Did Texas "Re-open" too Soon?

Chung Tran's Avatar

I don't care about number of cases, I expect that to rise with more testing.. I do care that DEATHS are going up, and Hospitalizations have yet to decrease. the article says shopping/retail and Libraries are back in full swing.

from what I have observed, the landscape looks like it did 3 months ago.. traffic is back, crowds are all around.. except for some mask-wearers, I would not know anything was different, from observing casually.

if you post, try to utilize cogency, and make a case for your response. personal attacks and "socialist this, Blue State that" bores me, that is almost all I ever see in these threads.

I don't care about number of cases, I expect that to rise with more testing.. I do care that DEATHS are going up, and Hospitalizations have yet to decrease. the article says shopping/retail and Libraries are back in full swing.

from what I have observed, the landscape looks like it did 3 months ago.. traffic is back, crowds are all around.. except for some mask-wearers, I would not know anything was different, from observing casually.

if you post, try to utilize cogency, and make a case for your response. personal attacks and "socialist this, Blue State that" bores me, that is almost all I ever see in these threads. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You are right, I think the automobile traffic and commerce is picking up near the old pace, and definitely I'm the only one wearing a mask voluntarily when I go to the old places.

I've noticed the deaths haven't gone done yet, either.

However, I like the social experiment that is going on. It is getting hot, which might kill the virus anyway and people aren't following the rules. If deaths don't increase over the next month, it will prove we don't need to continue to destroy our society with lockdowns - and we can open up and shoot for herd immunity.

However, the NBA and its large crowds would be too dangerous - so shut that shit down.

Otherwise, this is Texas, the virus doesn't seem to be the armegedden they tried to scare us with, so ride'm cowboy!

P.S. I'll still be the guy wearing a mask, just in case. Please, old people, protect yourselves. Stay home and order shit from Amazon and shop during the old folks hour - keep your distance.

Young people have almost nothing to worry about, according to statistics I have read.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If deaths and/or hospitalization haven’t moved either way, it says to me the entire lockdown strategy was unnecessary.
No. IMO, Texas re-opened too late.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You are right, I think the automobile traffic and commerce is picking up near the old pace, and definitely I'm the only one wearing a mask voluntarily when I go to the old places.

I've noticed the deaths haven't gone done yet, either.

However, I like the social experiment that is going on. It is getting hot, which might kill the virus anyway and people aren't following the rules. If deaths don't increase over the next month, it will prove we don't need to continue to destroy our society with lockdowns - and we can open up and shoot for herd immunity.
Originally Posted by friendly fred

I like where we are at, too, but I hope Abbott and the others will keep a close eye out.. the next 2-3 weeks will tell us VOLUMNES, I think. the NBA isn't thinking about playing in front of crowds anytime soon, are they?

If deaths and/or hospitalization haven’t moved either way, it says to me the entire lockdown strategy was unnecessary. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
but they have.. deaths are going up in Texas. just recently, in tandem with "re-opening".. what do you think about that, if anything?

No. IMO, Texas re-opened too late. Originally Posted by gnadfly
why do you say that? I don't care why, but you should have a reason. I might even agree with your answer. my feeling is like fred's, we are about right in responding, best I can tell.
Wearing a mask doesn't protect you from getting the virus. I keeps you from spreading it if you have it with no symptoms.

You are right, I think the automobile traffic and commerce is picking up near the old pace, and definitely I'm the only one wearing a mask voluntarily when I go to the old places.

I've noticed the deaths haven't gone done yet, either.

However, I like the social experiment that is going on. It is getting hot, which might kill the virus anyway and people aren't following the rules. If deaths don't increase over the next month, it will prove we don't need to continue to destroy our society with lockdowns - and we can open up and shoot for herd immunity.

However, the NBA and its large crowds would be too dangerous - so shut that shit down.

Otherwise, this is Texas, the virus doesn't seem to be the armegedden they tried to scare us with, so ride'm cowboy!

P.S. I'll still be the guy wearing a mask, just in case. Please, old people, protect yourselves. Stay home and order shit from Amazon and shop during the old folks hour - keep your distance.

Young people have almost nothing to worry about, according to statistics I have read. Originally Posted by friendly fred
To answer the OP’s Question......no.
Chung Tran's Avatar
To answer the OP’s Question......no. Originally Posted by Jackie S
it would be nice to see you expound beyond a brief utterance.

Wearing a mask doesn't protect you from getting the virus. I keeps you from spreading it if you have it with no symptoms. Originally Posted by farmstud60
that was the rhetoric from 2 weeks ago,, since then Fauci and others believe it can protect you to a limited degree as well.
it would be nice to see you expound beyond a brief utterance.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Texas is not New York. We don’t pack ourselves like sardines in mass transit vehicles. We don’t live shoulder to shoulder in crowded tenements.

