F#¢K A Married Man, You Could Save His Life!

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Single men, unhappily married men may have higher risk of fatal stroke


Interesting reading for married hobbyists and the significance of having a great provider!

ECCIE is not about sex. ECCIE is about saving lives.

Cheers to all my great providers who keep my blood pressure down and my manhood up!
Guest100610-2's Avatar

I love saving lives every day!!!! hehe!
Tooly's Avatar
  • Tooly
  • 03-16-2010, 10:19 AM
Someone Please save my life. One of the ladies that is. LOL
LOL, my life needs saving too... Help an older, slimming down, kinky married guy out! PLEASE!!
I've always sought the care of Providers when it comes time to clearing out the congestion in Junior's head. He's always responsive and the talented skills of this city's Providers always end with a congestion free fella!
count me in, ill get on board and try to save all i can lol XOXO chelsea
I LOVE being a nurse! LOL!