More hypocrisy from Whitmer....

bambino's Avatar

Her was was just making a joke!!!! She’s a joke.
Lockdowns for thee but not for me.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden should pick Whitmer as VP. he could flip Michigan because the Michigan voters want to get rid of her as Governor.
bambino's Avatar
Biden should pick Whitmer as VP. he could flip Michigan because the Michigan voters want to get rid of her as Governor. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not unless she wears Black face and does a Rachel Dolezal.

Rachel Dolezal, white woman who portrayed herself as black
  • oeb11
  • 05-26-2020, 04:18 PM
Ah Yes - the DPST's purport to be dedicated to serving the American people

What is true is the blatant Elitism and racism (plantation style) of the DPST's - and dedication to rule by Authority without responsibility.
Whitmer and her husband just proved that - Again.

And try to pass it off as a "Joke" - the Joke is the Michigan voters who chose Whitmer and choose to put up with her autocratic elitist Rule.

socialism Uber Alles - the DPST's say.

Bets that Whitmer calls out the National Guard if recalled or defeated in Nov 2022?????
bambino's Avatar
Biden should pick Whitmer as VP. he could flip Michigan because the Michigan voters want to get rid of her as Governor. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
She is like Marie Antoinette - better than all the peasants.

I would hate her if I lived in Michigan.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Democrats simply can not take the chance of the economy rebounding before Nov. so keep it shut down as long as they can. "We'll deal with that after we win" is, I'm guessing, the "feeling" among Democrats
  • UHB
  • 05-26-2020, 09:27 PM
aren't your people starving up there, running a scam 2012 tsunami trying rob emergency room time, twim/arch royal scam
an old file fell to the dusty floor of my barn from the archives stored in a dim corner

the file,? john kerry's

the exposed page? headed by one word, hypocrisy

as I stooped to pick up the yellowed page and the file it fell from, I couldn't help but pause to read the page and to discover why I marked it with one word, hypocrisy.

you remember, the former massachusetts senator and one time dim presidential candidate and purple heart recipient and war hero

well like all dims, he voted 350 times to either raise taxes or to vote against tax cuts

but when it came to his own taxes, he and teresa filed separate returns and she kept pittsburg. pa as her tax home. why, you might ask? to save state income tax and potential state inheritance taxes

and then there was the plight of the Isabel

to save $437,000 in state of massachusetts sales tax and annual excise tax of $70,000, he kept his yacht docked out of state

no idiot he

but in that same year, 2010 I think it was he issued a press release:

senator kerry touting "new tools" for the IRS "to detect, deter and discourage offshore tax abuses that currently allow companies and individuals avoid paying taxes." He said, "It repulsed me that while the average American plays by the rules and pays taxes, some of the biggest corporations avoid paying their fair share."

and now whitmer, like the self-assumed elite that she is, decrees orders that apply to others but not to her

and when caught, well it was just a joke
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Whitmer's approval rating in the state of Michigan as of 6 days ago for her handling of the coronavirus is 64%. Up 7% in a month.

Trump's approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus is 42%.
bambino's Avatar
Whitmer's approval rating in the state of Michigan as of 6 days ago for her handling of the coronavirus is 64%. Up 7% in a month.

Trump's approval rating for his handling of the coronavirus is 42%. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah, but Trump has his own plane and it’s always cleared for take off. So Speedy, I guess you approve of her husband dropping her name for special treatment? But her polls..........