Verified Hobbyists?

kcpumper's Avatar
I brought up the topic in Monique's thread about reference hassles. Since providers are verified for our protection how about a similar designation for hobbyists? Could this work? Would providers accept it in lieu of a reference? I don't get to participate as much as I'd like and a girl I've seen may not remember me or worse, confuse me with a jerk!
Omahan's Avatar
Why reinvent the wheel. Join P411 if you need some forum to verify you. This has never been a big problem for me.
SFviii's Avatar
Other than P411, there's also RS2K and Date-check. P411 has more value coast-to-coast while RS2K is popular in the Chicago area and Date-check is on the west coast.

SF8 out
I have found P411 to be an easy verification that ladies accept.
How about a pinned thread in the Powder Room with screen Names of dreamers? More damning than reviews?
kcpumper's Avatar
Isn't eccie itself a reinvention of the wheel with all the other forums out there? I think eccie is the best though and where I spend my time. P411 charges $69/year. I'd rather add that to my fun fund rather than my overhead.
I love P411. It makes it so much easier. You don't have to call references and wait around for them to get back to you, if they ever do.
I've had gentlemen ask me if they can use their DL or a work reference. If you show up to an appointment, you can get arrested period. What good does the DL do me if I'm in cuffs? I don't trust work references either. Not trying to be argumentative, just letting you peek into my perspective.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
how about us long time eccie aspd transplants
kcpumper's Avatar
Do providers also get verified on P411? Why bother verifying them on eccie? Other than controlling who can place ads. I should quit whining. I was just trying to throw out a no cost alternative for one quick source of hobbyist verification. I suppose it would be an additional burden on the staff to maintain. I think they're doing a great job with this site. And Allie, I love your perspective, especially the camera perspective of your avatar shot. I think I've seen that at the Nelson with other masterpieces! I don't want to be argumentative either so I'll be quiet now.