That old thing.... “ if we can save just one life” is bullshit. If you keep the country shut down, no one will have a life to come back to.

We had a 78 year old man come down with Covid-19 in the East Side Townhomes I live in. He was sick for about 2 weeks.

He said it felt like the flu for a couple of days, then just like a bad cold. He is the only person I know who has had it.

This is the way it is for all viral infections. The vast majority of people have no trouble fighting off the virus. Others get really sick. A rather small minority die.

You can’t ruin the Country for those odds.
Wearing a mask doesn't protect you from getting the virus. I keeps you from spreading it if you have it with no symptoms. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Well then, no motherfucker can say I spread it, then.
I like where we are at, too, but I hope Abbott and the others will keep a close eye out.. the next 2-3 weeks will tell us VOLUMNES, I think. the NBA isn't thinking about playing in front of crowds anytime soon, are they? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think the NBA will choose no crowds.

I don't think it will be that great of an experience - kinda like watching practice.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I don't care about number of cases, I expect that to rise with more testing.. I do care that DEATHS are going up, and Hospitalizations have yet to decrease. the article says shopping/retail and Libraries are back in full swing.

if you post, try to utilize cogency, and make a case for your response. personal attacks and "socialist this, Blue State that" bores me, that is almost all I ever see in these threads. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Good luck with that second part. I hope you don't consider this as part of the "socialist this, Blue State that". If you do, I hope you find this interesting.

Yes, Texas opened too soon. IMHO. American exceptionalism is a great factor. Couple that with Texans seeing ourselves as special exceptions. Well, that's a recipe for disaster.

Until the virus is under control, chaos reigns. Wisconsin happens. There might be better ways to control the spread. But when the experts don't know, or can't tell us, the hedonist in a Dallas Texan takes super special exception to being told what to do. (Just a little shot at the North from the oily gulf.)

If They Walk Like Fascists and Talk Like Fascists…


First, there was that vapid little princeling Jared Kushner telling Time magazine that he refused to rule out postponing the November election. That extraordinary statement could have been a trial balloon; if it was ignored oe got positive feedback, Trump could advance the idea. If it got significant blowback, the administration could deny that Kushner was speaking officially and say that he simply tripped over his words.

Then again, they might not need to postpone the election if they can convince enough GOP state leaders to curtail mail-in voting so much that they make it all but impossible for citizens in densely populated urban neighborhoods to vote in person without risking their lives. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton kicked off the strategy by announcing this week that he would seek to bar the Lone Star State’s big cities from counting voters’ fear of Covid-19 as a valid reason for their being allowed to vote by mail. That adds a new layer of ugliness to the GOP’s years-long voter-suppression tactics.
Ronin3's Avatar
To answer the OP’s Question......no. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just spent 6 weeks of 12 hour nights running a COVID ICU pod in NYC. Although 65, I’m healthy and will die from exhaustion and frustration before anything from any virus. On my way home tomorrow. Maybe if you spent 5 minutes with me in one you’d have a different opinion. Maybe not. I have a highly educated and intelligent close friend who doesn’t give a fuck about the outcome of those infected. He only cares about his dwindling economic stability and believes herd immunity is the answer. Everybody has an opinion and no one knows the answers at this point. But certainly time will tell.
Ronin3's Avatar
Wearing a mask doesn't protect you from getting the virus. I keeps you from spreading it if you have it with no symptoms. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Depends completely on the mask. In medicine, the original concept of wearing a mask was to protect us. We’re not the sick ones. Over the years it’s become twisted even though there’s not one valid study that supports the current position(protecting the patient). It’s a Nursing thing. Great at giving care. Valid research...not as much.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Just spent 6 weeks of 12 hour nights running a COVID ICU pod in NYC. Although 65, I’m healthy and will die from exhaustion and frustration before anything from any virus. On my way home tomorrow. Maybe if you spent 5 minutes with me in one you’d have a different opinion. Maybe not. I have a highly educated and intelligent close friend who doesn’t give a fuck about the outcome of those infected. He only cares about his dwindling economic stability and believes herd immunity is the answer. Everybody has an opinion and no one knows the answers at this point. But certainly time will tell. Originally Posted by Ronin3
Good post and glad you are safe! If you saw me in public it would appear as if I don't care because I don't protect myself to what people consider the proper protocols now, but I do. I know I'm not bullet proof. I keep my distance.

As far as money, I'll never worry about that again. Your buddy should have taken his money out of the market 3 months ago even before this virus hit. The market was too high and interest rates were too low. You take your capital gains and become liquid when that happens ASAP... you just look at your cash and fuck investing in the market when that happens. You don't get greedy. You put your money in a money market account and leave it alone until things get back to normal. You don't try to be cute and think you are buying low. You leave the market alone and stay cash heavy for now. Trust me. I know a thing or two about a thing or two.