Liz Warren for President: Protect Equal Rights!

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I am talking about equal rights for all and so is she. By the way, I ran for Vice President in high school; I know something about this. We must support all Americans, whether they are "born rich" or not. People, every citizen, desrves equal opportunity. I support equal opportunity for all; so does this woman who cares enough to make a difference; America was born to create "equal rights". . .so stand up for it.

I hope all Americans see how she wants to help you...whether you are rich or not. Democracy is a part of who we are. We must fight for equal rights now!

Please support Liz Warren. She is the next President of America! She is a leader of Equal Rights for all Americans. Thank you for listening.

I believe in "True Democracy" and "Equal Rights" for all.
I agree, she would make an excellent candidate and president, but we have come so far and so close with Hillary that we must stay with her. Still with Hill.
Bobave's Avatar
Posted in wrong forum - should be moved to Political Forum
Wakeup's Avatar
By the way, I ran for Vice President in high school; I know something about this. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

Drunk posting is SO awesome...
ICU 812's Avatar
I have been waiting for a liberal administration to come out in favor of legalizing The Hobby like it is in Europe . . .or even in Canada.

What is Warren's position on consenting adults exchanging money for sex in private?
Cpalmson's Avatar
We don't need a fucking communist bitch in the White House. Warren or Hillary would be horrible.

If you are looking for a candidate who has a "hands off" approach to what consenting adults do in their spare time, just look at Rand Paul.

Drunk posting is SO awesome... Originally Posted by Wakeup

Drunk posting: The OTHER DP
chicagoboy's Avatar

Drunk posting is SO awesome... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Mere drunckenness cannot account for the topics of HMD's many threads.
  • jwood
  • 12-20-2014, 08:15 AM
Liz Warren is out of touch with the people that are making a living for the rest of America. If you support her you are saying , yes I will give 1/2 of my rate EVERYTIME I see someone. Time for you to pull the cart.
bc7274's Avatar
She is a leader of Equal Rights for all Americans. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie

except gun owners.
Wrong forum. We're tired of your rants and political crap. Go away.
Skittlez's Avatar
Cpalmson <----------- what he said....
I'm sure she is a better choice then Hillary.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Is Elizabeth Warren from Planet Nibiru?
ICU 812's Avatar
The only question relevant to this forum is:

How will her administration positively affect the Hobby World? If she has a public position in favor of bringing America into the wider world regarding consensual sex in exchange for money, then I will consider voting for her. If she does not I would ask why not—and stay home on election day.

Same for Clinton.