Mississippi doing its best to make Bloomberg look good...

This is not an Onion article.


Mississippi is enacting a law that forbids local municipalities from limiting drink sizes and from requiring calorie counts to be listed.

It seems like a stupid thumb in the eye to NY Mayor Bloomberg.

I kind of agree that the city/state is wasting its time limiting drink sizes because people can buy two drinks instead. And if the restaurant has free re-fills it is even more pointless. And there is the fundamental freedom issue to boot.

But the calorie count part of the law is just a limitation on information being provided to customers.

It would be one thing if Mississippi wanted to implement a statewide standard for listing calorie counts. The law doesn't stop the state of Mississippi from requiring calorie counts from being listed on menus.

The law just stops cities and towns from doing it themselves. The fact that cities and towns would pass their own ordinances tells me that Mississippi doesn't have a statewide requirement. If it did, there would be no reasons for local governments to implement them.

So, this law is designed to stop calorie counts from being displayed at all.

Needless to say, the bill proponent owns a chain of barbeque joints.

Of course, the NY Daily News just HAD to mention - no less than twice - in the article that Mississippi is the most obese state in the nation. They even put in a picture of a fat woman's belly with a tape measure around it. Just in case you missed the point.