Married hobbyists- how do you fund your adventures on the sly?

In the age of electronic everything, I have to imagine it can be difficult to explain large cash withdrawals to your wife. What are some of the ways you go about your business without it being noticed?
Honky Kong's Avatar
I get cash back at the store, Etc. and save up slowly over weeks.
Sell more illegals, create more cash.
James1588's Avatar
In the age of electronic everything, I have to imagine it can be difficult to explain large cash withdrawals to your wife. What are some of the ways you go about your business without it being noticed? Originally Posted by TeraDFW
Explain to my wife? Surely you're joking. ("No, I'm not joking ... and stop calling me Shirley!")

Bank statements are electronic now, and are downloaded from their website. She'd never do that. That would interfere with her TV-watching. Reconciling the statement is my task.

The checkbook is a spreadsheet these days. She doesn't speak Excel, nor is she even faintly interested in learning. Icky-poo. Again, that's my job.

Opening the mail? Paying the bills? See above.

I hope I don't sound bitter or anything. But my reasons for participating in the demimonde, and the ease with which I do so, are really just two sides of the same coin.

It's a little depressing, now that I come to think of it.
Find an expensive hobby that requires cash. The one that works for me is shooting sports. Guns are typically in the 300 to 1200 dollar range. Buy a few.

Then go to a gun show or two.
Take the wife. Let her watch all the guys walking around with cash, buying and selling guns to and from the dealers and each other. Let her get used to you having a wad of cash around for guns and ammo. And then use it.

Sometimes I go out and get a new gun and bring it home.
Sometimes I go out and get laid.

She won't care what you do with your "hobby" money, as long as you are discrete and don't exceed your budget.

Also works with coin collecting, and other hobbies.

Good luck.
ICU 812's Avatar
I save my weekly "lunch money" allowance as cash. Two fives make a ten . . . five twenties make a Benjamin. The bigger bills spend less redily and fold up small in my billfold. When there is enough put away, the possibilities are endless . . .tjanks to ECCIE.
My wife usually dont notice a few hundred a week in withdrawls. I run a small construction company so on the rare occasion she asks i tell her i stopped by home depot and picked up a couple of cash laborers for the day to finish a job on time. The gun thing a few replies up also works well with me. Ammo is expensive you know.
It can be difficult. If I get cash out I will skim some off the top and put it to the side. If I or we go on a trip I take out way more cash than I need. Then, with spending at bars or restaurants etc I always have several hundred left over. Most of that I can put to the side.

Even with businesses etc she still sees all that stuff. If I do something for one business I will reimburse myself with cash vs a deposit or I have one with a business partner. I can take expense checks etc and cash she doesn't know about.

I try to find all kinds of ways. I'm just glad I have the ability to utilize different methods. I would have a really tough time if I worked for someone else and got the same paycheck each week.

The sugar baby is the costly part. LOL
I'm in a cash business so I have a bunch of cash. I make a point of paying everything in cash when she is around. I tell her the government like to keep track of what successful black guys like me do with our money, so I tell her I spend cash to make it harder. She understands the truth of that.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that has to get creative. I recently stumbled upon the cash back approach and that's been working great. Before, I was paying myself out of the funds of my small business, but that gets sketchy eventually. Buying "stuff" off Craigslist is my excuse for ATM withdrawals and having wads of cash around. I've also picked up a few side jobs that pay cash, so I don't have to pay taxes on the money AND I can use it to further some young lady's education. Ended up with a FWB from that side work in fact, but now she's engaged and the well has gone dry.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Explain to my wife? Surely you're joking. ("No, I'm not joking ... and stop calling me Shirley!")

Bank statements are electronic now, and are downloaded from their website. She'd never do that. That would interfere with her TV-watching. Reconciling the statement is my task.

The checkbook is a spreadsheet these days. She doesn't speak Excel, nor is she even faintly interested in learning. Icky-poo. Again, that's my job.

Opening the mail? Paying the bills? See above.

I hope I don't sound bitter or anything. But my reasons for participating in the demimonde, and the ease with which I do so, are really just two sides of the same coin.

It's a little depressing, now that I come to think of it. Originally Posted by James1588
He has almost perfectly described my situation with my wife and our finances. The OTHER way I manage it is... when we got married we set up HER account.. and MY account. HER account is for her to splurge and do what she wants. MY account pays the bills and what's left over I get to manage without having give an accounting.

So long as the bills are paid on time, she doesn't worry about what the bank balance is.
Helps to own a business or two.
bojulay's Avatar

My question is why do married guys ever post anything on this site,
where their SO could possibly link it back to their handle if they
ever happened to find it??

Like on this thread about the best way to cheat on your wife
with a prostitute
^^^^^^ What he said. None of this should be discussed on the open, public board where every suspicious SO can see it. This should be in the ML, at the very least.
I use the cash back and every once in a while I take her to a casino and we play the slots. She usually likes different games than I like. So it makes it easy to find a separate machine and then slow play the machine and cash it out. Then I claim I lost it.

works for me