Chummin for Chapel

TryWeakly's Avatar

Please include links to your favorite ShitstainChapel quotes:


- Ad hominem attacks welcome !
- Thread Hijacks welcome !
- Butthurt Tards Welcome !

Besos !

(Zulu time is 13:04:00, let's see how long it takes for the fart checker to check in)

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 02-25-2017, 06:17 AM
Less then 15 minutes ago you posted this to him. My niece does that when playing you can tickle her she will laugh run and say no. Then come back for more tickles. Shes 4. Yall are grown men, stop tickling each other.

You're welcome. Thanks Chula. Try not to stalk me today, okaaaaay?


Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
No worries Trey. The site owners will be notified of the multiple thread starting and clearly psycho / harassing / stalkish behavior this one is obsessed with.
LexusLover's Avatar
No worries Trey. The site owners will be notified of the multiple thread starting and clearly psycho / harassing / stalkish behavior this one is obsessed with. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
By "this one" I suppose you are referencing yourself!

That would be accurate to do so.
By "this one" I suppose you are referencing yourself!

That would be accurate to do so. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yep... some of "yall's" post are right after each other... is there something in DSM IV that pertains to "ya'll?"
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Less then 15 minutes ago you posted this to him. My niece does that when playing you can tickle her she will laugh run and say no. Then come back for more tickles. Shes 4. Yall are grown men, stop tickling each other. Originally Posted by Trey
I'm not too sure about that part.
TryWeakly's Avatar
No worries Trey. The site owners will be notified of the multiple thread starting and clearly psycho / harassing / stalkish behavior this one is obsessed with. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
This is by far the best one yet ^

Mommy, Johnny stole my cookie!
wow hooked in less than 20 minutes

No worries Trey. The site owners will be notified.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
not sure if you're the kettle or the pot....but you're sure one hypocritical mofo
Paris is Burning
  • pxmcc
  • 02-25-2017, 11:59 PM
Luv the rules Try W!

Ok ad hominem attacks okayed and thread hijacks okayed. Sounds like a fun thread. "Pistolero did not play well with others. He laughed at me after he banned me for the 4th straight time. I laugh at him as he is banned, "in perpetuity, and all his heirs, and assigns." Sucks for you...biatch!

If Spice deigns to point me and ban me for this rude post, it will have been...well worth it, imho. ha ha. If you're going down, make sure you do so with a big fat smile on your face! "Here's to you, Pistol Pete, aka Pointolero." ha ha.

Btw, tonite Carmelita popped my...Carmelita cherry, if that makes sense. I begged her to stay and help make H-town great again, for what it's worth. Review to cum, when I recover my strength. May be awhile...ijs.

Would that be an okay title for a review? "Carmelita popped my Carmelita Cherry. Please ask her to stay and help make H-town great again." Survey says: what say you, survey?

I would apologize for the ad hominem attacks and the attempt at a thread hijack, but rules say.....
TryWeakly's Avatar
Absolutely! Or maybe even Carmelita Machiatto ... good job.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-26-2017, 12:34 AM
I like! Hell Starbucks should offer one of those! They'd sell like hotcakes...

Maybe I can file a trademark, and then ransom it for an obscene amount of I can buy an island in the South Pacific, declare myself Sovereign, and then grant myself Sovereign Immunity, thereby shielding myself from all lawsuits. It's good to be king.
machiatto = stained

tff.....makes me thinck????......
TryWeakly's Avatar
This is not about me at all. It's about your silly tirade. You come across as educated but that post showed you're really not. You're not in the Obama's league period end of story; and especially morally. Michelle Obama would run circles around you dude.

See the Black Eagle Joe Madison on Sirius talks about people like you. I forget the term for it but there's a term for when the most anti-intellectual often times the poorest white men amongst us actually believe they're better than the smartest and brightest black men amongst us.

You need to check yourself it's not about me at all. I have no issues calling you and anyone else out on your subtle / masked/ thinly veiled racism that likes to rear it's ugly head every so often. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Awesome sauce... and before she asks....I needed something to read while taking a shit... so therein lies the association.

TryWeakly's Avatar
  • The lining of the ass is delicate and can be damaged easily so relax your ass and use lots of lube. Lube reduces friction, which reduces the number of micro-tears in your ass. Tears give an entryway to the blood stream. Also bare-backing after fisting or rough toy-play increases risk.

  • Don't cum in the pussy or ass. You significantly reduce risk if you pull out before cumming. Don't allow that fusion or chemical reaction of simultaneous 'cumming together' by both you. It's extremely risky.

  • Ass fucking is more riskier and dangerous than pussy fucking. If you're a gay guy you might choose to fuck rather than get fucked.

  • The longer and harder the fuck, the bigger the risk.

  • Don't use any toys that will significantly dilate blood vessels in your ass, increasing blood exposure while you fuck.

  • Don't douche right before or right after.

  • Don't sit back and admire your handy work after you're done. Get up and clean off immediately w / soap & water. You can come back later and lay with your lover and be amazed at the great sex you just had. Many people catch stuff when they sit there proud of what they've done allowing infection to set in from the dried up pimp juice.

Now these are only risk reduction measures should you choose to BB and are applicable in the RW as well.

Now happy risky bare-backing Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Spoken like a true bottom beeyyyitch...

(Tip:for next time, put two line feeds between your list elements and you can read it better. You kinda lost the impact of having a list without some separation there, G)