Should providers be allowed to post in co-ed?

Thanks to the same group of ladies, co-ed is not provider friendly. Well sorta. Have you noticed a shortage of real active female participation in co-ed lately? I was never really with the men who believe providers should just post ads and go on about their business, but wow, did those gents have a point?

Your thoughts.....
Absolutely we are a big part of this community too.

The whole flavor of the board seems to be dominated with ass-hats and ass-clowns lately, so I really pay very little attention to the drama. It would be a shame to lose the insight of the lovely ladies whose posts are enlightening and/or entertaining.

Speaking of ass-hats and ass-clowns, is it just me or have these fools been out in full force the last couple of weeks? (Both hobby land and real world.) I've had some real nut jobs show their true colors recently...
tsrv4me's Avatar
I"ll agree with Tara ......they are a BIG part of the Hobbiest Community .....Without the providers ......Well you get the point .I HOPE ...
Yes the meanies are out in full force, and its not just the men. Some of the ladies such as myself have took cover in the ladies room. I feel like if I post in co-ed, I need some of that pink Armour the Dannie had, maybe she will share some with me.
TinMan's Avatar
It comes in cycles. Once ASPD got big you saw the same thing happen. People will eventually exhaust themselves and something approaching peaceful coexistence will appear. Then it will all start up again.

You ought to go check out the west coast version of Eccie (, I believe). Talk about the long knives coming out! It makes us appear docile, even on our worst days.
steverino50's Avatar
It wouldn't be Co-Ed w/o the ladies!
As tinMan said, its a cycle. Hang in there ladies, it will get better for you. I may not agree with everything ladies post but I value the input
I agree with the ladies on this one . We will not be abused and treated badly while trying to participate in threads. Its kinda sad that these guys (that are doing it not all) think that its OK to treat the ladies as they have been. Those are the guys that get put on my no see list. If your going to be mean and just a plan ass i don't want to see you.
Hawkeye9's Avatar
It wouldn't be Co-Ed w/o the ladies! Originally Posted by steverino50

thats why we have MLR and they have Powder room.

too me I learn about the ladies that post in co-ed and generally may want to avoid or see them based off what I see. Good learning tool
daltxm4f's Avatar

The whole flavor of the board seems to be dominated with ass-hats and ass-clowns lately, so I really pay very little attention to the drama. It would be a shame to lose the insight of the lovely ladies whose posts are enlightening and/or entertaining.

Speaking of ass-hats and ass-clowns, is it just me or have these fools been out in full force the last couple of weeks? (Both hobby land and real world.) I've had some real nut jobs show their true colors recently... Originally Posted by Tony Patella

It comes in cycles. Once ASPD got big you saw the same thing happen. People will eventually exhaust themselves and something approaching peaceful coexistence will appear. Then it will all start up again.

You ought to go check out the west coast version of Eccie (, I believe). Talk about the long knives coming out! It makes us appear docile, even on our worst days. Originally Posted by TinMan
It's true all of this stuff goes in cycles. Just chill and relax and it will swing the other way to.
Most certainly-- That`s why it`s the Co-ed !!
There are Men's locker room and Provider specific forums too for privacy.
like tara us guys hang around here
Absolutely we are a big part of this community too. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
CenterLock's Avatar
First I offer to be your idiot text autoresponder, now I'm thinking about slapping heels and a feather boa around my avitar. Tara - well everyone - is right. Without providers in coed, coed would suck. Come on - allowing just us guys in public? With no supervision?

Seriously I wish more providers would post. I look at posts either before ads/reviews or between those and booking. Shows the attitude a lot better than anything else.
Yes, it wouldn't be the same without them. I like it when they express their true feelings too. I may not agree with or like their viewpoint, but it is good to hear their honest opinions. Sure, some guys are harsh, but some ladies also seem to feel that we shouldn't disagree with them because they are providers and the guys rank below them in social class within the community.