Cell Phone outtage

  • Casey
  • 03-16-2010, 09:40 AM
So my personal phone wasn't working today, but my work cell was (both att). I went in and they said there was a big outtage and figured I'd warn just incase you haven't noticed this yet or haven't been affected. Now both of my phones are out and they said more could go out later.

Sweetheart... I hope this does, not continue very much longer.
I wonder, how many others, are effected...? I'm with spr!nt, so all of mine, are working.
Did they say, if it's the satellites, or what?
  • Casey
  • 03-16-2010, 09:50 AM
They said it was an att outtage. There were 4 other people in the store at 9am and my husband said at work there are more people talking about it. So it is a pretty big outtage. Just wanted to warn everyone because it's not all att, but alot and your phone could be working one min and the next not.

Thanks for letting me know...
so I can clear, Pay phone usage.
  • Casey
  • 03-16-2010, 10:29 AM
Looks like one phone is back
My iphone was being goofy this morning as well but the land line was working. I got voicemails but couldn't receive calls nor make them up until about 10:30-11:00. They both seem fine now. Whew!
Saturn's Avatar
my cell phone (ATT) was out this morning as well
Boltfan's Avatar
I can taker care of getting ya'll switched to Verizon hehe. I will even buy your iPhone for top dollar!
Gypsy's Avatar
  • Gypsy
  • 03-16-2010, 03:24 PM
Fox News reported that there was an AT&T outage until 11:30 this morning, but that it only affected iphones.
Sounds like a flock of geese took the system down!

"Oh my God...they killed AT&T!"

"You Bastards!!!"
gptxman's Avatar
Every time I hear about outages it is always ATT and to get an IPhone everyone is switching to ATT. I guess people are willing to have sorry service to get a phone they like. I am a Verizon user and will continue to be one just because their service is great.
  • Casey
  • 03-17-2010, 08:33 AM
Well you know Verizon will have the I Phone this year, LOL. The I Phone contract with ATT is up. I know T Mobile isn't saying if they will have it yet.

Now I don't have an I Phone and both of mine were out so it wasn't just I Phones. I have an LG and Motorolla.

  • Casey
  • 03-17-2010, 08:35 AM
Plus, the Andriod is the new, hip OS

Boltfan's Avatar
99.9% sure Verizon is NOT getting the iPhone this year.

Next year is a different story.
mikahranae's Avatar
I had an Iphone unlocked and use it with TMobile.