The anxiety of finding the incall...

Wheretonow's Avatar
I don't know about the rest of you ECCIEers, but for me, the most anxiety-ridden part of a session is the drive to and locating a provider's incall.

  • The traffic sometimes making you run late
  • Arriving at the address and not getting the gate code in a timely manner
  • Entering the gate code you're given and the gate doesn't open
  • Driving around large apartment complexes trying to find the right one
  • Arriving at the incall and not feeling safe about the location
  • Arriving and then not being able to contact the provider
  • And the list goes on...

So guys, please share some of your anxieties & experiences getting to the incall; and ladies, please share what you do to alleviate our insecurities.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I missed on my one and only chance to see Jenna a few years ago when I transposed the digits in her apartment number.

Another frustration is being at the right place, at the right time, and not having the provider around to buzz you in because she had other things to do besides make the appointment, leaving you to wonder if you got it wrong, and pissing you off later when you find out you didn't.
Guest091314's Avatar
I will usually just keep them on the phone when they give me the call that they are close. Then lead them into my area and give them turn by turn directions. There should be no way to get lost when headin to my place = )
texastee's Avatar
i agree thought i was the only one that has this problem,
glad to know i am not alone
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 07-23-2011, 08:37 PM
Yup. I value the providers who give you the actual address which can be put in the GPS. Just hate to be on the phone getting directions in an area that I am not familiar with. It's not like there already aren't enough variables; any one of which could potentially mess up making it to the date.
pyramider's Avatar
I will usually just keep them on the phone when they give me the call that they are close. Then lead them into my area and give them turn by turn directions. There should be no way to get lost when headin to my place = ) Originally Posted by Alecia

I take it that you actually know where you are . . . I thinck I am in lust.
I've heard stories of guys getting to the apartment complex and spending 30 minutes trying to find the door...I've always tried to allocate plenty of time...traffic, unfamiliar area, etc. Most of the time I'll get there 20 minutes before I call her...heck, go to the 7-11 or local bar, have a beer and RELAX. Ya gotta take the traffic seriously, especially since 635 is being torn up.
I use GPS and if it is first time with the provider, I will be there 30 minutes to an hour early (depending on distance) to make sure there are no snags.
Traveler64's Avatar
Then lead them into my area and give them turn by turn directions. There should be no way to get lost when headin to my place = ) Originally Posted by Alecia
Assuming the lady giving the directions does not have directional dyslexia (or simply left/right confusion). It happened to me several years ago. I drove into the apartment complex and received via phone the left/right turn directions. About half of the turns were wrong, including the first one. She later admitted she did have a problem with directions. Some of the old timers will know who I'm talking about.
I one saw a visiting provider who told me she was near the galleria and to call when I got close, only to find out she was at the Anatole when I got there and called. She somehow thought the galleria and market center were one in the same.

Slighty more on topic, there are few feelings worse then arriving at a provider's incall, calling for the room or apt #, and her not answering. You wait, try again, and then on the third try her phone is turned off and goes straight to VM. That's when you know you're fucked, and not in a good way.
flexywun's Avatar
understand where you're coming from. like someone said their directions are not always great as sometimes they are using the incall for the first time themselves; one time i was on some floor of a hotel walking to the room number she gave me and the number she gave me wasn't there. actually the end of the hall was like the number or two before so I'm like wtf am i retarded i can't find her room? called her back to find I'm at the wrong hotel. very similar name and very close in location. dang glad that number wasn't there and i knock to find some big dude answering the door. talk about your anxiety.
Wheretonow's Avatar
My most unusual incall trip was very early in my hobbying experiences. It was with Diana of Dallas, a legend in these parts and one many old timers will have fond memories of. She had a system where you paid part of the fee in advance, which I did. Somehow as part of the advance payment I knew the name of the hotel and her telephone number, but not the area code.

When I tried to call her (using what I thought the area code would be) I got a business, where the lady was very polite and said she routinely gets calls for Diana, and was wondering what kind of business she was in!

Being younger and stupider (and not knowing any other area codes to try) I drove to the hotel, went to the front desk and ask what room Diana of Dallas was in. Luckily the clerk was a young guy who called her room, got her OK, and I went up and had one of the best sessions of my hobbying career.
It is a real problem, causing some anxiety which may knock some of the anticipation of having a good time. This is especially if there is a language or accent barrier.

