Nice job Massachusetts

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Looks like BHO's honeymoon is over.

"In an epic upset in liberal Massachusetts, Republican Scott Brown rode a wave of voter anger to win the U.S. Senate seat held by the late Edward M. Kennedy for nearly half a century, leaving President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul in doubt and marring the end of his first year in office."
More big-government on the way. Scott Brown supported government healthcare in Massachusetts.. now everyone expects him to vote against it at the federal level. All this does is set the precedent for more big-government Republicans to win elections around the nation. Eventually this will do even more damage to the GOP, just like the election of George W. Bush did.
About freaking time… now deal with the Obamazation of this country and their assault on our long established democracy and rule of laws.

Jr Fan 88's Avatar
About freaking time… now deal with the Obamazation of this country and their assault on our long established democracy and rule of laws.

Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
x2 Originally Posted by Jr Fan 88
Amazing, when I was on another board, everyone was crazy about Obama, Hillary and they democrats...and hated Ron Paul!
Of course, that was after George W. Bush was running roughshod over the Constitution and they wanted anyone from the Democrat side.
Amazing, when I was on another board, everyone was crazy about Obama, Hillary and they democrats...and hated Ron Paul! Originally Posted by Houston65
Personally, I liked Fred Thompson for President... but more importantly,

Victory in Massachusetts!!!

Of course, that was after George W. Bush was running roughshod over the Constitution and they wanted anyone from the Democrat side. Originally Posted by Houston65
But why would you go for a watered down version. Don't you think you should get the very best? The first of the morning, so to speak? All strong and tasty?
chicagoboy's Avatar
Amazing, when I was on another board, everyone was crazy about Obama, Hillary and they democrats...and hated Ron Paul! Originally Posted by Houston65
I see you're still sipping that special blend of tea, 65.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Obama's appearance sealed the deal for Brown.
Yay!!! I think he is good looking and I like is no bs attitude. I heard he did some nude photos, does anyone have a link??
The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of a STD ( sexually transmitted disease). It is called Gonorrhea Lectim and is pronounced (gonna re-elect 'em). Many victims contracted it in 2008 after being screwed for two years. Infectious disease specialists cannot understand why it is still rampant since the cure is simple, vote out all incumbents.
LexusLover's Avatar
Only 12 more months.