. But I believe you're being too hard on Biden. His views are a lot closer to our last President's than, say, to warmongers like Hillary Clinton and Lindsey Graham.

If you're an American male, I bet you're in more danger these days living in St Louis or Baltimore than serving in Afghanistan.

Stars and Stripes: US goes one year without a combat death in Afghanistan as Taliban warn against reneging on peace deal

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't give Biden a pass. The deal was in place and the Taliban was, more or less, honoring that deal. Biden comes along and blows up the deal for a photo op. All he had to do was get the troops ready to move out on May 1st en masse. He had nearly four months to make it happen which goes to show you, and the Taliban, that he was not acting in good faith. Unlike when the regular dems don't act in good faith, this time men and women could die. Yes, one year without a combat death because of the deal.
Plus, I wonder how those that we are leaving behind are going to react when they Taliban starts cutting off heads. Biden didn't touch that part of the problem. We owe those who helped us out. I kind of imagine another roof top helicopter scene like Vietnam when we do the long, slow pull out.