The most success I've had is to get as many directions as close to her place as possible, arrive in the general area 20-30 minutes early. Driving around the local area, I take note of the names of the street which helps immensly when you're trying to figure out what street or apartment complex she lives in while pronouncing where she lives.

Eventually I find her place, but I arrive far from relaxed, concerned my arriving late may force a shorter session. In cases like that, I usually apologize for my lack of knowledge of the area where she lives. and ask for a rain check.

The provider has her security issues too, avoiding giving too detailed instructions, too early in case she thinks her calls iare possibly bugged.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah, I've been through a lot of incall anxiety. It was REALLY bad before I got a GPS. Hell, I don't know how anyone gets around in Dallas without one. I actually used to use a ROAD MAP to hobby in Dallas. That worked pretty well, but it wasn't a good idea to try to read a map and drive, particularly in the metroplex (and you think texting and driving is dangerous). While I did OK with it, the problem with road maps is new construction. New roads, old roads destroyed, new exit and on ramps, new signs, etc. That plan was short-lived, needless to say. After so much driving in Dallas, I eventually learned the 'big' roads a bit (interstates, turnpikes, connecting highways), but not enough to effeciently meander through the city WHILE trying to make appts on time.

After one too many 'I'm not going to see you because you're late' situations, I was like, to hell with this, I'm getting a GPS.

So I get a GPS. Great. The best thing about the GPS is that it allows you to 'see' the roads on a screen as you progress on a route. You may not always know where you're going, but it's easier to 'fix' that as you move about, you know. What make a GPS maximum effective is a pluggable physical location to go to. Ladies, giving us store by store, house by house, corner by corner, landmark by landmark, or any combination of the above directions, is.....outdated, not to mention hard to do if there's high traffic and/or great lack of familiarity with the area.

Go past the CVS, turn left and you should see Henry's Pigfeet stand. Go two blocks around the curve and, if you see a blue elephant, you went too far. Turn around, take a left, keep straight and you should see a Waffle House. Go past it, turn right and you should see Meadowlake Apts. Keep going until you see Brentwood Apts, then take a left at the second light and....(all this in the midst of fighting traffic, and other drivers who dont give a damn about you trying to get to some woman. Often times they're blocking the lane you need to be in, taking their time in the intersection, etc....and that's just in the DAY time, and NOT raining. Fun stuff, ladies).

I understand the need for personal security and you may not want to give the exact location of your incall. That's fine. Give me a concrete intersection, and one that's easy to spell and not TRICKY to spell. Pine St, Central Ave, etc are fine. But what about the ones that could end with a 'Y' or 'IE' or have a 'C' where there could be an 'S', or 'Ph' in place of an 'F', etc, etc. Sometimes the GPS won't recognize it or finish spelling what it thinks you're trying to enter. A misspelling could also be one street halfway across town, and the system won't compute. When you give me the intersection, don't let it be so far from you that I still have to make 8 more turns to get to you. Keep in mind that we're fighting traffic while trying to SAFELY get to you.

It'd be nice to know the gatecode BEFORE I pulled up to it. Any prolonged waiting says to an observer, 'This guy either just moved in or doesn't belong here'. 'I don't recognize his car'. 'Where's he going?'.

These apt complex buildings can REALLY look alike at times. Same color, same shape, same height, same yard features, etc. Then the building number pattern seems to go 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 9, 8. You turn around. 6.....3....2....FIVE!! Aauuuugghh! [she calls....where you at??] Again. 1, 2...6. Turn around again. 6, 5.....and over there buried in a cave cutout section is Bldg 4! Yayyy. You can breathe again. Only took ya 10 min, and you can just feel all the eyes in the neighborhood on you. Then of course, the creep that lives 3 apts from her just happens to be outside today. You don't know who this joker is. Could be anybody....or a pimp. But you press on, and finally get to her incall.

Odd thing about this is, moments like these sometimes make for a great session. Going through all this tends to get the blood pumping so much, that its all ready to go when you finally get to her.

Makes it all worth it.....almost.
Front Bottom's Avatar
I actually enjoy going to a new providers place, it's kind of a thrill seeking thing for me. Having said that, I usually hobby in areas that I'm familar with.